
A Peek Into Darkness

"Make sure you don't miss today's service." Jeanette spoke as she hurriedly went for the door. She was prepared for church. It was a sunny Sunday morning.

She was dressed in a red blouse and a black skirt. Her black beret complemented her neatly matted French plait.

She was in a rush not to miss the early morning mass. Her husband, Steve had left that morning. He was in a reputable echelon in the church as an exorcist and his wife was his accomplice in his doings.

They brought up their only child, Simon in the path of light and God's word. He was also training as an exorcist, though he had never conducted exorcism.

Sundays were exceptionally awesome for Simon. He wouldn't afford to miss a Sunday service.

"Sure Mom. 8am." Simon said grabbing the bottle of milk from the refrigerator.

Simon, a 17 year old boy. Tall and Hunky. He had a well defined masculine face - His moon bright silver eyes made him look extremely out of explanation - it gave him an inexplicable beauty with thick ash brows. His silky silver hair looked like it was swept back from his face and combed by his fingers like a rough silver waterfall exposing his fine face.

He was beauty in an inexplicable manner. He had a lively looking face. He wore a pair of black spectacles. He had an eye defect - Myopia.

"Oh! Before I forget, Jessica's sick. Her mum called this morning saying Jessica's got a fever. I don't think she'd be in church today... you know, I'm worried about her." She looks down to the watch on her wrist.

"Oh my! It's getting late. Bye Hun'." She left the house.

Jessica's Simon's best friend. He had known her all his memories. She was like a sibling he never had. He doesn't remember meeting her, she's been there since he could remember.

They were same age but he was older than her by few months and taller. He felt sympathy on hearing Jessica's sick.

"I will see her. Make sure to text me when Fr. Nicholas takes the sermon."

Fr. Nicholas was among the church's preachers. Simon loved his preachings so well which is because he always spoke of the world beyond.

Fr. Nicholas was vast in knowledge and in wisdom - so experienced in things of the supernatural. He had Simon take books from his large study - books of different religions and many teachings.

Simon rushed his cereal and quickly went upstairs to take his shower.


He arrived at Jessica's family house which was not up to five minutes away from his house. He hurriedly opened the door that led to their hall way.

Mr and Mrs Lyon were in the living room having a discussion. He didn't bother going into the living room.

"Good morning Lyons." They were startled by the barging but kept their cool on seeing it was Simon. He didn't stop in his track to see their facial expressions his mind was at affixed pursuant thereto check up on Jessica. He got to Jessica's door. He reached his hand for the door knob. He stopped in his movement, flashes of him seeing an undressed Jessica flew through his head, he wasn't ready for sight which got him retracting his hand and knocking.

"Come in." A frail voice called out behind the door. He gently pushed the door open. His head peek in through the door.

"Hey Jessica!" He said with a tender voice as he gently closed the door behind him trying not to disturb her. Shocking to see that Jessica was looking okay. She wasn't looking like someone who was ever sick.

She was on the bed with a pillow on her laps and her phone on the hands. She gave a cheerful smile on seeing Simon.

"Simon you came." Her frail voice sounded healthy and strong. She dropped her phone on the nightstand at the right side of her bed. He was still lost in ponder.

"Mom said you weren't well..." His voice still soft and mellow. He came by her bed, pulled off some part of the blanket so he could sit on the bed.

"I'm okay now, the fever's gone. I'd be joining you to church..." She chortled as she walked into her bathroom.

"...a minute please. I'd be quick." She slams the door. She took a jar of scented bathing oil and added it into her blue ceramic bathtub which was already filled with warm water. She pulled of her lingerie and stepped into the bathtub filled with warm water.

Simon was still amused on how she got well so quickly. He didn't want to bother himself about that - it was surprising though. He dip his hands into his pocket and brought out his phone. He was on his phone for a while and was slightly loosing his patience.

"Are you sleeping in there?" He asked. His face still focused on his phone.

"Just a sec." She giggled from the bathroom. He sighed.

He was getting bored on his phone. He lay down on the bed resting his head on the pillow, his right arm was just beneath the pillow. He lay facing the ceiling. He closed his eyes and next minute he was asleep.

Jessica took her time in the bathroom though she apologised. He complained of lateness - though it was so late - few minutes to eight. The church was not near their house.

She dressed in a flower printed green blouse and black pair of pants. She added some make-up to her face and a vibrant red lip stain and lip gloss too. Her hairdo made her face look rounder and softer. She looked exquisite. She wore a pair of green shoes that matched with her emerald green eyes.

Simon was already at the door waiting for her. "Just as beautiful as always." He complimented her. She chuckled, grabbed her purse from the wardrobe and joined him out. They got downstairs to meet her parents still discussing. Her father just noticed their presence. He stopped talking and turned to see Simon and his daughter standing at the hall way both looking at them. He smiled at his daughter and her friend.

She blushed as she tucks few strands of hair behind her ear. Her mum stood from her where she sat.

"You sure you can go?" Her mother asked with a visible worried look as she walked up to Jessica to feel her body temp.

"Don't worry Honey. She's better now and besides, she's headed to the church. She shouldn't be restricted. Don't be a worrywart now." Her father spoke with a convincing tone. He had already gotten up from where he sat. He placed his strong hands on his wife's shoulders in confidence.

"You heard Dad, Mom? I'm okay now. See ya!" She left the door with Simon. She didn't want any questions or interrogations - Her mum was good at that.

Simon and Jessica were on their bicycles down the road having a good time chat. Simon was observing Jessica to make sure she was okay - though it was obvious she was fine.

"Have you ever witnessed any exorcism or excorcised anyone?" She asked with a sly tone. She sure wanted to make fun of him.

"No I haven't. I over heard Mum and Dad saying something of that nature sometime ago... like they'd be visiting an Orphanage by weekend? I may ask to join but I don't know the full Intel on what and who it is." Frowns were meandering to and fro his forehead - It was from unhappiness, he wanted to remember more about the discussion between his parents he vividly heard all they said, now he can't remember.

He was sure he heard it all.

Jessica let out a sarcastic laughter. She mocked his funny frowns

"Scaredy cat." She thought the frowns were because he was scared of excorcism. She has gotten his attention due to her laughter.

Simon heaved a sigh

"I can't really remember all they said that's..."

He made a sharp pause on his statement.

"Race ya!" Jessica giggled as she took off on her bike. She loved racing with Simon. Simon tried keeping up with her speed but he felt inauspicious about this race. It was unusual for him - the feeling was so dire.

What'd be making him feel this way? He couldn't decipher what it was. The more he tried understanding, the more confusing it was for him. He felt this uneasy cold wind associating the suffocating atmosphere. This sent chills down his spine.

"I think you should stop the race Jessica." He called out for Jessica. But she only laughed and increased her pedaling. Simon could perceive it so much - danger was near, lurking around somewhere waiting for the perfect time to strike. And Jessica wasn't listening.

In the next split second, a big truck full of timber was coming with an unimaginable amount of speed. It was just coming from behind them.

Simon was able to shift from its hit. He looked forward and observed that Jessica wasn't aware of the fast moving truck load of timber.

It happened so fast he couldn't keep his eyes focused on either Jessica or the truck. The impact from the accident sent him flying off his bicycle, falling on the tarred road. The fast moving truck of timber had collided with Jessica. It had hit her from behind. It sent her flying.

Frozen, He was lying helpless on the floor. It took him some while before he could regain strength to crawl up. His glasses were few meters away from his reach.His vision was blurry. All he could hear were whirring in his ears. His heart beat had increased by many beats per seconds. He was bleeding from the side of his head - his temporal. All he could think about was Jessica. He squints his eyes to see the location of his glasses. He crawled, reaching for it. He found the glasses after few crawls. He puts it on. The broken lens scattered his vision. His vision took another dimensions - objects appeared multiple due to the broken lens. It caused him to strain his eyes hard to find Jessica's body drowned in a pool of blood. It was her blood - came from all part of her body.

Jessica lay helplessly on the road, soaked in her own blood. Her bicycle was nowhere to be found around that scene. He rushed to where she lay and engulfed her into his strong arm. Shock was visible on his face. Tears trickled down his cheek effortlessly. His voice was nowhere to be found nor heard. He began shaking Jessica vigorously. His brain was a mush, he didn't know what to resort to shaking her - to shake her out of unconsciousness. She wasn't waking.

He tried to wail but He couldn't. He tried calling her name but he couldn't. He searched his voice but he couldn't find. He forced himself to call her name. Her name escaped his mouth with a whimper. His voice hit back letting out a sonorous scream. He was choked by his scream. Tears didn't stop running down his eyes. He grabbed Jessica's face nearer, bending his face towards hers and screaming her name. While his face was nearer Jessica's, a drop of tears ran down his cheek and dropped on Jessica's bloodied face.

"Where are you going, Jessica?" He moaned. He was choked up with bitterness. Jessica wasn't responding to all the screams and shakes.

"No! This can't be happening!" He screamed at the top of his voice. He was trembling in fear of loosing her. He was covered in hot sweat. He cursed and cursed. He cursed himself for letting her join him. He cursed himself for being so careless. He wished he had been able to stop her from joining him. He wished he could turn back the hands of time and saved her early. That strange feeling earlier - he wished he had understood that it was a warning - It was too late. She was dead. She wasn't breathing. Her pulse were down. Her eyes were lost. She was becoming heavy. He had lost his only friend and best friend due to ignorance. He couldn't stop blaming himself.

This feeling didn't sit well with him. He was still crying and pondering on her death when she chest began to burn up. The heat got his attention. He pulled off his glasses and wiped his eyes. His eye circled in shock and surprise. What he saw was unnatural and he and never seen such before. She was gradually disintegrating to ashes.

Her leg had long disintegrated to ash and joined the direction of the cold dire wind. Shock painted Simon's face. He didn't understand what was happening this time. His tear involuntarily stopped. It was so unnatural for a dead person to burn up and disintegrate into ash just on fresh death without any medium of being lit by fire. He was shocked at same time not letting go of his tight grip on her. He tightened his grip on her. This time his scream was more deafening. His silver eyes turned dead ash. His eyes were swollen from all the cry. His heart felt like it was going to burst out of his chest. The disintegration was coming up to her stomach. He couldn't keep himself from shaking. He was struggling her up to his chest. He couldn't believe that his only friend would die and disintegrate. He wasn't going to get a chance to tell her a proper goodbye. His heart ached so bad, he felt like the ground could open and swallow him.

"No! No! Nooo! This can't be happening!!!" His voice had become hoarse from the excessive amount of screaming.

"Somebody Help! Help! Help me!" He yelled crying. He turned his head in all directions to see if anyone was coming to their rescue. His face fell on her face. He wailed calling her name. The disintegration didn't stop. It took all her body, now it was coming to her arm. He held unto her face tightly. He kept the facial contact. He wished his tight grip would at least cause a change in this occurrence sparing her face.

"Help me somebody..." His voice was cut short by a shriek.

"Jessica please don't leave me..." He cried bitterly. His tears fell on his hands.

She was gone. Finally joined the dire wind. His eyes followed the some amount of ash that was visible until it wasn't visible anymore. He cried silently sitting on the floor soaked in both his sweat and her blood. He tucked his face into his legs. His body was trembling in fear. He wrung his hands tightly round legs screaming face down. He was terrified by what had just happened. Trembling in fear.

"No! Noo!! Nooo!!! Noooo!!!!"

"Simon! Simon wake up!" Worry consumed Jessica's face. She was pushing Simon's body vigorously. He was sleeping and sweating profusely.

This is My first piece, I’d be dropping more chapters soon. Enjoy this chapter and it’s thrilling suspense. xxxxx

Princewill_Ibekakucreators' thoughts
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