
Heartless Love....

A time came when both of them became matured,and understood the meaning of life and got many dreams to fulfilled....they had no time for each other, pressured by great responsibilities... Rik ( make lead) chased his dream and became a military officer in India... Seth ( female lead ) due to some misfortunes she was determined to join ULFA( one of the largest terrorist organization in India) Both of them were best friends for years...but their jobs and passion made the sworn enemies till death.. Both of their mission of protecting the country were same but means were different... one fought for the citizens of his country and one fought for the citizens of her state.... What do you think...about what kind of story both of them had encountered..? to know more let go to the story..... ~Author~

Anonymous_Fandom · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs


Next day.... Language class..

Rik : Seth...

Seth : yea.. what..?

Rik : you were so amazing yesterday..!

Seth : really..?

Rik : yea..

Mark : of course after all you know who is she..

Rik : can I know where did you learn martial arts..

Seth : woah so curious..!

Rik : of course their are very less girls who knows it.. and actually masters it... and you are one of them...

Seth : well it's a long story do you still wanna here..

Mark : cut it to short then.. tell him since he is so curious...

Seth : lol... fine.. actually to say the truth no one taught me... I just learnt it from social media..

Rik : what..!! is it even possible..?

Seth : of course it's possible I am an example..

Rik : but why do you have to learn through social media when you can take direct coaching under a master.. it doesn't seem like you have financial problem

Seth : finally you came to the point.. actually the truth is that.. when I was a kid.. I saw mamy boys in my area learning Karate.. they all went to the same master.. I also wanted to learn karate a lot..at that time I was naive so I didn't specifically know that their were different kinds of fighting skills.. I just told my mother that I also wanted to learn that.. but you know what my mother replied...

Rik : what..?

Seth : ( laughs..) she said that's something boys learn.. girls are not meant to fight..

Mark : hey..!! how can your mom say that even in 20th century..

Seth : listen to me first... it was not my mom's fault it was the societies fault.. since my mom said that.. I was angry and I became really jealous of the boys.. so I determined my mind that I would learn much more stronger skills than them and show them what I can do.. and that also keeping it secret from my mother...

Rik : what did you do..?

Seth : My grandfather was interested in kung fu and martial arts.. he even had a book that contain many fighting techniques.. I borrowed the book from him and read the book day and night. until I was able to master the skills and find the difference between all the martial arts in the world.. I became so interested in kung fu that I was too eager to master all the skills.. one day while I was scrolling through my father's phone.. I discovered a channel in you tube.. who taught Martial arts that are similar to kung fu.. although that was not the original kung fu skills that Chinese had mastered.. I still wanted to learn so I woke up early in the morning and learn all the techniques.. and now it's been 5 years since I mastered them all.

Rik : woah..!! how to applause you made me speechless.. you are so great.. but dies your mother know..

Seth : at first she didn't know.. but day by day when she saw me practicing she discovered it..

Mark : does she allow you..!?

Seth : at first she didn't.. but later when she found out how eager I was to master that.. she didn't stop me anymore instead she supported me.. and now sometimes she feels guilty for not letting me learn what I wanted to.

Rik : oh.. it's good to know you mom is supporting you..

Seth : she supports me a lot. thanks to her I can be what I want to become..

Rik : what do you want to become..

Seth : I have not decided yet.... I just want to be world famous..

Mark : woah you gotta big dream.. but how are you planning to get world famous..

Seth : I don't know.. I will just discover it when the time comes..

Mark : what...!! got a big dream without knowing how to do it..

Seth : do you have any problem..

Mark : nope.. just that don't forget me when you get world famous... and share half you salary with me

Seth : you..! what if I become someone bad..

Mark : doesn't matter as long as you earn handsome amout of money..

Seth : you are such a freeloader..

Jack : I know I am.. lol.. By the way what's your aim Rik..

Rik : Mine..?

Mark : of course else who is another person present here whose name is Rik..

Rik : well I want to Join the military force and protect our country.. that's my only aim

Mark : woah you have a big dream...

Seth : good to know.. there's is someone who is willing to sacrifice his life fir the country..

Rik : thanks... I am ready to give my life for the country as long as I get selected in the army..

Seth : you gonna have tough life..

Rik : I know but I am ready to face any obstacles that come in my way..

Seth : you have my support bro.. don't worry we gonna pray for your safety once you join Army force

Rik : thanks guys...

Seth : since you are my friend let me tell you ome thing.. Rik

Rik : what..?

Seth : I hate my country... and I am planning to get out of it and settle in foreign as early as I can..

Rik : what..!! but why..? are you an anti national..

Seth : I just don't like the people living here.. and I wanna let everything go and forget about this place.. that's all.. if you think of me as an anti national.. I can do nothing.. and I won't deny the fact..

Rik : just why do you hate our country..

Seth : there are many reason.. it's not time for you to know it.... but you must know I am madly in love with my beautiful state assam.. like you can die you your country.. that way.. I can due for my state.. that's all I gotta say..

Rik : but.. isn't assam a part of our country..

Seth : it is.. but there are some things you may not know.. and I don't wanna share it..

Mark : guys guys.. can you stop being so serious.. stop talking about this topic if it makes you too serious change the topic... what did you all bring in your tiffins..

Rik :.....

Seth : ....

They never repeated that topic again cuz they were afraid that topic might start a fight between them.. so they both decided to shut their mouths and follow their own dreams and enjoy their time together.....