
Her aloof vampire

Neyma_Mdala_8293 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Chapter 4

hazels (p.o.v)

In his slumber

A boy was removing weeds in the garden, due to his hearing capability, he could hear alot of gossips in the surrounding , in the middle of hearing people's gossips something caught his attention

"Stop staring at the boy"

he heard a man saying it , the voice was coming from behind him, he didn't turn to avoid raising suspicion

" Am not staring at the boy, just the flowers"

"Mmmmmh!! Should I send the boy away"

after saying that, he heard a whisper

" You should look at the flowers properly"

"You dare" the man laughed loudly

The boy gave an evil smile 'Seems I must have accumulated many good deeds in my past life'


" I want you and me to be like mama and Papa when we grow" the girl said,

the boy smiled wickedly ' now i got the fish in my net' his face changed and gave off an innocent face to the girl

" how can I marry you, marrying a vampire it's such a big responsibility, your still young," he told her while carelessing her hair,

she rolled her eyes snorted and changed her position to the other side

" Alright I'll marry you when you become this big" the girls mood brightened, she picked the boys hand and started drugging him out

" Mama!! Papa!! Am going to marry him"

"No!! You know he...."

"I don't care" her small hands tightened on the grip, as if she was afraid someone would steal him away from her

The girl drugged him out again, they walked down the hallway untill the reached in a certain room, the girl opened the door and went inside

"Tanlol please don't do this" in atempt to stop her, the girl quickly cut her hand

The boy reached out to his chest, he clutched gasping the pain that closed in his heart the smell was just driving him crazy,

Noticing the resistance the girl walked afew steps toward him, the boys eyes started turning red

in minutes The boy run to the girl and started sucking the wound, that she cut himself with the knife in his left hand

The door was opened, noticing the sudden appearance of the elders the boy realized what was happening

He stopped and stood there, with an embarrassed explession, his mouth and clothes were covered in blood

" Mother!! How can you disturb such an important moment" she was fuming in anger

Her parents looked at the knife in there daughters hand and the embarrassed explession of the boy

Tanlol in anger went out and closed the door with a loud bang!!

" Am sorry I couldn't control myself"