
Heartless Love....

A time came when both of them became matured,and understood the meaning of life and got many dreams to fulfilled....they had no time for each other, pressured by great responsibilities... Rik ( make lead) chased his dream and became a military officer in India... Seth ( female lead ) due to some misfortunes she was determined to join ULFA( one of the largest terrorist organization in India) Both of them were best friends for years...but their jobs and passion made the sworn enemies till death.. Both of their mission of protecting the country were same but means were different... one fought for the citizens of his country and one fought for the citizens of her state.... What do you think...about what kind of story both of them had encountered..? to know more let go to the story..... ~Author~

Anonymous_Fandom · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs


After att the students were given their seats according to Miss Leena's arrangement..

Miss Leena : so Now we have only four students left.. Seth, Mark, Rik and shine.... so Seth and Mark you two sit together in the third bench.. and Rik and shine sit in the 2nd bench...

Rik : okay ma'am....

they all sat in their respective seats....

Miss Leena : huff... finally it's over... it's so tough to give you all your seats it's much harder than solving a Maths problem..i have to calculate with whom you can talk with if you sit their and with whom you will not talk... now since all of you have gotten your seats... this are your permanent places throughout the session... you must not change your places and you should not talk.. if I hear any noise from this class.. I will again change your places... and I am repeating again.. you must behave and concentrate in the class.. okay..

Class : yes ma'am....

After some time....

Mark : hey...!! Seth you brought the book.. damn man I forgot it...

Seth : wow...well done bro you have done a great now get ready to be punished.. Miss Leena will be very happy to punish you..

Mark : share naa.. aren't I your good friend... can you see your good friend getting punishment from Miss Leena..

Seth : fine fine.... ( shares the books with Mark)

Mark one of my classmate... I have know him since grade 5 when he was first transferred to our school.. one of the Flirting playboy genius not only in our class but in our whole school...no girl in our school is left to fall in his love game, luckily I am same from his clutches as I was never interested in him... cuz you know I am different from other...but we have to agree he is a genius with lots of talent... the songs he wrote and the poems he sings are most wonderful to hear.. in fact he can make any song or a poem with just one word he get when the feelings hits his hurt. he is born with this talent.. .

Rik : Again..? Man.. why are you this careless...don't you know how furious Miss Leena is aren't you afraid of her as well today's the first class of this new sessions... if you are caught you are dead...

Mark : I know..i know..I was playing games last night so I woke up late this morning and forgot to bring my book..damn how can I forget to bring my book that also her subject..what a bac luck...forget it I will just act as if I am sick and sleep..i will just wake up after the class ends... ( puts his head down..)

Rik : lol no other option..accept fir this. if you get rid of Miss Leena's scolding by doing this I will consider you are really lucky but...if you are caught..i am sorry bro but I can't save you...now just sleep..sweet dreams..( looks at Seth..)

Seth : ( looks at Rik) so you are Rik... nice to meet you... I have seen you many times but was unable to get familiar with you..please don't mind my behaviour( smiles..)

Rik : yup nice to meet you too...it was my fault too as I was unable to make my way to know you..this is the first time we are talking to each other after I transferred to this school...

Seth : yup you are right...! I guess because our sections were different so we were unable to talk too...but don't worry we can start from today on...

Rik : yea I guess so too.... sure.. since we are over with the formalities... why to bother with other stuffs.

Seth : lol.. you are right..

Mark : ( lifts his head..) hey..!! why are you being this formal we are friends starting from today on dudes.. so talk your ass out... as well it doesn't suit both of your personalities.. 😑

Seth : weren't you sleeping just now how come you are awake...!? or were you just acting in front of us.. aren't you afraid of getting caught.. 🤨

Mark : your talk won't let me sleep in peace... man..! why so boring talks.. come to discuss some amazing stuffs..

Rik : bro...bro calm down , calm down this is a way to know each other better..its a part of basic formalities..right Seth.. !

Seth : yup, you are right..!

Mark : no comments...

This is how we started to talk Although our introduction was brief and our conversation didn't last long as Miss was teaching in the class..but that marked the beginning of our actual story,.the real game of destiny which took it's height slowly...and as days past by our small talk started to become big paragraphs, and slowly the paragraphs into a whole new story.... The story which belonged to us.. and will stay ours forever..

Few days later...

Mark : hey..Rik did you watch the video I sent you yesterday...wasn't it great.. man.! you didn't reply anything to my text.. don't you know how much data it cost me to sent this video to you.. it cost me 200 mb and you here didn't even said thank you...

Rik : Mark... have you gone nuts... did you forget I don't watch porn.. and how many times do I have to remind you.. that's my mom's phone if she finds out about this.. she is sure to kill me..

Mark : hey but that video was so awesome... the girl's moan were so loud it made me cum 3times..amd that boy had so much stamina to fuck her 8 times..can you imagine how manly he looked.. and the girl was also not less.. a girl can hardly go for 5 times a night.. but she went 8 times.. wow.. that's impressive I need a girl like her..

Rik : you fool talk slowly and softly Seth is sitting with you.. if she hears what you are talking about she may get mad at you.... and I won't take the risk to save you...

Seth : ( looks at Rik) are you talking bout me.,i have no problem as long as you guys don't talk my bad behind my back...you know what..I know what Mark is like... so don't bother he won't change... even if the whole world is destroyed and we are under water or inside lava.. he had still run after hot girls instead of saving his life..

Rik : you are saying so true..... I think the same as you.. but.. don't you mind this kind if stuff..

Seth : nope i don't think there's anything to mind.. it's normal for boys to act like this... it's considered a taboo in India to think about or talk about this kind of stuff.. but in other countries it's normal.. so I don't find it weird...

Rik : you are right but many girls don't understand this kind of stuff they had act weird after hearing this although they love it..they had still play hard...but your expressions are unexpected to me..

Mark : lol dude.. do you treat Seth like other girls...? if you then please don't she is not like other girls she is a boy disguised in like a girl....

Rik : what ..!! how come..( confused..)

Seth : ( laughs..) don't mind this brat he is baffling nonsense.. what he wants to say is I am not like other girls...

Rik : why..? can I know what's the difference..

Seth : of course..cuz I don't like to be a girl.. there's nothing in me that signifies a girl accept for my gender you will find not a single quality of girl in me.. and you know what I don't like to be girl.. I have been with the boys since I was little.. so don't mind my gender..

Rik : woah, I want time hear your story... but I am sure it's gonna be a long one...

Seth : yup...

Rik : Then now tell me more about you.. you are impressive... I like your character..

Seth : really..woah.. that's great..

Rik : yup..

Mark : of course she is great... she is the best student in our school known for her athletic skills and martial arts... all the girls are inferior to her.. both in studies as well as other curriculum activities..

Rik : wow.. ! that means you are multi talented..and you are an athlete too...

Seth : yea...what about you are you an athlete too?

Rik : yup I am an athlete too...

Seth : lol.. that's great...!