
hell's scent

typical reincarnation story of a young man into jujutsu kaisen world with Chainsaw man powers, Makima’s, will he survive through the twisted plots made by gege ? I don't own those manga they belong to two mentally unstable authors who find fun in traumatising their fans.(fujimoto and Gege)

Ps_Zaki · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
28 Chs

Chapter 21 : Country mouse

I have test and I'm now writing this chapter instead of studying meth, Such a sacrifice it's not like I'm doing it on purpose to not study or something.

Anyway the last csm chapter wasn't in a sushi restaurant, I'm disappointed

Bridgetoheaven u just named this chapter.

Enjoy !


~~ Long Long Time Ago I Had My Own Little Show ~~

~~ It Was Beautiful, Lovable, Angel ~~

Ru, humming the song in a peaceful tone, walking down the street wearing casual clothes, heading towards a caffe in Shibuya, the place she is supposed to meet Kenjaku at, a pain in the ass who wouldn't stop bothering her until she tells him her decision, about joining him against Aki.

She hated the man, for being a lunatic and for his twisted desires, like how he would just turn the world into curses because it would be hella fun, she intended to just go sit there, hear his nonsense, respond with vague answers to his questions to buy some time, after all it's most likely that she won't be his alley anyway.

It was 7 am, she had to meet him the first thing in the morning after going to her job, a life of an archaeologist isn't easy, digging through endless paperwork and mundane artifacts in the office can be as exciting as watching paint dry, making her office life a constant battle against boredom.

Moreover, the mental fatigue from deciphering ancient records and cataloging artifacts can leave even the most passionate archaeologist yearning for a change of scenery.

The street weren't that crowded as in the afternoon, but what was catching her attention on her way to Keno, Shibuya's morning, she views it in a blend of artistic and emotional depth. The sky is depicted with vivid hues of blue, transitioning from the dark, tranquil shades of dawn to the vibrant, expansive blue of daybreak. The buildings and streets below are tinged with a soft, ethereal light, creating a contrast that accentuates the beauty of the sky. It's a moment that captures her eyes in awe.

But her mood soon dropped as she realised that she arrived at her destination, a casual coffeeshop with glass walls, she spotted Keno through them among the empty tables, sitting alone drinking a cup of coffee, though there's no sign of stuff or workers at the caffe, fishy....

She entered regardless, after all what can a curse do to an angel, she literally would just use Jacob ladder in case things went south then teleport elsewhere, easy ! As she made her way to the table which the guy was sitting at, she sensed another different flow of cursed energy 'Good, a third party now' she thought as she took a seat before Kenjaku, pulling the chair

"Hello Kenjaku, I hope I made you wait a lot" said with a smile, and an annoyed tone.

"Good morning Ru, long time no see " answered in a genuine smile

"Good morning to you too, so.." turning her head left and right "is he not going to join us ?" She asked as she leaned closer, pointing her finger at the back, referring to the cursed being she sensed once arrived.

Kenjaku, knowing what she meant responded in an amused tone "ohoo no, it's just a mere spirit I summoned for privacy purposes " he explained

"Privacy purposes ?" She cocked her head to the side

"Oh ! Didn't you know that you're boyfriend listens and sees pretty much everything around? " he said in a fake suprised face.

Ru, getting where this is going " Who told that we're dating? " asking in a playful tone "tsk tsk you're starting to loose your touch " she scoffed

"Oh, didn't yall go on a date ? Am I wrong? " he asked with mix of suprise and mild disbelief.

"You're wrong old melon, anyway why did want to meet me first thing in the morning? " getting into the real talk.

"Aww come one, as if you don't know already why, it's clear, did you take your decision about my offer? " he asked as sipped coffee from his cup.

"I haven't made my mind yet, I need more time" she clarified

"May I ask who are you considering the most ?" Curiously leaning forward.

She humed, titled her head to the side as she leaned back on her chair "I am quite indecisive due to the big difference between you two, but lemme ask something " she looked into his eyes, with a wide smirk she said "what if I told you that Aki isn't a lost soul? "

He raised his eyebrows a bit, but then shrugged saying "I'll still need you by my side, you're an angel after all" then he added "I will find a way to make you commit to me, even if it means finding another way than using your abandoned duty against you"

"Wow *calps* what a confidence you got there " she scoffed, though it's clear how she didn't like his clinginess.

He giggled before saying "as for the difference between me and Aki isn't that much" catching her attention he added "do you know the fable, country mouse and city mouse? " he asked her.

"Aseop's fable? " she responded, seeking confirmation.

"Yes, that one....long time ago when I first met Aki he made it clear what would he chose between the country mouse and the city mouse" as he looked at the outside through the glass, recalling some memories. Ru was listening attentively, wondering where this conversation is going.

"He claimed that he is fan of mine as he sees us similar in many ways, he was jealous of the pets I had, it was clear that he likes country mouse but he further explained that he liked the country mouse because he would use dogs to dig them out the underground in the countryside and told me that he find this rather calming.....

*turn to face her* Aki does not mirror himself to the mice like anyone or even you would do. Aki is the person who would use his dogs to catch trouble making mice to save his corps.

He was never the same level as the other student or sorcerer, establishing that his far beyond them, his ego is his technique to control his inferiors" as he stopped to take a sip, while Ru'ass was NOT listening, she found this whole character philosophy rather boring, though she did get what he meant.

She rest her cheek on her palm, with a smile she claimed " I think one of the things that can interpreted from Aki's take on the mice story that there's no escape. Even if the mouse goes to live in the countryside, people like him or you won't make it a safe place. This pretty much reflected my situation, if bother places aren't safe then why not live in the city where you can gain something " she explained her point of view, while Kenjaku could help but make impressed expression.

As she stood up from her place, taking her purse, she turns to him adding " Even after all the shit you said, you didn't make your point, you both are still different, now it you excuse me, to be the perfect angel some sins must be done..." with a smile she walked away.


Reze was chilling in the balcony, drinking her favourite tea, enjoying the sunlight and the cold breeze, she loved doing so first thing in the morning since she find it rather calming, but soon later something killed her mood, an aggressive knocking on the door of the house, someone knocking like he is chased by zombies or some kind of a drunk alcoholic dad, she knew right away I was Aki, that guy showed it very clear that he lacked some manners.

As she made her way to the door, yelling "DONT BREAK THE DOOR ! " groaning in frustration.

As she opened the door, she yelled scolding the boy in front of her "For the love of God can't you knock like any normal being! " once her eyes fell on his face, she was kind of surprised to see the boy looking annoyed as hell, that was new, he had this frowned expression of a 9 yrl whose parents said no to Disney land, but older version.

"Shut up, why you are so fucking loud, you made my ear bleeds " he hissed

"Why the ugly face ? " as she closed the door behind

Stepping in further"Ugh those jujutsu high instructors didn't chose but today to assign me with 3 whole missions at once " he complained as he lied on the couch, where Quanxi was sitting reading the news.

"I had to postpone my date till tonight " he added laying his head back on the couch.

"What date? " Reze asked, taking a seat beside them.

He raised an eyebrow "the date I told you about, duh, the one with Ru ?" Confused.

"Wait ! You mean you really got a date and you weren't joking?" Almost suprised

Aki's face fell "you really think I'm delusional enough to lie" he demanded.

"More like schizophrenic but sure, I can't believe you managed to pull a girl, damn ! " she scoffed, but with a genuine hint of amusement.

"Ouch, girl what's wrong with you, I'm here pouring my heart and frustration and I get such replies " dramatically said.

"Not gonna lie even I, I'm suprised " Quanxi, her voice made them turn their heads, thrilled that she is engaging in a conversation with them.

"Even you Quanxi, what a loss" as he fake pouted, spreading his legs but instantly got nudged by both girls.

"Yeah you wouldn't come all the way here just to say that, spill the tea" demanded Reze as she tiled her head down.

" Well, you're both are free....so why not help ?" Asked as he adjusted his pose.

"Fine by me" responded Quanxi almost immediately, like she had been waiting for such moment in ages, probably got bored from sitting around all day and the one night stands (she's back to default settings)

"Hmm.....well, I've nothing to do so why not" agreeing to his request.

Hearing their approval, Aki stands up all smiling turning to face them as he made his way out walking backwards "thanks girls I owe a big time, make sure to finish by 8pm, we have a movie night ! *opens the door* I'll text you the details and you can borrow Uritchi's cursed tools" shutting the door shut.

Quanxi sat there silently while reze narrowed her eyes in irritation, they sat there in a comfortable silence before the notification of their phones brought them back from their zoning out. Aki texted each their mission details.

Quanxi's point of view rahhhh

At an old bridge...

The night air was frigid, biting against the exposed skin of my neck as I stood on the old, rickety bridge. The wooden planks creaked beneath my boots, threatening to give way under my weight. It was an isolated place, far from the city's noise, bathed in the cold glow of the moon. Fog rolled over the water below, swirling like restless spirits.

I scanned the surroundings, taking in the gnarled trees lining the riverbank, their branches clawing at the sky. The air was thick with the scent of decay, a testament to the cursed energy that permeated this place. It was the perfect spot for an exorcism, where the living and the dead brushed shoulders. Not to mention this good katana I stole from Uritchi, its edge is just perfect.

"Of all places, they choose this dump," I muttered to myself, I leaned against the bridge's rail, feeling the rough texture of the wood under my gloved fingers. This place was old and I hope there's a strong curse out here.

Aki had texted me earlier, giving me the details of the mission. He needed sit to be finished before 8pm, I had to attend that movie night or else he would annoy me for the next ten years, I couldn't care less though, but it was a chance to stretch my muscles, to feel the rush of combat against something other than Uritchi's sore ass.

The air grew colder, a chill that seeped into my bones. I could feel the presence of the curse now, It was time to get to work.

I straightened, rolling my shoulders to loosen the tension. My heart beat steadily, I was a hunter, and this cursed bridge was my hunting ground.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are," I called out, I don't what was I thinking but I knew just that had to get this done as soon as possible, it was 6.30 pm I had an hour and half to get this mission done and be back home in time.

The fog around the bridge thickened as I stepped forward, katana drawn and ready. My eyes scanned the swirling mist, searching for any sign of movement. I could feel the curse's presence, a malignant energy pulsing through the air. The chill seeped into my bones, but I welcomed it—it meant I was close.

A flicker of movement to my right caught my attention. I swung my katana in a wide arc, but it sliced through nothing but air. The curse was playing tricks on me.

[Cursed Technique: Illusionary Fog] ( the spirit uses it to create phantoms to distract and disorient, illustrations or block the vision)

I steadied my breathing, focusing on my senses. I needed to rely on more than just sight. The fog shifted again, and this time I caught a glimpse of a shadow moving through it. I lunged forward, my blade aimed at where I anticipated the curse would be.

My katana met resistance, a shriek piercing the night as I made contact. The fog parted momentarily, revealing the grotesque form of the curse. It was humanoid but twisted, with elongated limbs and a face contorted in perpetual agony. Its eyes glowed with cursed energy.

The curse lashed out, its clawed hand aimed at my chest. I sidestepped, narrowly avoiding the attack. The wood beneath my feet groaned as the curse's hand made contact, instantly rotting a section of the bridge.

[Cursed Technique: Decay Touch] (one touch and it could reduce anything to ruin.)

I needed to be faster, more precise. I launched a series of strikes, my katana flashing in the moonlight. The curse dodged and weaved, its movements erratic but calculated. Each missed swing left me more vulnerable, each close call a reminder of the stakes.

The fog closed in again, thicker this time, and I felt the oppressive weight of the curse's energy pressing down on me. I couldn't afford to let it dictate the pace of the fight. I adjusted my grip on the katana, preparing for a decisive strike.

Then, from the corner of my eye, I saw another figure emerging from the fog. A trick—had to be. But as it approached, it looked more and more real, a hauntingly familiar face. A face I don't know yet so familiar. Obviously a bad trick from the curse. I ignored it after all ignorance is a blessing.

I clenched my jaw, forcing the vision out of my mind. I couldn't afford distractions. Not now. I charged forward, ignoring the phantom and aiming straight for the curse. My katana cut through the fog, but the curse was ready. It caught my blade with its decaying hand, the metal hissing and corroding on contact.

My lovely now was partially ruined, I guess this is really a semi special grade curse.

Well no time for the unnecessary shit, as I pulled the arrow out of my left eye socket, transforming into what Aki calls 'hybrid form'

Let's finish this....


End of the chapter

It's been a while since I wrote a short chapter, anyway I have exams so I may not upload for the next week.

We saw gojo last chapter but I think it's just a ghost, Sukuna now is seeing things.

Bye !