
Chapter no.51 Follower or Ally?

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The hallways of the Alchemist Association buzzed with confusion and surprise as Yang Xin exited the library, but not for the reason anyone would have expected.

It wasn't her presence that caused a stir; rather, it was the sight of her casually reading an alchemical recipe while carrying a boy over her shoulder like a sack of flour. The younger alchemists watched in envy, thinking, "It should have been me, not him," while the others were simply baffled by the scene unfolding before them.

"Director?" Yang Xin's assistant approached, his eyes fixed on the boy draped over her shoulder. It was both normal and odd to see the boy not protesting the situation—who wouldn't want to be carried by someone as stunning as Yang Xin? Yet, what truly puzzled him was the boy's trance-like state.

Yang Xin, seemingly unbothered by the curiosity her actions had sparked, handed the Golden Sky Pill Recipe to her assistant. "Gather the ingredients and bring them to my office," she instructed, her tone leaving no room for questions.

"But what about—" Assistant Ping started, his gaze flicking back to Nie Li, hoping for some kind of explanation.

"Now," Yang Xin cut him off, not indulging his curiosity.

With a hurried "Yes, yes, yes," Assistant Ping scurried off to the Medicine Hall to collect the needed ingredients.

Minutes later, he returned with the herbs and minerals, only to find Yang Xin and the still trance-bound boy in her office.

"Thank you," she said, taking the items from him before promptly slamming the door in his face.

Left standing in the hallway, Assistant Ping couldn't help but wonder, "What's wrong with her today?"


Yang Xin spread Nie Li's notes on her wooden table, her gaze intensely fixed on the Golden Sky Pill recipe.

The list of ingredients intrigued her—each item not just rare, but brimming with powerful properties. Golden grass that seemed to capture the essence of sunrise, autumn plum leaves that shifted colors at the perfect moment, and midnight jasmine dewdrops, each component held a vital key to the alchemy process.

"Hmm, golden grass," Yang Xin mused, her eyes lighting up as she thought about its properties. "When fueled by an alchemist's soul force, it unleashes energy vital for enhancing the Yang aspect of soul force."

She then considered the autumn plum leaves. "At the precise moment of their color shift, they possess a unique chemical makeup," she explained to herself, her fingers gently tapping on the table, producing a soft, rhythmic thud. "This makes them perfect for blending with the golden grass, ensuring the potion's stability and facilitating a smooth transformation."

Lastly, her attention shifted to the midnight jasmine dewdrops. "Collected at the stroke of midnight, these dewdrops are enriched with Yin essence," she pondered, her eyebrows knitting together in concentration.

"They serve as the perfect catalyst, initiating the crucial conversion of Yin soul force to Yang within the body."

Yang Xin's face showed fascination as she prepared to test the synthesis of the pill. Moving to her private alchemy forge—a space filled with ancient equipment, from bronze cauldrons to carved jade mortars—she began her work.

She measured the golden grass carefully, placing it in the center of the cauldron where the energy converged most potently. She observed the autumn plum leaves as they glowed softly under the warm light of the forge, their essence activating. With a delicate hand, she scattered the midnight jasmine dewdrops across the top, their presence sparking the initial stages of fusion.

Yang Xin then focused her soul force into the cauldron, her movements graceful and precise. The sound of the ingredients combining filled the room, a symphony of sizzles and pops as they melded under her guidance. She watched, utterly engrossed, as the concoction transitioned from a bubbling liquid to a solid form, her eyes reflecting the brilliance of the transforming mixture.

The creation of the pill was a moment of pure alchemy magic.

As the final product took shape, Yang Xin's face broke into a smile of pure joy and satisfaction.

"So, it is indeed possible," she whispered to herself.


Nie Li snapped awake from the dream simulation, expecting to find himself hidden behind his camouflage inscription array in the library.

Instead, he was in an alchemical forge.

A bead of sweat rolled down his face as the realization hit him—he had been caught.

"Don't bother trying to escape, little brother," Yang Xin said, her focus still on stabilizing the pill she was working on.

Nie Li clicked his tongue, a bit caught off guard.

"Well, Aunty," he replied, trying to lighten the mood.

"Big sister," Yang Xin quickly corrected him, her annoyance clear in her voice.

"What?" Nie Li pretended to be confused, pushing his luck just a bit further.

"Big..." Yang Xin's voice firmed up, insisting on the correct term.


With a reluctant nod, Nie Li accepted the correction.

Yang Xin then took a moment to formally introduce herself.

"I am the director of the Alchemist Association. Yang Xin."

Hearing this, Nie Li's eyes widened, both in realization and respect.

The director herself? A gold rank demon spiritualist?

[ Name: Yang Xin]

[ Status: Director of the Alchemist Association]

[ Cultivation Level: 4 Star Gold Rank ]

[ Physique Level: 1 Star Gold Rank ]

[ Class: Demon Spiritualist, Fighter, Alchemist ]

[ Race: Human ]

[ Health Points: 129.3K ]

[ Soul Force: 45K ]

[ Battle Power:  6.5M ]

[ Class Features:

- Perception

- Soul Manipulation

- Third Eye

- Flame Control ]

[ Allies: Alchemist Association ]

[ Equipment: ]

- [ Storage Ring ]

- [ Master Grade Alchemist Clock ]

- [ Sun Moth Silk Clothing ]

[ Description: Yang Xin was born in Glory City's red light district and abandoned at an orphanage, rising from her humble beginnings to become the Director of the Alchemist Association by age 25. Her journey was marked by her determination to learn and her exceptional talent in alchemy. When she encountered a mysterious boy using advanced alchemy in her library, her curiosity was piqued. Recognizing his potential and noble lineage, she saw an opportunity for both their futures. ]

Nie Li clicked his tongue, realizing Yang Xin must have been watching him from the shadows while he was attempting to acquire the alchemist class.

"Great, at least I know she's not planning to punish me," he thought, a bit relieved.

Yang Xin then produced a golden pill from her sleeve and gently placed it on the table between them. The pill gleamed under the light, drawing Nie Li's gaze.

[ Item: Golden Sky Pill ]

[ Type: Consumable ]

[ Description: A rare and powerful pill, crafted from the essence of celestial phenomena. This pill is uniquely capable of converting Yin Soul Force into Yang Soul Force, aiding cultivators in achieving a harmonious balance in their internal energies or to significantly enhance their martial capabilities. Specifically designed to fortify a woman's physique, its potency is markedly reduced in male users. ]

[ Rarity: Rare ]

[ Abilities: ]

  - [ Soul Force Conversion: Converts Yin Soul Force into Yang Soul Force. This transformation process enhances the user's combat effectiveness by up to 30% by aligning their internal energies with the natural order. ]

  - [ Physique Strengthening: Specifically for female cultivators, it can enhance physical strength and resilience by 25%, as well as improve recovery rates from injuries by 50%. ]

[ Warning: ]

  - [ The pill's effects on male users are reduced by approximately 90%, focusing primarily on a slight increase in Yang Soul Force with negligible impact on physical capabilities. ]

"I think you know what this is," she said, capturing Nie Li's attention even more.

"Why don't we sit down and talk?" she suggested.

[ Narrative Point Detected ]

[ Select from the following ]

[ 1- Make Yang Xin your follower ]

[ 2- Stay Quiet ]

Oh, I would love to stay quiet, but option 1, getting Yang Xin as a... Follower? Wait, not an ally. What's the difference between an ally and a follower? Whatever, option 1 is astronomically a better option than 2.

[ Selection Confirmed: Player Nie Li has chosen Option 1- Make Yang Xin your follower ]

[ Process: Simulating path parameters and narratjve development. ]

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