


"We're gathered here today to witness the execution of this worthless scumbag , Louis Frost. I don't need to explain any further but we are all very much aware of the harm he has caused to our humble entity; Devonshire. For several years,he has roamed freely whilst pick-pocketing and robbing houses, markets, churches and even the royal palace! All of this is not new to us because we are very much aware about what this rogue has done and is willing to do. Without further delay, Slander! Bring him out!" The king's adviser quickly read out the king's decree.

All the villagers chanted in joy, finally the pain in their neck was going to be eliminated for good! And they'd get to sleep with both eyes closed. Their heads and brains pictured the perfect life waiting for them after Louis was beheaded.

Suddenly, a guard ran into the execution ground and knelt before the royal adviser in tears.

"My lord. I'm afraid he is missing," he pronounced and all groaned.

The head guard immediately ascended his horse and left the scene with a few of his men, he was perfectly aware that if Louis didn't lose his head that day, he was going to be the replacement.

"How could you?! But you ensured me that the security system was going to be tight, you said -"

"We did,my lord but -"

"Quickly, go into the village and bring that criminal here!" The adviser hissed before heading to his carriage.

The villagers were dismissed and the females headed back to their homes to look after their children whilst the males joined the search team.


"Mr, my mom says you're a bad person, is that true?" A young boy asked and Louis smiled before feasting on the slice of bread in his arms.

"Do you have parents,Finneas?" Louis queried and they both burst into laughter.

"I.... Hold on, I think I hear voices, Louis," Finneas whispered as Louis ferociously drank the bottle of water in his hands.

In a few seconds a few men raided the market with hoes and machetes along with the royal guards.

"We know it's you, Louis! Young boy, go home !" The head guard said as they approached them but Louis didn't flinch, he continued eating, quietly. Finneas ran off whilst Louis proceeded with eating.

"Arrest him,"

"Marcus, Marcus. We all know how this is going to end -"

"Oh shut up! Thief! It's going to end with your body beneath the ground-"

"Paul, don't interrupt me again,"

"How did he-"

"Know your name, you do not want to know," Louis completed and the men exchanged glances , completely dumbstruck.

"I see you've been practicing witchcraft, Louis. Everyone knows how you're going to end up . Seize him!" Marcus, the head guard said but Louis laughed.

"Just take a look at this, five hundred men against one , just one man. Face it,Scarface, you'll never be man enough to catch me. Your power resides in your mouth but not your sack-like body," Louis said with a smirk which wasn't visible because of his thick black cloak. He made reference to the deep long scar which highlighted itself across Marcus' right eye to his cheek.

Marcus's grip on his horse tightened and immediately, he descended from the creature. Obviously,he was annoyed by the words of this good-looking rogue, here they were with arms and mass numbers only to battle against one man who was without anything but a filled stomach.

"Stand down, all of you. Let's do this one and one," Marcus ordered, dropping his sword.

Louis stood up and laughed.


The men weren't sure but they believed in Marcus, most of them were only there because their wives gave them two options; to either bring Louis for execution or dead or they'd be single for the rest of their lives. Whilst others wanted to impress the spinsters of the village.

Without further delay, Marcus dashed towards Louis with balled fists and Louis caught his arm swiftly. All gasped as the head guard of Devonshire, knelt on the ground.. groaning in pain.

They were perplexed. All he did was to hold his arm,why did he sound like he was walking on melted iron?

As Louis' grip tightened , Marcus' scream became louder. His green eyes were clouded with mercy and the scene was even scarier for the men watching; the pitch black cloak Louis was wearing was synonymous to that of the Grim Reaper.

Marcus gasped as he sighted a small tattoo of an eagle on Louis' wrist, Louis didn't have a tattoo,did he? He possibly couldn't have gotten it in prison, could he? With pains ,he managed to take off Louis' hood and all gasped.

"Alexander?!" All chorused and the man let go of Marcus who immediately pushed the long black haired man to the ground before restraining him from moving by placing his foot on his neck.

"You moron,you have failed your motherland. Where is that dirty scumbag?"

"You should probably arrest me instead, Marcus. I have no idea,and even if I did you'll be the last person to know," Alexander said, taking Marcus' foot from his neck.

"Seize him!!" Yelled Marcus and all the confused men charged towards him while two guards tied him up.


The Royal Palace, Devonshire.

"He what?!" The king hissed.

A few hours ago,the feast to celebrate the downfall of Louis Frost was canceled and now his head guard knelt down in front of him whilst administering salt to his injury.

"We chased after him, Sire but he was smarter than us. He used Alexander as a distraction and-"

"Alexander? Isn't that the village's Huntsman?" A duke queried.

"Yes,he is..my lord," he said and the gasps of all servants and council members filled the throne room. Alexander was a skilled huntsman wasn't he supposed to be after the criminal than to cover up the rogue?

"Marcus ,you have failed me...again. If Alexander was the one you saw, where's Louis?"


Hi everyone! Thanks so much for reading the first chapter. Just to make things clear, the characters (Paul and Slander) just permit me to say irrelevant characters in this piece. Check out the aux chapter to comprehend and grab the key points of the story.

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