
Before I Met Him

"Wake up Devin"

"Wake up son"

"Honey! Don't wake him up yet, let him sleep a little bit more"

"Okay, love... I'll just go and reheat the leftovers, then we will wake him up after ten minutes."

"Mom? Dad?"

"Please wake me up!"

"I don't want you to go! Mom! Dad!"


"Hey! You brat! I've been yelling out for a while now! Come down this instant! I'm not getting younger by the second!"

"I'm coming! Jeez, you just have to yell"

My name is Devin. 17 years old. Currently in third-year high school. I am currently living with my witch of an aunt, Linsey, she is very impatient and always scrutinizes me for being another freeloader using her money to buy me food, but that's not true.

We live in a small apartment right down a very tight and dirty street. You might think I'm pretty old enough to go and have a part-time job already and have to pay for my rent, but Aunt Linsey was my late mother's sister, and before that, I was raised by my grandmother until I turned 10 when she died of old age and she asked her to continue raising me before she had her last breath. She couldn't back down on her request even though she halfheartedly accepted it. So even if I wanted to I couldn't because there is another reason.

I have a younger cousin named Iris, who I always take care of. She is 8 years and she loves me enough for me to stay and endured the cruel life I'm living in. Oh, I forgot to mention, I do go to work at part-time jobs and also go to school.

Linsey always buys clothes using my income and used it to buy food and still has the nerve to complain even though the money that they are using is half mine. His husband, uncle Rudy, on the other hand, is a drunkard and he isn't always at home.

She is too egocentric to notice that she is getting cheated on. But she doesn't care because he is an office worker and gives her money to spend. That is why my adorable cousin always wants to play with me when I finish working and from school, because she needs attention, not even her parents ever paid attention to her.

I was always the one who goes to her recitals and recognition programs during her elementary school years. I was the only one who supported her and maybe even the one who raised her. She is very diligent and smart for a young girl and I am so proud of her.

She goes to school daily because that is the only way I can make sure that she doesn't get lonely. Good thing my friend's mother is a teacher there. Her school was also where she went to kindergarten. So she is familiar with the place already. She also stays at the school garden after her classes are done and helps the caretaker there.

After my classes, I go and pick her up and send her home, but if I have work I will cook for her to eat and then go to my part-time job. The world is helping me take care of my wonderful cousin. But the world is too cruel to me...

As I went down to go to the dining room, Iris was waiting for me at the end of the staircases to show me something.

"Big brother Devin!"

"What is it, Iris?"

"Look! My teacher gave me another star for helping water the school garden"

"Oh, Iris I'm so happy for you. You did a good job!"

"Hey! You two! Come and eat now, I don't have time for your dilly-dallying! Don't let my effort go to waste. I even reheated those leftovers so hurry up!"

"Yes, mother"

I didn't respond and slightly gave her a menacing look while she was putting on her lipstick

"I want you guys to wash the dishes after you are done eating. okay? I'm going out to my friends. Don't you dare make a mess while I'm out! I don't want to end up cleaning all your messes when I come back! Got it!

"Yes, mother" with a very unenthusiastic tone, sighed Iris.

Her cellphone started ringing and picked it up.

"Oh, you're already here? Okay, I'm coming!"

She went outside without even having to say goodbye to her daughter. What a bitch!

"Hooh! Finally, we're all alone now" Iris exclaimed with a sigh of relief.

"Iris, what are you saying? I didn't know that you can talk like that now?"

"Ah! I'm sorry big brother, I didn't mean to"

"I'm just joking. Yes, it is a relief she's gone now. And besides, the way she was talking sounds like we're the one who always makes the messes when in reality, both of them are the cause. And we're the only ones who have the initiative to clean it up"

"You're right brother Devin"

We then prepared to eat the meal that Linsey reheated. Then suddenly Iris sighed with a disappointed face.

"What's the matter, Iris?"

"Um, sorry if I'm being too needy, but... I don't like the food"

"Why is that? You don't need to be picky Iris, I taught you that"

"No brother Devin, it's not like that. It's just I'd rather eat what you cook"

"Oh sorry Iris, I didn't have time to cook for you, I was busy finishing my project at the last minute because the deadline is coming tomorrow and I end up using all of my Sunday afternoon in doing it after my end shift. I hope you understand"

"Oh! I didn't think about that. I'm sorry, I will eat the food right away" When she realized that she quickly grabbed the spoon and ate what was on her plate.

"Easy now, you'll choke if you eat fast"

"Yes, Big brother!"

Hmm, somehow the way she says yes is different when she says it to her mother.

If I am old enough to adopt, I will take her with me immediately. I don't want to leave her here with those lousy people.

After eating, I washed the dishes and Iris helped me clean the table. Then someone was knocking at the door very loudly.

"Ah! Brother, I think father is home"

"Okay go to your room now, I'll handle this"

"Okay brother, goodnight"

"Goodnight Iris"

As Iris went upstairs to her room. I turned off the faucet and dried my hands and unlocked the door for my uncle to come in. As I opened the door, he immediately threw his bottle at me. I managed to dodge it but he immediately pulled my collar up.

"Why did you open the door so late, huh?!"

"I'm sorry, uncle, I was busy washing the dishes"

"Ugh?! Where's that whore? Did she go out with her dumb friends again?"

"I think she went out to buy groceries"

"You think?!"

"She left food for us before she went out so I didn't know where she went"

"Food? Then where's mine?! I'm starving after that lazy boss keeps on making me do his every single damn thing he comes up with!"

"I will reheat it for you. So can you let go of me now uncle?"

"What's with your tone?"

"I'm sorry, please uncle"

"Fine, go and get me something to drink while you're at it, I'm going to watch something"

Finally, that bastard let go of me. You always complain about your work, it's your job, damn it. Of course, there are a lot of things to do. You're even lucky you're getting a lot of work that gets you more payment, on the other hand, I am struggling to even get a proper wage for doing a lot of things.

They always complain when they haven't even experienced the worst kind. I have to work and study at the same time, not only that, I even have to work in secret and have no time for me to relax.

And why do I need to defend Linsey every time he asks where she is, it's not like he's worried about her or thinks that she's cheating. You have no right if that's the case. But I had to lie because if he finds out that she is also not frequent in this house, he would still be strangling me right now.

After I was ranting inside my head, I gave uncle his dinner and beer, but he was already asleep while the tv was on. If he wasn't like this, I would wake him up but he usually gets up again and drinks when he wakes up. If I didn't give him his drink he would punch me again.

So I left his food and beer on the coffee table and slightly turned up the volume sneakily. He would wake up to the sound and won't notice me putting down the remote.

I cleaned up the broken bottle and went upstairs and continued my project, which is about writing a fictional novel set in a fantasy. I always wonder what it would be like, to live in a fantasy world. But it's too unrealistic and it's hard for me to imagine so I asked my friend who loves watching fantasy anime and sometimes lend me his manga.

I based it off of them and managed to finish my project in due time. Then I went downstairs to wash the dishes and head to the showers to relax. That is the only time I can be free from worries. My aunt usually stays outside for two days and my uncle barely comes home and when he does, he always causes havoc. Thank God I am here, If I weren't how will my cousin able to live.

I was 10 years old when I started living here and Iris was already 1 year old and she wasn't always taken care of. Aunt only breastfeeds her and then she leaves her in her crib. When she cries I am always the one calming her down.

I don't even want to think how she was doing when I wasn't here. I even once heard from our neighbors that Iris was crying non-stop before and all the lights in the house were turned off. I also can't believe that when I first changed her diapers, she has rashes on her, and almost made me cry.

Who changed her diapers and how did they do it! I was so mad at them and got slapped by my aunt when I asked them that. And said that it's not my business and if I was too concerned about it I will have to change her diaper for her. She didn't have to tell me, I was going to without hesitating.

Both of us suffered in that household. So that is why I am eager to buy an apartment where both of us could stay. But that was something I should work hard for, then I met my demise...

"Please don't jump!"


Why am I seeing ghosts again? Why now?

"Iris, please forgive me…"

Devin woke up shouting the words, "No!". He composed himself while breathing heavily. He got off his bed and fixed it. He hurried to make breakfast for Iris and after that, he send her off to her school. He was still thinking about his dream while he was walking down the street towards his school.



"Devin, hey wait up!"

"Oh, Aaron. Sorry I didn't notice you were calling for me"

"What's wrong? Were you up all night handling you're good for nothing relatives"

"No, it's not that"

"Then what is it? Oh, before that, I want to ask how is Iris doing?"

"Oh she gained another star from her teacher"

"Really? Wow, she is an amazing kid, if she was older I wonder how popular she would be right now"

Devin punched Aaron on his head.

"Ow! I'm kidding. Sorry I wasn't thinking anything bad. I just wished she was older so that I could take her to my home and take care of her myse-"

Devin looks at Aaron menacingly.

"Umm... anyway, what were you gonna say awhile back?"

"It's nothing"

"Hey hey hey, you can't lie to me I'm you're best friend I know all your secrets. We've been friends ever since we were 7 or something"

"Wow, you don't even remember when we first met?"

"Hey! I have weak memory okay? Maybe because you keep hitting my head"

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing, I didn't say anything"

Devin sighed when he stopped walking. But Aaron keeps on walking and then turned around clumsily.

"Hey, Devin, I know that you're hiding something, you even almost made me trip"

"I just... you know, I've been thinking how Iris would end up if I were gone, what would happen to her? No matter how much I've worked hard for my aunt keeps on wasting it and my uncle keeps on asking for it to pay his debts even when he already has enough money to pay for it by himself"

"You know I wish I could tell the police about it"

"No please"

"Why can't I? I've been listening to you complain every time and I'm getting fed up with your aunt and uncle, they don't even deserve Iris, and especially you!"

"I want to but I don't want Iris to be in an orphanage. And I don't know how to manage my work and school if I also end up in the orphanage but it's unlikely that they will keep me there because I'm too old... and you also forgot, if everyone at school knows about all of this they will look down at me and I will end up losing my authority there!"

"Oh, right I forgot! You're the kingpin in our school!"

"Ugh, it was hard for me to climb the ladders. I didn't want anyone to look down at me so I get rid of all my frustrations at school and unexpectedly they eventually all fear me"

"Yeah even the seniors, are afraid of you. Maybe because you're so handsome"

"What are you talking about? Even if I'm handsome, it's not like the male seniors don't want to fight me or end up liking me?"

"What if that's why they don't attack you"

"Shut up!"

"Even girls don't approach you... Well, excluding the juniors. They don't even know you're a delinquent"

"It's because they haven't heard about me yet"

"Yeah I don't even remember why they fear you, it's not like you always fight with people. Is it because you can talk to ghosts?"

"Why would you think that? And why can't you remember? Are you pretending not to know or you're really can't remember?"

"Nope, I can only remember that you can see ghosts. Can you still see ghosts?"

"Wake up Devin"


"Please forgive me!"


"Devin! Hey! You're spacing out again"

"Oh sorry, I just remembered something"

"What is it?"

"We're late for school" Devin suddenly ran down the streets towards school.

"What the? You jerk don't leave me here"

The school bell rings and the first session was over. Aaron is sitting north of Devin's chair. He turned his chair facing him. Trying to start a conversation. But Devin was busy writing down notes.

"You know for a delinquent you look like a nerd"

Devin slightly looked up with a look that could kill.

"Umm... Oh look a bird"

Devin continued writing then told Aaron to come closer.

"What is it?"

Devin hit his head.

"Ouch! Hey! that's the second time!. I will probably have amnesia by now"

While Aaron was massaging his head, the teacher walk in to start the class. But Devin whispered to Aaron before he turned his chair back, saying, "After class meet me in the gym"


"Okay class be seated"

"Hey, Devin why?"

"Mr. Reeves, can you please quiet down or else go outside and make noise there"

"Sorry Teacher!"

"Okay class turn your textbook to page 47"

While the class was going, Devin had a flashback of the dreams he had yesterday. The first dream was when he heard his parents' voices, then the next dream where he saw an unknown figure jumping off a building. Was the latter a premonition or did it already happen?

The class ended and they both went to the gym, then Devin told about what happened in his dreams.

"Wait, those are some creepy dreams, hearing your parents' voices when you haven't even met them, wasn't your late grandmother took care of you when you were a baby?"

"That's what I thought too. It's weird hearing them like it's all real"

"Maybe you were imagining their voices and you just created it like any other dream"

"I don't think I created it, it felt too real not only that but also that second dream felt real too"

"I think you need to relax a bit and try to spend time for yourself"

"I can't do that how about Iris?"

"I can take care of her"

"Fat chance"

"Hey, I'm a nice dude"

"Yeah, only to me, I can't trust you being near her"

"Hey! I'm no pedophile"

"Yeah cause you're a creep"

"Hey! I'm helping you here"

"I know, I just... I'm scared what if both of them are real. The girl who fell looks so similar to Iris. I don't want her to die like that. And I don't know what to do anymore"

Aaron held Devin down and told him. "Everything's going to be okay, you're the toughest person I've met, I know you can get through it"

"Aaron, thank you but, I don't want you pampering me"

"I'm not pampering you, I'm telling the truth. If I were you, I would already give up if I have a life like yours"

"How mean," said Devin as he made a pouting face.

"Hey don't pout, that doesn't suit you"

"Aaron, thank you for staying with me, even though you're such a weirdo"

"Well weirdos stick together"

Devin pulled his collar and said with an intimidating tone, "Who are you calling a weirdo!"

"Me, me, I'm the weirdo"

Then they both crack up laughing.

But while they were talking, a mysterious figure was watching them. Devin noticed it, so he told Aaron to head back inside and go eat something before the bell. Devin went behind him and was looking in the direction where he saw someone peeking. He had a bad feeling about what is going to happen, but it was too vague for him to understand.

The break ended and we went to our classroom. When we reached our seats, the class president had something to say.

"Everyone please sit down, our teacher isn't coming today"

Everyone got excited and all started yelling.

"Yay, let's go outside then"

"Wait, Everyone! There's more" with a nervous tone and his arms are shaking while holding a piece of paper.

"This is a letter from our Teacher, Miss Lhea"

Everyone quiet down as they saw him trembling and filled with fear.

"Hello Class 4B, I know that I haven't been the greatest teacher for you all. So, I decided to end my life and blame it all on you. If you ever tell this to the higher-ups I will haunt you all until you will feel guilty to what hell you have brought into my already miserable life"

Someone in the back, burst into laughter and said with an unconvinced tone.

"What the hell? She really is a weird woman am I right? Who does she think she is. Instead of shutting our mouths let's tell this to the principal immediately"

Then another one agreed and replied, "Yeah, this is nonsense. Why haven't the school already known about this? What are they doing, haven't they called her if she was skipping her work or something?"

The class president yelled, "Enough! I too think this is absurd but we need to know the truth about her note. I still don't understand why she ended her life"

"Is she really dead though?" Aaron interrupted with that question.

"How about we let Devin see if she is dead or not" Aaron incited, but quickly got punched by Devin on the head.

"Don't involve me with this shit" Devin exclaimed.

The rest of the class all looked at him with fear and then went back to discuss the letter. The others who were not bothered went outside and the ones who were stayed.

Aaron stayed because it was interesting to him. Devin just slept in his chair.

Then ten minutes later. Someone screamed with a loud voice from the outside.

The ones who were left in the classroom got frightened and were trembling, asking about what happened outside. Aaron went opened the door to look but saw no one. Then Devin opened his eyes and saw the ghost of Miss Lhea right next to Aaron. Devin yelled at Aaron telling him to come back inside and close the door. But Aaron was too slow to move and got pulled from the outside and the doors shut loudly.

The others saw him get pulled out of thin air and hid on the corner shivering. All confused and nauseous.

Devin then was feeling annoyed and frustrated. Scratching his head then said, "Aaron you stupid son of a bitch"

This is my first novel ever written. You can help me improve my writing by leaving a comment. I happily appreciate any kind of feedback. If you want more chapters to be released earlier, please add them to your library so that I can be motivated. Thank you for reading :)

seraphire_wintercreators' thoughts
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