

The following night, the presenter opened the interview saying, "So far your story is full of twist and turns and I feel we are still far away from what people really want to hear, they want to hear what Richie did that made you to dump him on that wedding day"

To this Tolu replied, "I know, but they need to also know how we got to that point and how he dug that grave for himself and I am about to step into that this night..." "Good, my ears are itching to hear it" The presenter chipped in

Tolu continued her story, "It was not long that I discovered that my mom was very right with her advise that she gave me about no sex till the wedding night, how did I confirmed it?

It happened like this, our relationship speeds up deeply like we had been on it for a long time, he visited me and I visited him regularly, but whenever I am going to his place I always go in the company of my friend Bianca so that she can serve as a save guard against things going out of hands, you know what I mean?"

The presenter asked, "You mean so that he will not be able to make sexual advances towards you right?" Tolu answered, "Exactly, but he did not like it, but I remained steadfast in that act because I saw that he could not controlled himself sexually, so we played a lot of hide and seek game with each other until one night that I discovered that this issue of sex is going to cause serious trouble between us"

The presenter asked her, "What happened during that night? Tolu answered, At that point I was so close to his friend Ayo who secured that new job that opened the door for our relationship, because he was my direct boss as Richie was in my former place of employment. The man liked me so much because of my high working ethics and he saw me as an epitome of moral uprightness.

He happened to be the only blossom friend of Richie, and they always hang out together either in Richie's place or his own place.

On the night that I mentioned, they were together in Richie's place, and it was Saturday evening that we did not go to our offices.

The building in which Richie resided then had two balconies, the first balcony face the gate of the compound while the second faced the back of the compound. Normally, we like sitting at the back because there it was always cool after sunset which always heat up the front part of the building

I left them sitting there that evening to go and buy ingredients that I need for cooking, but when I got downstairs I realised that the money in my purse will not do, so I returned to collect more money from Richie.

They did not know when I reentered, I heard Richie telling Ayo his friend that he had one dream that terrified him and Ayo asked him to relay the dream to him.

I did not know what happened to me that night, It was never part of me to eavesdrop on people, but I just have this urge to stay quiet to hear the dream that he dreamt, somehow I felt the dream have something to do with me, if not he would have told me because he said he had the dream a week ago.

Really he doesn't keep anything from me, but for him to have a dream that bothered him that much and he did not tell me increased my interest in the dream.

He told Ayo that he dreamt that he saw a large pot seething on the stove, inside were boiling African sweet potatoes that were not yet done and I was the one cooking the potatoes, he said he saw himself sneaking into the kitchen to steal some of the hot undone potatoes.

He dipped his hands into the pot and brought out a big potato to eat, his hand got seethed by the boiling water and the pain was so terrible. in spite of that pain he went ahead and ate the undone potato and his tongue too got blisters that kill the taste on his tongue. After eating the undone potato he had a terrible stomach aches and he was rolling on the floor in a deathly pain.

When I heard this story I wanted to hear what his friend would say, but for sometimes he just kept quiet and he did not say anything until Richie asked him whether he thought his dream was a warning for a bad thing in the future about me?

Then Ayo asked him if he really want to hear the meaning of his dream? Richie answered and said he knew he usually know how to interprets difficult dreams that was the reason he told him the dream and he should go ahead and tell him the meaning no matter what it is.

Hearing this, Ayo said this dream is about you, Tolu and sex, if you force your way with her as you have been saying you will do you will experience unending woes and aches. So my advise is that you should do the needful if you know you are hungry for sex with her, marry her quickly after all there is nothing hindering you from marriage

When Richie heard this interpretation, he kept quiet for a while, later when he opened his mouth he said, "Ayo, you have interpreted many of my dreams accurately in the past, but you are wrong this time, the interpretation you gave doesn't belong to my dream.

You just twisted it so that you can use it to dissuade me about my plan concerning that girl, but I have told you my mind, I cannot marry a girl that I do not know whether she is frigid or sexually active. What if we marry and it turn out that she is a frigid cold girl that will turn my life to hell and I will need to return to the street to relieve myself?"

To this Ayo answered, "I don't think so, Tolu cannot be a frigid she only have a vow to keep herself till the wedding day, and I am sure you will enjoy her"

"That is your own, for me if she maintain her no sex till wedding night stand, then I will maintain my no wedding until we have sex stand. Don't you see that she is torturing me on purpose

To make the matter worse for me, since I met her other girls don't turn me on again like before, if not by now she will know what she is worth"

"Richie, you will never settle down into marriage unless you have a girl like Toly who will make you to settle down" Ayo told him.

"Richie replied, " That is a lie, my relationship with her is about to clock a year now, why didn't I dropped her like others?"

"The reason you did drop her was because you have not seen her nakedness, you are like a cock, you get tired of girls that you sleep with immediately you see another one, if you know what is good for you fix your wedding date and marry this girl she is so good for you!"

This was what I heard without him knowing that I eavesdropped that night, and though I love him; but I made up my mind that I won't give in to sex before wedding as my mother advised me"

"That was great" Says the presenter, "If all our ladies can be like you most of them will not surfer heartbreaks that is prevalent everywhere today in relationships" He added

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