262 She Is Mrs. Si!

Penerjemah: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Zhang Chaowen picked up his pace, hurrying forward. "Mr. Si, please wait for a moment, wait a moment…"

As he shouted, he found himself in front of Si Zhengting. He was so anxious that he did not notice anything else. He was only thinking about keeping his job as he pleaded, "Mr. Si, I beg of you…"

Si Zhengting fretfully carried Zhuang Nainai. He wished desperately that he could reach the hospital in the next second. His path was suddenly blocked off by someone. In his desperation, he did not spare a glance at the person and ended up kicking Zhang Chaowen squarely in the torso. Zhang Chaowen staggered a few steps from the violent kick and ended up falling to the ground. When he managed to raise his head, he saw that Si Zhengting had already rushed to the bodyguards' vehicle by the side, carrying a woman as he entered. The vehicle started up quickly and sped off, only leaving a plume of smoke!


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