
C6 High on Hellfire

If it is a puzzle piece then I am the puzzle, without me, it would just be a colorful piece of cardboard.

"But holy mother of fucks! It was hard to make!"

"It didn't take very long, but goddamn, it sure gets explosive if you don't do it right."


Core, mantel, crust.

Those are the "regions" that make up my soul.

The core is where "I" am. My memories, ego, and whatever else make me me.

The mantel is the largest and is made up of sand-sized bits that act as fuel.

As for the crust, it is currently made up of one "continent" which is what I call an engine or converter.

But after its upgrade, it is also a controller, as I made a "CPU" or better called a mini-core, modeled after my own, for it.

The mini-core isn't a clone as I did not take a chunk off my own core to make it. I just made it with the "nutrients" I got from Zadkiel instead of making more fuel.

But the one thing that all the regions have in common is that they are all made out of the same "fabric" so to speak.

That and every bit of soul also carries my will, including the fuel, which will hopefully lead to some nice discoveries when I make Hellfire out of them.

I say that my soul carries my will, but technically, my soul and will are almost the same thing, as they can't exist without the other.

When I absorb Zadkiel's soul I am basically destroying his will within it, causing the soul to disperse into pure soul "nutrients" and I get the memories while I'm at it.

Unfortunately, It doesn't quite work the same for me or I would be able to eat my own soul indefinitely and just keep getting stronger.

Whenever the will is destroyed or altered the soul can then be considered "dead", and since my soul can't be "dead" whatever "nutrients" it had just disappears and pops back up like nothing ever happened.

Poor me...

And burning my soul works the same way since the energy made also holds my will, if it didn't I wouldn't be able to control it.

So anything made from my soul will always carry my will, and if my will is somehow removed whatever is left will just cease to exist and pop back up in its original form which is around my core.

That means my soul can't be used as nutrients for anything or anyone and my memories can't be read as long as they are stored in my soul.

Perhaps most importantly, my own pieces can't be taken away from my core, unless I allow, since all my pieces have built-in self-destruct protocols which will result in them coming back to me… one way or another.

So while I can't cheat to endlessly grow stronger, I can produce energy endlessly since all my pieces will "re-exist" instantaneously, however, I don't know if it would be instantaneous if my entire soul were to be destroyed at the same time.

[A/N: Just to clarify. If he has 100 pieces of soul, then he can produce 100 pieces worth of energy indefinitely.]

"I suppose thinking so much doesn't help right now since I've got ten days at most until it's time to fight"

"If I really push it, I should be able to eat another eighth of the remaining orbiters and I'll reach one-twelfth the size of the centerpiece"

"Ha! What I'm doing now reminds me of that quote 'there is only one way to eat an elephant: a bite at a time.'"

"In a way, it's not too far off. Except I started out as a piece of sand and I had to eat a mountain… a bite at a time."

[A/N: Yes, I did the math. He will be 8.4375% the size of the center which is just over 1/12. You're ah-fucking ah-welcome! Now praise me or I will chop the MCs balls off with a rusty cleaver… Don't. Test. Me.]

--- Eight Days Later ---

"I have one hour, no more."

I have been able to grow to just over one-twelfth the size of the center.

How do I know so exactly? Intuition.

When you have looked at the thing from every angle for who knows how long that sorta just happens.

"I won't bother eating more so I can settle my mind."

Settling my mind. What a weird thing to say as a disembodied soul.

Souls, since they don't have a brain, are normally unable to think or feel emotions.

If they are somehow able to think, it is "usually" much more calculative and any emotion is more like a shadow or conditioned response.

I was able to think because of ROB, but I had to make myself capable of feeling emotions.

Not only because I wanted to, but it was also for survival.

Zadkiel's memories are full of VERY intense memories, and if I didn't develop the ability to deal with them, and consequently feel them, it would have been like shoving a square peg down a round hole.

Something would break… and it wouldn't be the memories.

"Back to reality. I need to make sure my DADA… Ah, oops, I meant my Defense Against Zadkiel's Hellfire is up to snuff."

Normally, you could remain unharmed by Zadkiel's Hellfire if you were without sin, and I am without "sin" since I have more than made up for any of my "sins" by going through literal torture absorbing his memories.

And absorbing his soul isn't considered a "sin" because I am technically being forced to do so.

Otherwise, to defend against Hellfire you either need the capability to avoid it, nullify it, or a strong enough barrier that can throw it off since only the wielder can extinguish it if it is burning a soul.

It also wouldn't work if the person was sufficiently stronger. For instance, my hellfire wouldn't be able to touch let alone scratch The Living Tribunal, even if it were sin incarnate.

"I'll defend against Hellfire with Hellfire of my own."

While my mastery of Hellfire can barely compare to Zadkiel, I am still confident in my ability to defend.

My Hellfire Engine has been working non-stop at deducing the best way to defend, and it has born fruit.

While I won't know for sure until we start, I am sure that even if it's not perfect it will be sufficient after some adjusting and a few "deaths".

My plan is to let my Hellfire Engine handle the defense so I can focus solely on the offense.

While I try to chip away at the center, the Engine will cover my soul in the densest Hellfire it can manage while spinning it around as fast as possible without letting it spill out.

"I may have split my soul into having different regions but from the outside, it still looks like a light golden round crystal."

If push comes to shove I can just put more energy into defense and try to eat the rest of the orbiters before going back to the center.


"Just a couple of minutes."

I can tell the orbit is almost at its peak and I can also feel the sapphire pieces are becoming very "tense".

Right now I am covered in Hellfire and I have to say, it feels fucking ~amazing~!

Because it is fueled by my soul, which carries my will, the fire is not only the highest quality but is also infused with my will too.

I can literally FEEL everything the fire does. It isn't just Hellfire, it is MY Hellfire! It belongs to me, it is part of ME.

And it feels so. God. Damn. GOOD!

It's like I am ready the go full throttle and incinerate everything in my path… like… like I am the incarnation, the very definition of… vengeance…

"... I get it now… Zadkiel isn't just insane, he's high too."

Fuck, it even feels better than jacking off.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. I can have that. Nooo, sir. I'll have to, no, I MUST improve the pleasure sensors of my body when I get one."

Whew, that was a close one… I almost turned into a… well, whatever you call a Hell puffing druggie.

*Rumble* *Rumble*

"He's awakened."

I looked at the centerpiece, waiting for any changes.

At first, it didn't do anything, but I could tell… I was being stared at.

If I had a spine it would be tingling and if I had hair it would be standing up.

We were just having a staring contest for a while but then he must have realized what happened to all his rubies while recovering.

And like a toddler who got his favorite toy stolen, he fired a firey pillar of Hellfire as big around as a skyscraper at me.

I decided that this was the best time to test my defense and decided to not move and take it head-on.

And, it worked.

Some of my Hellfire flung off or thinned in certain areas, but it never got more than halfway through, and any Hellfire that was thrown either returned or was extinguished.

"FUCK YEaahh… haha... Hey buddy, you didn't perchance want to call a truce, did you?"

I was high in spirit for a few seconds until I saw Zadkiel make a much MUCH bigger, and much hotter, pilar of Hellfire. Which he promptly flung my way...


Fuck! I read through this and I got mad at my own cliff-hanger! Then I realized that I wrote it and I still have to think of what happens next… *sigh*

I don't know how the fight scene will turn out since they aren't fighting with actual bodies, but I guess ve vill see…


I wonder If I made enough hints? If not, too bad…


And I wasn't joking about the cleaver… hehehehe...

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