
hell's scent

typical reincarnation story of a young man into jujutsu kaisen world with Chainsaw man powers, Makima’s, will he survive through the twisted plots made by gege ? I don't own those manga they belong to two mentally unstable authors who find fun in traumatising their fans.(fujimoto and Gege)

Ps_Zaki · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
28 Chs

chapter 5 : Adatchi mission ends

Slayyy Quinxi in last chapter

I just realised I made a version of Kenjaku in the last chapter , anyway I'll give my mc plot armor just like sukuna's

Enjoy !



As if it was an instinct, I pointed my index finger at the metastoma in a gun shape-like sign


The scorpion tail was blown nd dispatched from its body , the face of that sorcerer was priceless as he widened his eyes in shock nd fear , that's what I wanted , fear of losing control made so alive , so refreshed , so aroused, a smirk played on the corner of my mouth , i continued pointing at different part of the spirit body.


Its side was blown


Destroyed his left pincer (au,note :those arms 🦂)


his right one

Well the sorcerer couldn't just only watch , so he started summoning more curses , honestly I couldn't care less , now I was feeling unstoppable. He summoned three spirits : fly , lizard and an ugly one I couldn't tell what was it , clearly I can not defeat him in his domain so I thought of way to escape.

A halo of blood floated above my head , the wacko looked flustered and stressed

[Usage : 1000 years]

As the halo went up and expanded , creature's like burnt humans appeared on every polar of the portal, they let out screams that gave shivers down the curse user's spine, the spear killed all the special grade curses with light speed , the man looked horrified as hell, I only got some nosebleed.

"Hell devil , take me from here "

The domain shattered as a big hand coming from a door in the sky , destroyed the domain from the outside then disappeared.

the man seemed so angry and exhausted, well that was to my benefit

[Blood edge : blood spear]

As I picked it up and lunged at the sorcerer, he tried to dodge and run away , but he was so tired , I managed to land a hit at his shoulder, he bled then summoned some small curses that attacked me , I just cut them in half easily , then looked at the injured man in front of me , who was about to pass out.

"Who are you?"He didn't say a word.

"Tell me who are you , that's an order"He looked dazed a bit then replied.

" musashi geto"

That caught me off guard , so there is another curse manipulator other than suguru , they're from the same clan anyway.

"What were you doing here"

"I was searching for sukuna's finger"

"Why" my curiosity peeked

"'Cause I was told to" he responded

"By who"

"Anonymous, he offered nice amount of money if a found one"

"Why would u think u would find one in high school? "

He was silent like he didn't have an answer , at that moment I knew this mf lacked intelligence so bad. I wielded my spear , chopping his head off then walked back to toge, he was still unconscious because of the poison, I figured that out since there is no other explanation of why he kept unconscious all this time sleeping like princess when my butt was getting beaten. I grabbed him like a sac of trash then teleported by controlling rats in jj tech , making then gather in portal human shape , from which I displaced , I took him to shoko's office then informed the instructor about what happened.

As I laid down on my bed, every time I experience strong emotions like stress from the fight earlier, I come to eventually unleash some new cursed techniques, I don't plan on stressing myself out to unlock more, I'll try to search through my mind, after all that's what I'm good at, every technique I used I did it instinctively, it only means that with some mental training I could unlock more nd become the next fraud, yeah I don't plan to steal the ^strongest^ or the ^honored one^ I just wanna be like fraudkuna.


i headed towards the training ground like usual, this time i was eager to figure out some ways to unleash more abilities, I only know two things : it all depends on my instinct and i can play with minds , so I guess I can play with mine.

As I sat on the grass , while the trio was chatting, Toge recovered quickly due to shoko's help, Maki didn't like the fact that she doesn't get to kick my ass today since I told them I'll work on my techniques. I remember very well both manga since they were equally traumatising, so I know the skills that I'm unable to unlock like summoning the hybrids , it will be fucking cool if I had QUEEN QUINXI by my side , plus elements are powerful in jjk world so the flamethrower hybrid is a huge bonus .

I tried focusing, meditation and everything but all it seems useless, I looked like an idiot standing up , doing signs nd spewing nonsense, I could feel their stares on me, couldn't blame them.

So instead I tried doing the same thing whenever I summon Guillotine or other spirits , I focused my mind on the entity then called it out , it was easy for weakling like Guillotine but hard for those like mantis, it drained a bit of cursed energy but I got used to it , I can summon strong ones and still manage to minimise the amount of cursed energy in the process.

I tried summoning hybrids but no response for like 2h, then shifted toother ones like zombie, after several failed attempts I decided to change the flow of my cursed energy to see if it make difference, I wasn't expecting it to work actually, I was surprised and hyped upon seeing the zombie devil (curse) before me, he was a lil different than the manga, he had a enormous amount of cursed energy and it was accompanied with a party of zombie humans, thank god no one was around since it got dark after all the attempts, I looked at him and commended him to do different things like stop moving, attacking a tree and both main bigass zombie nd the other little zombies obeyed like royal servants , though they were clearly fragile af but a lil distraction will always help.

I was able to dismiss the zombie but the little ones did not disappear so I had to kill them and they didn't resist so it was easy, I tried to see if I could use its ability without summoning it, but that meant turning a human into one and this was something untestable if that was a word , but I knew I could since I felt my cursed energy rise and a figure of zombie floated behind me while a chain connects between my waist and its head , the figure was untouchable aka illusion, it appeared whenever I overuse the power of the entity I took control over , I can make it disappear also, it was a day full of achievements.

When I arrived at my dorm a received a message from my parents saying that wanted me to visit them at weekend, that was something new, they sent me from time to time money and ask about my well being, that was nice yet I couldn't hold why they treated me kinda coldly when I first reincarnated, was I being sensitive? Dunno really but it warmed my heart a bit , the memories I possess from this body aren't that much when it comes to childhood, but from time to time a memory pop in my head, sometimes good sometimes bad sometimes blurry you name it, sent the a yes then went to bed.

The next day on my way to my parents house I bought some gifts for them to break the ice, as I opened the door with my keys my brother was the first to welcome me though he was clearly uninterested, he kept a warm smile and I would not mind it, I went up to my mother and she hugged saying she missed me, that caught me off guard, her hug was warm and cozy it reminded me of the days of my ex life, I quickly brushed off the thoughts, this is my new life and these are my parents now wether I like it or not, I hugged her back tightly , she was so sweet it was clearly that she did in fact miss me which made my heart melt, I couldn't stop grinning as she showered me with her love and attention, my brother acted jealous but I could see a smile tugged on the corner of his mouth,We had dinner together, my father wasn't that cold nd he asked a lot of questions.

"So did u learn any new techniques"

"Yes ..." as I munched the food like I haven't eaten in days, who blames me I'm a bad cook.

"Would u mind telling us "

"*humed* I learned how to use blood edge to make weapons other than some weak dagger"

"so u have blood manipulation? "

"Duh aren't I kamo"

*Yes , but usually only direct blood line inherit the technique yet there is two of u now"

Yup, there were some student from the other school who had blood manipulation, he was the heir of kamo clan.

"Don't let them know u have it , okay son , don't have eyes on position in kamo clan, I already gave permission to get into jj world but nothing more"

I gave him a reassuring smile then said " Cmon , me a head Of A ClAn LiKE kAMO " said sarcastically,

he kept a cold facade but it was clear as hell that he was worried, i couldn't help but feel warm, for the past few days i was depressed about losing my ex family forgetting that i got a new one , maybe this reincarnation wasn't so bad after all , I felt love that longed for a long time , it gave me hope within the sadness like fire to the rain (au,note: hehe told ya I'm a fake author, shout out to adel)

I had fun messing with my brother and getting scolded by my father, but every good thing come to an end , the atmosphere changed when my brother said brought up his intention of joining art school, typical plot of a son who wants something that oppose what the father wants , he wants to get enrolled in some quantum physics program, tbh I was bit surprised to discover that my brother was an artist but I said out loud that I support him , he seemed confused nd skeptical but I couldn't care less , I wouldn't mind some drama after all .

After a while, I got bored from the constant arguing of them so I left to my dorm , my mother asked to me stay the night but I refused respectfully, I had training, I can't be weak given the enemies I'll encounter when the plot progress.

I didn't have nightmares that night , I slept like a baby, the next morning I asked the blindfolded idiot to teach me everything about domains.

" hi~~ gojo sensei~~"

He smirked "someone in a good mood or want something" He scoffs

"Can u teach me everything about domains "

He raised his eyebrow " domain while u can't do RCT , u kidding me"

"Bruhh , just teach me , RCT is piece of cake "

He grinned "yeah , show me then "

I nervously made a small cut on my hand then focused my ass off to use RCT, the small wound took ages to heal, but healed eventually, all he said was

"Too slow , need more progress an-" I cut him off

"U said nothing about progress just teach me already" I pleaded

He sighed " okay , but first u should learn to use curtain "

"That one is easy I can do it" He gave a ^you fr^ look

"Emerge from the darkness, blacker than darkness. Purify that which is impure" with that a curtain was formed , satoru seemed amused and bit surprised

"How did u learn it" He asked curiously

"Umm ..from our spare duh it's just some spell nd cursed energy use" I said

confidently, he seemed even more enthusiastic.

"Impressive ~~what a faster learner you are" said the silly man then added

"Domain Expansion is the most supreme technique of any jujutsu user. It is achieved by expanding one's innate domain with cursed energy while using a barrier to construct it inside a separate space. " I nodded then he added

"The caster then imbues their cursed technique within the barrier to complete the expansion, allowing them to deploy their ability all throughout the domain. That's all you should know so far , for now you should get access to your innate domain."finished his explanation with a silly face.

Now I had to see how my innate domain looked like so I have to go through another mental soul training before having a domain, I really just wanna go home badly but domains are powerful technique, and I wonder what mine does.

When I asked him about the hand sign I should make , he answered that it'll come instinctively, many things depends on instinct then , it was so tiring the process of trying to get to my innate domain , satoru left eventually but I kept trying , all I could see was pure darkness nd myself in spotlight as it flowed every step , this wasn't my domain, it should be more.

After hours , I called it a day then went to my classmates.

"Hi everyone " I greeted.

"Aki no time no see"panda greeted back

"Rice" Toge said

"You Skiped today's training, what's going on with ya ?" The zenin Maki asked

"Sorry maki , I was training on domain with gojo" I explained

They all looked surprised upon hearing that , especially monkey"Wow you're getting stronger each passing day , I'm jealous " panda said.

"So any progress? " Maki asked.

"Nah that shit is hard" I complained.

We chated a bit then Maki informed."This year won't be Kyoto Sister-School Goodwill Event , it got cancelled so we will wait for next year"

Well that was something , I was actually excited to attend the event ,to test my limits and meet other sorcerers , it'd be quite fun to show off nd kick their ass's after all I had to show them who the strongest and gorgeous of course, I liked when they keep staring at my eyes mesmerised, it made me feel special, speaking of eyes satoru approached us walking like a drunk man.

*hello everyone ~~here you're favourite teacher comes" in a silly tone

Maki annoyed as ever shot " what are u on idiot"

"Maki don't be like that , I know you like me ~"

"Shut up"

"Why are you here gojo sensei ?" Panda asked.

"Ehh~~ yall don't want me around or what *fake hurt tone* I'm here actually to have talk with you aki" He said , his tone shifted to bit seriousness.

"Me ? Ok"

As we parted away , he immediately asked "so do feel you can tell me now, you know about having contract with angel" tried to maintain a calm reassuring tone.

I smiled "Yes I can.."

He kept waiting for response , when none came out of my mouth he went

"Soo ? You gonna talk or what ?"

I stood up from the bench, looked at the sky trying to pull some mc moves then said.

"Words can have different interpretations.

What one says isn't the whole truth.

It's a human weakness.

They test others to confirm their own existence.

It's a contradiction"

I kept my smile then added "more time satoru, I promised remember "

He smiled back.

There's no way I can tell him.....


End of chapter

Next chapter will have time skip , some off screen development nd the main plot will start .