
Heartbreak in the Heat

It was the end of my first year at the university, and I was eagerly looking forward to summer to live it to the fullest, until my heart was broken. As if being dumped wasn't enough, I now have to endure the humiliation of witnessing my ex-boyfriend flaunting his new girlfriend - who also happens to be my former best friend - all over town. A double whammy. I am now the pathetic ex-girlfriend, with a broken heart. I am doomed to spend the summer sulking over a guy who believed I was predictable and bad in bed. So, here's what I've decided for this summer; the plan is simple...pretend that I am dating Jim, the popular bad boy of the town, and make my ex-boyfriend green with envy. What do you think? After all...what could possibly go wrong?

giv_manuchehri · perkotaan
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13 Chs

Chapter 6

Once the money was collected, Jim dropped Michael off at his home. Sophie was dreading the moment when she would finally be alone with him. She had surprised herself by speaking so vulgarly to Henry, by being able to hold a gun in her hands.

She had surprised herself by speaking so vulgarly to Henry, by being able to hold a gun in her hands. She had somehow discovered herself tonight. She who thought she was just a wise and studious girl.

Inside her, a crazy rage was boiling. It was as if the real Sophie had waited years to finally come out. Sophie had only known Jim for a few hours, but she felt as if they had a relationship. but she had the feeling that something special between them might well emerge.

He was undoubtedly the most handsome, deepest and coldest man she had ever met. He should inspire fear in her, awe... She was alone with him. He was clearly a mafia boss, he was involved in dirty business; money and weapons certainly; but Sophie didn't care. She felt such a strong desire for him that her heart threatened to burst out of her chest.

Jim, for his part, watched the young woman at his side. She was truly beautiful. Really beautiful. Why waste her potential with a little shit like Henry? A pearl like her deserved a man like him.

Most people would say that a girl like Sophie would be better off with a nice guy, but Jim was convinced otherwise. Underneath her appearance of Miss Innocence, she was an incredible lover who was just waiting to prove herself. Tonight, she would be his. He could see that, she wanted to.

The car finally stopped. Yet Sophie did not recognize her house.

- Where are we?

- At my house, he replied simply.

Sophie wanted to protest, but she changed her mind. After all, did she really want to fight this desire? After all, did she really want to fight this desire? Those butterflies in her lower stomach? The answer was no. She wanted to follow him and see what would happen. Even if she already had a little idea.

- Well, fine, I'll bend to your will since I have no choice, boss.

- That's good, you're beginning to understand who you're dealing with," he said with a look of smugness on his face.

His house was quite simple. From the outside, it looked like a lakeside cottage like so many in the area. Of course, if you ignore the fences that surrounded the property, someone quite ordinary could have lived here.

The interior was very cozy contrary to what Jim 's person might suggest. With sofas covered with plaids in front of a fireplace, this a fireplace, this cottage had all the makings of a cozy cocoon for lovers.

Sophie chuckled at the thought. She couldn't see Jim tenderly holding his wife's hand with his eyes in hers.

- What's so funny, young child?

Jim stood by his fireplace, arms crossed over his chest. He held back a chuckle. He didn't want to lose his composure in front of her.

- Oh nothing, I just didn't picture you as the cozy cottage type.

- Oh, I'm more of what kind?

- The kind that could light a fire. It's cold tonight.

Jim didn't answer anything and complied, much to Sophie 's surprise. She hadn't lied to avoid his question, no, the nights were really cool, even in summer. The lake and the forest cooled the air considerably.

- So like this, you're cold?

- I'm better now, thank you very much.

Jim was coming dangerously close to her like a predator chasing its prey. Sophie didn't expect this and looked away. It was all very well for her to fantasize about Jim.

There was only one step between dream and reality that she wasn't so sure she wanted to take. The glance filled of lust of her host left no doubt on his intentions. His emerald eyes wandered without restraint on the restrained on the body of his young guest. Sophie dared a glance towards him and the red went up to her cheek.

- I always do that.

Sophie blushed even more and stepped back. Jim grabbed her by the waist, which brought them dangerously close. The young brunette suddenly felt very excited. She dreamed to kiss him and to sleep with him all night on his sofa which looked so soft. As if Jim heard her thoughts, he crushed his lips to hers. They were so warm, so soft, so perfect. Sophie had only known Henry, so she didn't have much of a way to so she didn't have much to compare it to. But what she was sure of was that Jim was far above her.

With his looks alone, he couldn't have been he couldn't be a bad guy. He asked for access to her mouth to deepen the kiss, which she accepted with joy. His hands went down along her back, touching her bare skin in the passage its bare skin what tore off him a shiver of pleasure.

She then felt his strong arms lift her onto the sofa. He had not stopped kissing her, he continued more and more passionately and Sophie answered with always more fervor to his kisses.

Without waiting, Jim removed his jacket and his T-shirt, quickly finding himself bare-chested in front of his lover.

- Waouh!

Here is the only word that Sophie could pronounce. That he was beautiful. But what a chance to be there half naked with a guy like that.

- You don't look bad either!

Sophie blushed again. Henry never complimented her. It was Henry and Sophie the bland couple, but one that everyone knew. The comfort couple, in fact. She realized this now that she was in Jim's capable hands. She had wasted three years of her life.

Sophie was too lost in thought to realize that Jim was already completely naked. He was standing over her with such confidence that she just wanted to let him She wanted to let him do everything and anything to her. She wanted to scream his name tonight and show him what she could do.

Sophie took one of his hands and placed it on her breast. Jim did not make Jim did not beg and removed the tiny top she was wearing. A beautiful breast was offered to him, as beautiful as he had imagined. He began to knead it between his hands and started to kiss her. At first gently, then quickly with much of avidity. He nibbled each of her nipples with much mastery. He knew how to make her good, and she adored that.

He stopped to contemplate it and with a perverse smile on the lips slipping his hands under her skirt.

- And to think that this drunkard touched you. I swear I should have killed him.

Sophie put a hand on his face to reassure him, to tell him that everything was all right. At her touch, he relaxed. Jim surprised himself by not being annoyed by this gesture. Sophie had that little extra something. He couldn't say what it was, but he liked her already.

He wanted to know everything about her, to touch her, to taste her, to penetrate her. He wanted to make her his. She would be only to him. Whereas he kissed it again, he caressed of his fingers her clitoris. Everything at her was pleasant to touch. He penetrated it quickly of a finger, then of two. She was so hot and wet. For him and only for him. The to know under him in his possession, made him crazy.

Sophie liked so much to feel the fingers of her lover in her. They gave her so much pleasure that she clung to the sofa's plaids to prevent herself from to stop herself from screaming.

Jim continued to move back and forth and then lowered his lips to her crotch. Sophie loved being kissed here, but Henry wasn't a big fan. He preferred her to suck him off. He wasn't the type to enjoy satisfying his partner. In the end, he was the bad guy.

The young woman could not retain a cry of pleasure when the tongue of her lover came in contact with her pussy. He was as beautiful as he was good. He knew where to kiss her, to lick her, to caress her. What a great lover! Sophie did not regret following him home and not thinking twice about sleeping with him.

Jim had to take her now. He needed it. Sophie 's body was screaming at him to enter her. Her lips reddened from their kisses, her firm, bouncing breasts still wet from her passage, and her hot, soaked sex were waiting for him. Without more waiting he penetrated her. Sophie threw back her head, her arched back offering a little more of her body.

Jim was crazy about her. How could a girl he had just met make such an impression on him? He had no idea. But what he was sure of was that he loved making love to this girl.

Sophie felt like she was growing wings. Her penetrations were so good. He knew where to go, how hard to go, and how fast to go. He was the lover she had always waited for. She wanted to give him everything. To please him, to put him well. To make him enjoy.

- I want to put myself over you.

Jim wasn't sure he'd heard correctly. He never let any woman dominate him. But Sophie and her innocent pout made him break down his barriers for the first time. With his strong arms he put her over him.

- It's up to you, beautiful.

Sophie was afraid she wasn't doing it right. She wanted to but she was afraid of disappointing him. As if he had sensed her doubt, Jim began to move back and forth to set the pace. The young woman quickly felt at ease and began to initiate the action herself.

Jim let himself be totally taken in, enjoying the sight of her breasts above him, her hair wet by the effort and the feeling of her hot sex against his. It wasn't long before they came.

Sophie and Jim who had just met, who had nothing in common, had just discovered a common passion: the sex.

Each one was the best lover that the other had had. They weren't going to let go of each other anytime soon.