
He might be the one

Snyposis. This is my second book, please show some encouragement by leaving a comment in the comments section after reading each chapter. Atinuke Keturah Demilade is a young, beautiful lady who is very determined to make a name and image for herself in the society after the humiliation she witnessed her mom go through. She isn't very smart and can say a lot of stupid things but that doesn't stop her at all. Samuel Oyewole Douglas is a very handsome, smart and emotionally strong man. After what happened to his family and himself several years ago, he decided to come to Nigeria in search of some peace of mind. He hides his pain behind a false smile and a playful behavior. Lolade Daniel Coker, daughter of late business guru David Daniel Coker, has inferiority complex and so she hides that, pretending to be happy amidst her rich and classy friends but deep down, she knew she only wanted to be a simple girl and continue to be friends with her childhood bestie who she was so jealous of despite being a hundred times better than her in terms of money. Adediran Prince George a totally fake man and a fraudster who came back to Nigeria with a lie that he came back in search of the queen of his heart, a simple woman to get married to and return to America with her. Olatunde Akanni Fiyibi, a man who continously lied so that he could keep two wife's without either finding out about the existence of the other. He gets caught and is separated from the best family he could ever ask for. Dupe Sarah Demilade, a wonderful wife and a good mother who was betrayed by the man she trusted and believed to love her. After this incident happened, she was dragged, humiliated and ridiculed by those she believed were her family. By herself, she raised her daughter to becoming an independent woman. Justin, Ayoola, Timothy are all Samuel Oyewole's friends and partner in crime. Adebisi Adeoye a secretary and a busy body. A total chatter box who can't mind her own business and meddles way too much. The Demilade family consisting of bunch of small and big hypocrite and gossipers. Here is just a little bio of the characters of the book, He might be the one.

Oubukunmi_Jokotoye · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs


On my sixteen birthday, I wished that nothing would ever come between us but that wish was not fulfilled, we got separated on the 18th October 2004.

Here she was staring at me just like she did 8years ago with a beautiful smile on her face. She came over to where I stood staring at her in disbelief and suddenly hugged me.

I smiled. "Loda.... Oh my God, long time, how have you been doing?" I asked in excitement and shock.

"I thank God, I have been doing very well and you? How are mummy and daddy?" She asked, her voice sounding a little bit deeper than before and she even spoke like those oyinbo (white people).

"They are all fine jare and yours? Are your parents still in America?" I asked.

"No, we all came back for my cousin's wedding."

"Wow that's good."

"I missed you a lot Tinu." Loda said with a sudden sadness.

"Me too dear."

"Loda I am so sorry but I have to go out for some important work and I won't be back until after the weekend. So maybe you should give me your phone number or address so that I can come and visit you when I come back." I said quickly as I remembered I had somewhere urgent be.

"Okay. There's a lot we have to talk about and catch up on losts times. Anyways I stay in this estate." She said, to my surprise.

"Really? I also live here. Tell me your house number and I will visit you when I have time.

"Number 14. Please visit soon, we have a lot to talk about." Loda said with a smile. She also gave me her phone number.

"Alright Loda, I will call you on the number you gave me, I have to go now. Bye.

I got into my car and quickly drove off, I just hope nothing else happens today and I hope I don't get cut up in traffic. Today has just been too hectic for me. But luck was not on my side, I got stuck up in traffic for almost an hour, in the same spot. I got so fed up and decided to get down and check what caused the traffic jam.

I struggled through the cars to the place where the traffic started. At the front I saw lots of people gathered around.

"I think an accident has occurred."

I asked a police man who was close by and he narrated the entire story to me. Just as I thought there had been an accident and it's very serious.

A bus driver had tried to overtake a trailer who was carrying onions from kaduna to Lagos, the trailer was trying to turn to the right hand corner and the bus driver wasn't patient enough and rushed to overtake the trailer before it could turn. They crashed into each other, the bus that was filled with so many people traveling to other states, got crushed under the trailer.

Almost half of the people inside the bus were dead including the driver and the ambulance was busy carrying those who were still alive but in critical conditions and applying first aid treatment on others whose conditions were not that bad. There were people with broken bones or dislocations, broken legs and hands and some of them with head injuries were bleeding profusely. It was such a pitiful sight.

"But this was all the driver's fault, why would he try to overtake a trailer at such a close range." I placed my hands on my head and cried out.

"God!!!! How can such a deserter happen? the innocent people just died for nothing."

I wiped my eyes and was about to go back to my car when my phone started ringing. It was my mom again, she started scolding me again.

"Tinuke.... Where are you, are you not done with the shopping yet? Do you want to shop till tomorrow?"

"I am sorry mom but I was stuck in traffic because of an accident that happen just now."

"Jesus!!! An accident?" Mom yelled.

"Yes mom."

I feared that my mom would be scared after hearing this. This was what took her parents my grandma and grandpa, Mr and Mrs Demilade away from her. It was very sad, that is why anytime she hears the word accident from any family member, she would turn pale and get really scared. I quickly told her not to worry and told her everything that happened. She felt a bit relieved and calm down.

"I am glad to hear that you are fine. May God not allow us to encounter such a deserter again in our lives. Go for the shopping quickly and get here as soon as possible."

"Alright ma, I will be there soon."

I cut the call and went back to my car. I have to drive fast, they have already finished clearing the road and the cars started moving.

When I got to the boutique, I parked my car in the driveway and got out. I walked gracefully into the boutique, there were many customers inside picking up really beautiful dresses. I went over to the gowns section, there were lots of beautiful gowns there. I decided to try out a few of them. They all looked good on me especially the pink gown, "Maybe it's because I love pink, it's my favorite color."

I decided to buy it. I went around a little bit more to see if I could find some other things just like the shoe I would wear with the dress. I found my choice, a black six inches high heels which really fitted my dress, now I am ready for the party. "Na me go fine pass ooo. I will be a celebrity in that party." I said with happiness.

I wanted to pay for the things I bought when a very nice and handsome man offered to pay for me, I said to myself. "Did he have to ask, who no want help for this recession."

I even went back to pick up the other dresses I had tried on earlier and he paid for all of it. In return he asked for my phone number and address.

And also if we could be friends, I immediately agreed.

"Why not, I might need his help one of this days." He gave me a hug.

I picked up the shopping bag and left. I wanted to cross the road to the other side were I had parked my car. I looked very well at the road, when I saw that there wasn't any car coming soon, I began to walk across the road majestically.

Unknown to me that a reackless driver was coming with full speed in his black Corolla. I tried to run but I was stuck, I accepted my fate and stood still, then closed my eyes just like I use to do when I was a child, hoping that the car would go away.

Then suddenly I felt as if I was dragged away by a strong grip, but I just thought that maybe I was already in heaven with the angels, "I am sure God will slap my face as a purnishment for not running away from the car and stood there like a mumu."

I heard voices and I decided to open my eyes, "Maybe after all I am not in heaven. Anyways God doesn't even need someone like me over there, I will just be disturbing the poor man." On opening my eyes I was shocked "Jesus, is this the person I thought is an angel?" I exclaimed in my mind.

No wonder all this bad things have been happening to me since morning, this not an angel but a demon and my worst nightmare. "It was Sam, my neighbor, staring at me with his big frog eyes."