

They were among the bitterest of enemies, but... what if a strange power brought them together!? "Companion" "That word struck me like lightning! Surely he can't be more than someone I've hated all my life, my companion!" ... Our mission is to make you both define your feelings is it.. Hate or love?! ..... "You are the winning card to victory in this war!"

bark_mochi · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

6.Lucifer's hell


After that word, my world stopped completely. I felt a heaviness in my chest and I ran away into the palace.

I ran to stand in front of the door of my room trying to return to my human state. I took a deep breath and then found my limbs returning to their human origin. I opened my eyes to find myself naked.

I quickly opened the door to my room and put on a shirt that I found thrown on the floor carelessly.

I stood in front of the mirror with my eyes closed, hoping that all of this was a nightmare and that there was no cursed tattoo on my neck.

But not all wishes come true.

I opened my eyes and was met by the smell of a wolf howling and the moon behind it.

Lucifer tattoo.

One night ago I couldn't sleep because I was so excited and now I wish I had never turned eighteen!

I broke down crying over this nightmare! I don't want this, I don't want it, I hate this Lucifer so much, I hate him, he's unbearable! This is definitely a nightmare that cannot be reality..!

I lay down on the bed, contemplating my reflection in the ceiling mirror, contemplating my appearance after the cosmetics had spilled and I became like a monster while the kohl was running down my cheeks. I closed my eyes, trying to forget all of this and go to a happy world amidst my white wolf's complaints about me leaving her companion and the like! My tears increased as I remembered that tomorrow is the day the alpha is crowned, and since I am his companion, I will be crowned with him as the color of the herd! Why is this happening to me!?

I tossed and turned a lot until I fell asleep from exhaustion and crying


That spoiled girl is my mate?! This is what I was really missing! This is the worst nightmare that has ever happened to me in my entire life! The worst thing is the desire that overwhelms me because of your house, as it gives me ideas that do not help at all! I hate this ! I hate her so much, why is she my friend? You took my mother from me, you took from now the last thing I ever wanted to make me happy, and she became my companion. How miserable you are, Lucifer! Your companion has become the one you hate the most, and the most beautiful thing is that she hates me back exponentially..!

I lay down on the bed in a desperate attempt to sleep, but soon I tossed and turned in the bed like someone suffering from stomach upsets, so I got up after getting tired and headed to the gym attached to my room to exercise and get rid of this cramp and tension from me.


Today is the awaited moment..

Lucifer D. Luthor is officially crowned as the Alpha of his pack and Bella is officially crowned as Luna!

This blonde is sitting in her room, wearing a pink dress that is tight at the top and fluffy at the bottom, without sleeves, decorated in the chest area with what looks like feathers.

She sits absentmindedly thinking about her future as Luna.

Her flow of thoughts was interrupted by a knock on the door, and her aunt appeared, smiling in her face, looking at the girl's beautiful appearance, with a clear glint of sadness in her eyes.

The two girls hugged each other, and her aunt patted her back, encouraging her

"Come on, be happy because you will become the color!"

Then she broke the hug and Bella gave her a faint smile

Her aunt took her hand and headed towards the garden where the celebration was usually held.

Attention was drawn to her from the moment she entered because of her beautiful and gentle appearance.

Her eyes roamed the place to see her nightmare standing on the platform waiting for her to come and begin the ritual of appointing them as the official Alpha and Luna leading the pack together.

Bella saw her mother smiling with happiness that was clearly visible. Her mother had always wanted Bella to become Luna and she did not expect this to really happen..!

Bella reached the podium and climbed over it, raising her gray eyes with anger and distress evident on her features.

Lucifer looked at her very coldly. The sage of the herd interrupted the epic of glances as he said:

"We gathered today to announce the Alpha and Luna to the Blood Moon Flock..."

The sage began reciting many vows, while both Lucifer and Bella repeated after him...

After they finished, they brought a pot in which the wise man put many things, such as herbs, seeds, etc.

"Give me your wrists"

Let Bella and Lucifer extend their hand.

The wise Lucifer made a not-so-deep wound with the knife, causing blood to flow from it into the pot, and he did the same thing to Bella, then he combined their hands so that blood came out of them, mixing at the same time.

Then the wise man started stirring in the pot.

After he finished, he poured this mixture for both Bella and Lucifer, and they both drank it all, showing signs of disgust on both of them.

Finally the ritual ended and Lucifer came down after giving Bella one last look and then went to stand next to Kevin..

Bella also came down, darting her eyes around the hall.

I noticed that it's not just her pack, or to be more precise, it's not just werewolves here! Not to mention the Alpha Gabriel flock, except there were vampires!! What's even more strange is that the Phoenix is ​​also there!!! Seriously, what's going on!? Who are these people and what are they doing to their flock?

Bella quickly went to her aunt to ask her

"Auntie, I see vampires and also a lot of phoenixes?! What brought them here!?"

For her aunt to answer her

"Our flock's relationship with vampires and phoenixes is very good, so they were invited to attend the party. There are five vampires who are friends of your father and three phoenixes who are only friends of Lucifer.

That's there.."

She pointed to the men, okay? Hot as fuck yeah!

"This is a vampire named Lucas

Next to him is his brother Mike

And also their father, Antonio.

And their friends Mark and Stephen"

Then she pointed to three others

"This is Stuart, his twin brother Tomas, and their friend Alex"

They had fiery red hair and fiery handsomeness!

Bella nodded to her, looking at them.

The group of vampires approached her and stood before her and said:

"Welcome, Luna. Nice to meet you"

Antonio added with a smile, making Bella think

"Damn, their father has a very attractive smile!"

Bella looked at him with a smile

"Thank you."

He gestured to her while the boys greeted her from afar

The Phoenix men approached her and he raised his hand to shake her hand

"Welcome, beautiful Luna. It is an honor to meet you"

He winked at her with a smile at the end of his speech

"He looks like he's dripping with handsomeness! But he's not as handsome as Lucifer, of course! Wait, I'm comparing him to him now! Oh God, what's happening to me!"

She shook her head and extended her hand to shake his hand, feeling the heat of his raised hand.

"The honor is mine."

He motioned her away...

The party went smoothly, with blessings, introductions, etc.

Finally, that disgusting party ended. She went into her room to go to the wardrobe and was surprised to find that her clothes were empty. She left the closet and was about to leave until the door opened before she left to reveal her aunt.

"Dear Bella, what are you doing here?"

Her aunt asked her

Bella looked at her in surprise

"This is my room, what do you mean?!"

Margaret hit her forehead angrily

"You idiot, you are the Luna now, meaning you will share Alpha Lucifer in his private suite!"

Bella felt the ground rotating around her and she closed her eyes, trying to control herself to swallow her saliva, looking at her aunt, and her voice came out shaky.

"What...what, aunt!? What do you mean by this? I will not and have not gone to stay in one room with him!"

She was interrupted by the sound of footsteps coming from outside, revealing his tall figure, looking at her with his usual coldness

"Who said that I would almost fly with joy because you would share a room with me? Wake up to reality, I hate even signing your name!"

Lucifer said angrily

His mother scolded him angrily

"Lucifer! How do you talk to her like that! Didn't I tell you never to talk to Bella like that? She is my sweet angel, not to mention that she is your companion now. You idiot, apologize to her immediately!"

Lucifer rolled his eyes and said with his last breath

"Sorry to tell the truth, angel!"

He left without adding a word.

Bella looked at him, sighed angrily, and headed to the bed, laying her body on it.

Her aunt looked at her for a moment, then went to sit with her on the bed and began to run her hand quietly through her hair.

"Bella, my dear, I know it is difficult, especially since you hate each other, but Bella, don't you think this is a new opportunity for you to try to understand each other? And I regret to tell you that staying with him in his suite is necessary and it is the law here, my dear, so when you get some rest, go, okay?"

Bella nodded to her with her eyes closed, and her aunt kissed her on the forehead and then left, leaving her alone.

She slowly opened her eyes and made her decision.

She will not try to win the love of the stone-hearted Lucifer, but...

She will make her love ignite him without him even realizing it!

She will torture him as he tortured her, but it is a different kind of torture..!

How is that!? You will know...

Bella got up from the bed and headed outside to Lucifer's suite. She walked through the corridors of the palace until she reached Lucifer's suite, which had a black door with gold inscriptions in Latin.

I opened the door to go inside..

Before she closed the door well, that huge body surrounded her at the door, whispering in front of her face

"Well well look who decided to show up! My friend B-Bella, the sweet angel! Angel, you have come to Satan's hell with your feet!"

Lucifer well kicks her back hehehehe

bark_mochicreators' thoughts