
Help I’m the captain of the dreadnought

How would you feel if you were transported to your favorite game? This is what happened to Fritz. Him and Millions of other players are transported in the popular mmorpg Into the unknown, a open world in space, Fritz has been grinding for years and has achieved the most powerful ship in the game, the dreadnaught. Read as he summons many women, for either guidance or for pleasure. Will he lead his ship towards riches or will he be floating in space for all eternity? The book will be going through a re-write so please don’t jump to conclusions

Nether_Ark · Sci-fi
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29 Chs

The end of the first event

As Mai, Olivia, Linda, and me make our way to the bridge we see Arvil running towards us with a excited look on his face.

"Arvil, what's up?" Arvil slid in front of me and was jumping up and down like a child that wants to show something to his parents. "Captain you need to see this quickly quickly!!"

"Alright, alright we'll follow you so relax." Arvel took a deep breath and we started to follow him. I asked Mai to let me ride one of her robotic arms and she complied. Linda started to scold me again saying that I shouldn't be lazy and walk by myself.

After a few minutes we arrived at the engineering department, there are many dwarves running around with tools, others are huddled around a console working on something and in the middle of the room is a object covered by a cloth. 'Wonder what's under there, could that be the reason why Arvil called me?' Arvel then started to shout some orders to the dwarves saying to get ready with the project.

Soon all the dwarves started to run around making some adjustments to the object, I was excited to see what is under there but I had to be patient, one cant ruin a surprise that your companions made.

After a few minutes all the dwarves made there way to the sides and have a smile on there faces. Arvil then made his way in front of the object and then turned towards us.

"Capn thanks to Mai's research on nanobots we were able to create this." He grabs the cloth and pulls it, and under it is a suit entirely black (A/n sorry but describing cloths aint my thing so heres an Image)

The suit had some movement in random parts, soon Arvil opened his mouth to speak.

"This suit is designed to withstand the pressure in space and it can remodel itself to satisfy the users needs. Would you like to where it capn?"

"Sure it seems that it will be fun." I couldn't contain my excitement and started to approach the suit. I extended my hand towards the suit, as I was a few centimeters away the suite suddenly jumped on my hand and soon the rest followed wrapping around my body. After a few seconds the suit finally stopped and was wrapped around me. I moved my arms and jumped in place to feel the suit, it was light and very flexible when I had the thought to grab the sword, the nano bots moved the sword at lightning speeds with precision not causing any damage surrounding me.

"I'll admit the suite is good and the sword is great but it would be better if it could be a rif-" Before I finished my sentence, the sword vibrated and started to transform into a sniper. My jaw dropped and Mai was giggling with happiness.

"The sword can transform into any weapon you wish and it will only be used by you, if anyone tried to take the suit will activate a defense protocol and kill the taker."

"Not bad Arvil, you impressed me so take the rest of the day off. I'll call you if I need another project." The dwarves shouted in happiness and all of them pulled out some booze and started to drink. I chuckled at there antics and left towards the bridge.


"Linda report on the situation?" I turned to Linda who's is in front of the console handling the ships maintenance with one of the beast men, the two of them are receiving communications from the pilots and are sending orders to them so their wont be any casualties from our side.

"Captain everything is fine, but there is one ship that has not engaged combat with us and has asked to speak with you." I lift my eyebrow with curiosity and decided to see who wanted to speak to me, so I sat on the captain's chair and summoned a screen and made a video call to the neutral ship.

After a few minutes the vide is now active and what I see makes me stiffen and frown with hatred. The person who I see is the basterd that made my life hell, Apollo. He has long hair that is standing up.

"Heyyyy Fritz..." I don't respond and just continue to stare at him with anger. He fake coughs so that he can ease some of the tension and starts to speak again.

"Sooo I know that I mayy have treated you like garbage, but we can make bye gone be bye gone right?" I then stared at him for a few seconds, then laughed. I laughed so hard that I fell off the chair and started to roll on the floor clutching my stomach.

Apollo just nervously chuckled while sweating, I then stood and sighed, I stood up and went to sit on the chair and looked at Apollo with a menacing glare.

"Do you honestly think that I would just forgive you on everything you have done to me, all the humiliation, the pain and suffering, you even went after my ex." Apollo paled at all the things I've mentioned while Olivia, Linda, even Mai glared at him with killing intent. Mai then approached me and whispered in my ear.

"I think you deserve to fire the BFG, so do us a favor and kill him already, I'm to wet and I need you to satisfy me." I nodded my head and brought up another screen with the BFG, I then tapped the screen. Apollos face then turned white as a sheet, he ordered his crew to try to flee. But it was to late, the last thing he was doing was having the look of regret.

The beam destroyed the ship, and a screen appeared with Wu.

"Hello everyone, I wanted to tell you that the first event is now over, and my oh my it's obvious who won so why don't we skip the formalities and announce the winner. Congratulation fritz you received 1,000,000,000,000 Scrap metal and 1,000,000 Electric components, you'll also be receiving a bonus prize for having more than 90% of health."