After being raised and trained by his adoptive parents, Naruto Uzumaki-Namikase, Harry Potter-Uzumaki will return to his world to continue his magical education at Hogwarts. Where he will live new adventures and make new friends. Read the adventure of Harry Potter-Uzumaki, The Supreme Wizard.
-"Person Talking"-
-(Person Thinking)-
-<Mental Conversation>-
[Jutsu and Spell]
(JC: Author's Notes)
Let's get started
Harry James Potter-Uzumaki had already boarded the Hogwarts Express after saying goodbye to his family, and was currently in a compartment with a girl named Hermione Granger, a witch who would also be going to her first year at Hogwarts.
Now Harry was having a nice conversation with Hermione.
-"I'm really excited to get to Hogwarts"- Hermione said excitedly. -"I've been waiting for that since I got my letter"-
-"I'm excited too, I've heard a lot of amazing things about Hogwarts"-
After saying that word, Harry smiled, remembering all the things he learned from his Senseis.
-"Do you know what house you're going to? I've been asking around and I hope to be in Gryffindor; it seems like the best of all"- Hermione smiled. -"I heard that Dumbledore is there, but I guess Ravenclaw won't be so bad"-
-"I don't know yet"- Harry answered. -"But I have no problem being in any house"-
-"Even Slytherin?"- She asked seriously. -"I heard that all the members of that house are Dark Wizards"-
-"That's nonsense"- Harry said seriously and even a little annoyed. -"Saying that all Slytherins are evil is like saying that being cunning and ambitious is being evil"-
He knew about that stupid idea that all Slytherins are evil and they all blame the founder of the house, Salazar Slytherin. If only they knew the original story, and they would know that the culprit is none other than Voldemort.
-"That's why, Hermione, I recommend you get to know someone first before judging them"-
Hermione nodded. -"Yes, you're right"-
-"I also recommend that you don't join a house following in someone else's footsteps"-
-"Why?"- Hermione asked a little annoyed. -"Dumbledore was in Gryffindor and is currently one of the most powerful wizards of all"-
-"Yes, because Dumbledore is Dumbledore and you are you. Dumbledore followed his own path and became the wizard he is today. But you must follow your own path, and become a powerful witch on your own merits"- Harry smiled at her. -"And I'm sure you will become powerful"-
Upon hearing those words, Hermione was surprised with a blush, and then smiled.
-"Thank you, James"- Hermione thanked him as she smiled back. -"I will follow your advice"-
Harry smiled, and then continued talking to Hermione about trivial things.
Seconds later the compartment door opened and a red-haired boy entered.
-"Can I sit here?"- The boy asked. -"All the other carriages are full"-
He is a tall, thin red-haired boy, with large hands and feet and a face covered in freckles. He also has blue eyes and a long nose; which had a black spot on it.
-"Sure, go ahead"-
Harry replied with a smile, while Hermione nodded.
After thanking them, the boy sat next to Hermione, facing Harry.
-"I'm Ron Weasley, by the way"-
Ron introduced himself, extending his hand towards Harry.
-"James Uzumaki"- Harry shook his hand with a smile. -"Nice to meet you"-
Ron then looked at Hermione.
Hermione smiled as well and introduced herself. -"Hermione Granger"-
-"Nice to meet you. Is this your first year too?"-
-"Yeah. I'm excited to see and learn about Magic. Most of what I know about it I read in books."-
Hermione got excited just thinking about learning Magic.
-"Oh yeah? I come from a Magical family."- Ron smiled. -"I've seen Magic all the time."-
Hermione seemed to groan. -"Lucky you..."-
-"Same for me."- Harry smiled too. -"In my family, everyone is able to do magic."-
-"And have you thought about what house you're going to be in?"- Ron asked. -"Everyone in my family has been in Gryffindor; I hope to be in the same house."-
-"I... I think Ravenclaw."-
Hermione answered, after having thought about the advice Harry gave her.
Harry also answered. -"Any of the four houses is fine for me."-
-"Even Slytherin!?"- Ron asked upset. -"You can't go there, it's full of Dark Wizards!"-
Harry replied calmly. -"Those are just false rumors."-
-"No, it's true!"- Ron declared. -"He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and his followers were Slytherins!"-
-"I doubt that, it's impossible that they were only Slytherins"- Harry said. -"Maybe they were also Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff or even Gryffindor"-
Ron's ears turned red with fury upon hearing what Harry said.
-"Impossible! In Gryffindor there are only Light Wizards, like Dumbledore and Harry Potter"-
What he said caused Harry to look at him with a raised eyebrow.
-"Oh, I know about him!"- Hermione smiled as she recognized the last person named. -"He's mentioned in History of Modern Magic, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Great Magical Events of the 20th Century!"-
Harry mentally groaned as he remembered all the books he was mentioned in. Not to mention the fiction books that were about him.
But he pushed that aside to ask about what Ron said.
-"And how do you know Harry Potter will be in Gryffindor?"- Harry asked with narrowed eyes. -"If I'm not mistaken, this would be his first year at Hogwarts."-
-"I'm sure Harry Potter will be in Gryffindor. All the Potters were there. Plus, I'll be friends with Harry Potter. Even better, I'll be his best friend!"- Ron smiled just by saying that. -"Imagine being best friends with the Boy-Who-Lived! I'll become famous too!"-
Harry seethed internally as he heard what Ron said. Obviously it wasn't hard to tell that Ron just wanted to be her friend to gain fame for being the Boy-Who-Lived's best friend.
Harry didn't like that at all…
-"You know"- Harry gave Ron a fake smile. -"I think I've seen Harry Potter in one of the first compartments"-
-"Really!? Thanks!"- Ron smiled, then quickly headed towards the compartment door. -"I'm going to meet him. See you later"-
Ron then left the compartment with his things.
Hermione looked at the compartment door, then looked at Harry suspiciously.
-"Why did you lie to him?"-
Harry looked at her calmly. -"I don't know what you're talking about"-
Even with his answer, he didn't stop receiving a look from Hermione.
A few seconds later, there was a knock on the compartment door, and a round-faced boy that Harry had seen when passing by platform nine three-quarters entered. He seemed very distressed.
-"Sorry," the boy said. -"Have you seen a toad by any chance?"-
The boy had blond hair, fair skin, and a round face. He had his trunk with him. It seemed he hadn't found a compartment yet.
When Harry and Hermione shook their heads, he groaned.
-"I've lost it!"- he said sadly. -"It keeps getting away from me!"-
-"Relax," Hermione smiled, standing up from her seat. "I'll help you look for it."-
-"No need," Harry stopped her, receiving a confused look from her. "I'll take care of it."-
Harry pulled out a 11-inch wand that was light and dark brown from his robes.
He then looked at the boy. "What's your toad's name?"-
-"Trevor," the boy replied, confused. "Why do you ask?"-
-"You'll see," Harry smiled, then raised his wand.
-"[Accio] Trevor!"-
Before anyone could ask about what Harry did, an object quickly entered through the compartment door, to then be quickly grabbed by Harry.
The others looked at the scene in surprise, then saw a toad in Harry's hands.
Harry showed the toad to the boy. -"Is this your toad?"-
-"Yes, it is!"- The boy happily took the toad from Harry's hands and then looked at it gratefully. -"Thank you very much."-
Harry smiled. -"No problem."-
-"I-I'm Neville."- Neville introduced himself with a shy smile. -"Neville Longbottom."-
-"I'm James Uzumaki."- Harry introduced himself, then pointed at Hermione. -"And this is Hermione Granger."-
Hermione smiled. -"Nice to meet you."-
-"Likewise. By the way."- Neville looked at Harry curiously. -"What did you do?"-
-"A Summoning Charm."- Harry replied with a smile. -"With it I can summon objects and living beings, only the latter is more complicated."-
-"Summoning Charm?"- Hermione asked confused. -"I don't remember reading that spell in our books this year"-
What she said made Harry get a little nervous.
-"A-Ah yes. I learned it in a book I read at Flourish and Blotts"- Harry said trying not to seem like he was too advanced in Magic. -"I thought it would be useful when I lose things"-
Hermione quickly understood. -"I see"-
-"A very useful spell"- Neville said, then turned sad. -"I always lose my things"-
Harry smiled at her. -"Why don't you sit here and I'll show you the spell?"-
Neville surprised him. -"R-Really?"-
-"Sure"- Harry said with a smile while Hermione nodded. -"The more the merrier"-
Neville smiled, then entered the compartment and with Harry's help put away his trunk.
Then the three of them started talking about trivial things; Even Harry bought wizarding sweets from a food cart that passed by his compartment.
-"Every Flavoured Beans?"- Harry asked curiously as Neville ate a sweet called Chocolate Frog. -"What does that mean exactly?"-
-"They're literally beans of every flavour, whether they're pleasant or unpleasant flavours"- Neville explained, then shivered. -"I once ate one that tasted like earwax"-
Harry looked at the box of beans in fear, then picked a random bead and ate it.
-"Um, chocolate"- Harry smiled, then looked at Hermione who wasn't eating. -"You don't want any, Hermione?"-
-"No thanks, sweets means cavities"- Hermione declared. -"My parents are very strict about dental hygiene, after all they are dentists"-
Neville was confused not knowing about the non-Magical world.
Harry looked at him. -"I'll explain it to you later."-
Suddenly, the compartment door opened again and this time three boys entered. One was a thin boy, with elegant blond hair, cold, grey eyes and pale complexion. He was accompanied by other boys. Both were corpulent and looked very vulgar. They were standing on either side of the pale boy, looking like bodyguards.
-"Is that true?"- The pale boy suddenly asked, looking around the compartment. -"They're saying all over the train that Harry Potter is in this compartment."-
-"No, Harry Potter isn't in this compartment."- Harry said. -"I heard he's up ahead."-
The pale boy then closed the door and left, leaving the compartment in silence.
Hermione was confused by the scene. -"What was that?"-
Harry shrugged. -"Maybe he's a Harry Potter fan."-
-"I doubt it."-
Neville replied, who seemed to be the only one nervous about the presence of the three boys.
Harry and Hermione looked at him curiously.
-"That was Draco Malfoy, son of Lucius Malfoy."- Neville explained. -"A very influential person in the Mystery of Magic."-
-(That explains why he looked familiar)-
Harry thought, seeing the elder Malfoy's kinship to his son.
Hermione was still curious about something. -"And why did you say he's not a fan of Harry Potter?"-
Neville quickly answered. -"Because his father was a follower of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named."-
-"What?"- Harry was surprised. -"How is it possible that he's not under arrest?"-
Neville again quickly answered. -"Because he and many others claimed to be under the [Imperium] Curse."-
Hermione looked curious. -"And that was true?"-
-"I'm not sure."- Neville answered. -"My grandmother says that they lied and that they bought their freedom."-
-"That's terrible!"-
Hermione was horrified to hear that, while Harry remained silent, but inside he was angry.
A few minutes later an older student came to tell him that they were about to arrive and that he should put on his robes.
Hermione left the compartment to let Harry and Neville put on their robes as the train seemed to slow down.
Then a voice boomed through the train.
-"[We will arrive at Hogwarts in five minutes. Please leave your luggage on the train, it will be taken separately to school]"-
Harry and Neville filled their pockets with the last of the sweets, left the compartment where Hermione was and joined the rest of the group that filled the corridors.
The train slowed down, until it finally stopped. Everyone was pushing to get out onto the small, dark platform. Then a lamp appeared, moving over the heads of the students.
-"First years! First years over here!"-
The person holding a lamp was a gigantic man appeared in the doorway. His face was almost hidden by a long tangle of hair and a wild beard, but his eyes could be seen, shining like black beetles, under all that hair.
The man quickly began to lead the first years.
-"Come, follow me... Are there any more first years? Watch where you step. First years, follow me!"-
Slipping and groping, they followed the giant man down what looked like a narrow path. It was so dark that Harry thought there must be very thick trees on either side. No one was talking much. Neville seemed to be very nervous.
-"In a second, you'll have your first view of Hogwarts,"- the man exclaimed over his shoulder. -"Just around this bend."-
The first years were shocked by what they saw. -"Ooooooh!"-
The narrow path suddenly opened up at the edge of a large black lake. On the top of a high mountain, on the other side, with its windows shining under the starry sky, was an impressive castle with many towers and turrets.
-"No more than four per boat!"-
The man shouted, pointing to a fleet of small boats lined up in the water, next to the shore.
Harry, Hermione and Neville climbed into another boat and joining them, much to Harry's disgust, was Ron Weasley.
Ron Weasley climbed into the boat and gave Harry an angry look. He obviously discovered that Harry had lied to him.
-"You've all got in?"- continued the man, who had a boat to himself. -"Good! Go ahead!"-
And the small fleet of boats moved in unison, gliding across the lake, which was as smooth as glass.
They were all silent, staring at the great castle towering over their heads as they drew ever closer to the cliff on which it stood.
-"Put your heads down!"-
The man shouted as the first boats reached the cliff. They all ducked and the little boats carried them through a curtain of ivy, which hid a wide opening at the front of the cliff. They went through a dark tunnel that seemed to lead them right under the castle, until they came to a sort of underground dock, where they climbed up among the rocks and pebbles.
For a moment Neville's toad, Trevor, was about to escape from the pocket of his robes, but was quickly stopped by Harry, receiving a thank you from Neville.
Then they climbed a passage in the rock, behind the man's lamp, finally emerging onto soft, damp grass in the shadow of the castle.
They climbed some stone steps and gathered before the great oak door. -"Are you all here? Good."-
After saying that, the man raised his giant fist and knocked three times on the castle door.
The door opened immediately. A tall, black-haired witch in emerald green robes was waiting there. She had a very stern face, and Harry's first thought was that she was someone he had better not have trouble with.
-"First years, Professor McGonagall."-
-"Thank you very much, Hagrid."- The Witch thanked him. -"I'll take you from here."-
She opened the door wide. The entrance hall was so large that they could fit a normal house inside. The stone walls were lit with glowing torches like those at Gringotts, the ceiling was so high that it couldn't be seen, and a magnificent marble staircase in front of them led to the upper floors.
They followed Professor McGonagall through a path marked on the stone floor. Harry could hear the sound of hundreds of voices coming from a door to the right. But Professor McGonagall led the first years into a small, empty room off the hall.
"Welcome to Hogwarts," said Professor McGonagall. -"The start-of-year banquet will be held shortly, but before you take your places in the Great Hall, you must be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your houses will be like your family at Hogwarts."-
-"You will have classes with the rest of your assigned house, sleep in your house dormitories, and spend your free time in the house common room. The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history, and each has produced notable witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your successes will earn the houses points, while any infractions of the rules will cause them to lose points. At the end of the year, the house that earns the most points will be awarded the house cup, a great honor. I hope that all of you will be a credit to your assigned house."-
-"The Sorting Ceremony will take place in the House Cup, which will be the last day of the year." place in a few minutes, in front of the rest of the school. I suggest that, while you wait, you get ready as best as possible" -
The teacher's eyes paused for a moment on Neville's cloak, which was tied under his left ear, and on Ron's stained nose.
-(I hope she doesn't say anything about my hair)-
Harry I hope they don't ask him to fix his messy hair, something that was impossible.
-"I'll be back when we have everything ready for the ceremony"- said Professor McGonagall. -"Please wait quietly"-
Then she left the room, leaving the nervous little wizards alone.
Harry looked at Neville. -"How exactly do they manage to sort us?"-
He once asked his Senseis and they didn't answer him, claiming that it's a surprise for the first years.
-"I have no idea"- said Neville. -"I once asked my grandmother and she said that I would see it during the sorting"-
-"I think it's some kind of test"- said Ron, who also heard the question. -"My brother Fred says it hurts a lot, but I think he was joking"-
Harry looked around and saw that the others also looked terrified. No one was talking much, except Hermione, who was whispering very quickly all the spells she had learned and wondering which one she would need.
Then something happened that made him jump into the air... Many of those behind him screamed.
-"What is it...?"-
He snorted. So did those around him. About twenty ghosts had just passed through the back wall. Pearl white and slightly transparent, they glided around the room, talking to each other, barely looking at the first years.
Apparently, they were arguing. The one who looked like a fat, short monk said:
-"Forgive and forget. I say we should give him a second chance..."-
-"My dear Friar, haven't we given Peeves all the chances he deserves? He's given us all a bad name, and you know he's not even a real ghost... And what are you all doing here?"-
The ghost with the ruff and tights had suddenly noticed the presence of the first years.
No one answered.
-"New students!"- said the Fat Friar, smiling at everyone. -"You're waiting for the sorting, aren't you?"-
Some nodded.
-"I hope to see you in Hufflepuff!"- the Friar continued. -"My old house, you know."-
-"Let's go."- a shrill voice said. -"The Sorting Ceremony is about to begin."-
Professor McGonagall had returned. One by one, the ghosts floated across the opposite wall.
-"Now form a line."- the professor said to the first years. -"And follow me."-
Harry fell in behind a light-haired boy, with Neville behind him. They left the room, crossed the hall again, passed through a set of double doors, and entered the Great Hall.
Harry would never have imagined such a strange and splendid place. It was lit by thousands upon thousands of candles, which floated in the air above four large tables, where the other students were already seated. On the tables were gold plates, cutlery, and goblets. On a platform at the head of the dining hall was another large table, where the teachers sat. It was certainly a splendid magical place.
Of course, it will never surpass Asgard, which she visited a few years ago…
Professor McGonagall led the first years there and made them stop and form a line in front of the other students, with the teachers behind them. The hundreds of faces that looked at them looked like pale lanterns under the bright candlelight.
Situated between the students, the ghosts had a hazy silver glow. To avoid all eyes, Harry looked up and saw a black velvet ceiling, dotted with stars.
Hermione began to whisper. -"It's a spell to make it look like the sky outside, I read about it in the history of Hogwarts"-
Harry smiled looking at the ceiling. -(As always, Magic is amazing)-
Harry looked down, while Professor McGonagall silently placed a four-legged stool in front of the first years. On the stool he placed a pointed wizard's hat. The hat was patched, threadbare, and very dirty.
Realizing that everyone in the hall was staring at the hat, Harry did too. For a few seconds, there was complete silence.
Then the hat moved. A tear near the brim opened, wide as a mouth, and the hat began to sing.
Oh, you may think I'm not pretty,
But don't judge by what you see.
I'll eat myself if you can find a hat smarter than me.
You may have black bowlers, Tall, elegant hats.
But I'm the Sorting Hat of Hogwarts and I can outdo them all.
There's nothing hidden in your head that the Sorting Hat can't see.
So try me and I'll tell you where you should be.
You may belong to Gryffindor, where the brave dwell.
Their daring, mettle and chivalry set Gryffindors apart.
You may belong to Hufflepuff, where they are fair and loyal.
Those persevering Hufflepuffs truly fear no hard work.
Or perhaps to the ancient wisdom of Ravenclaw, if you have a willing mind, for those of intelligence and learning will always find their kind there.
Or perhaps in Slytherin you'll make your true friends.
These cunning people use any means
To achieve their ends.
So try me! Don't be afraid!
And you won't get slapped! You're in good hands (even if I don't).
Because I am the Thinking Hat.
The whole hall erupted in applause when the hat finished its song. It bowed to the four tables and then stiffened again.
-"Then just try on the hat!"- Ron whispered, behind Neville. -"I'm going to kill Fred."-
Harry smiled as he understood how they were going to be sorted. -(Obviously they created a Sorting Hat. Why didn't I think of that before?)-
Professor McGonagall stepped forward with a large scroll of parchment.
-"When I call you, you must put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted"- the professor explained. -"Abbott, Hannah!"-
A pink-faced girl with blonde braids stepped out of the line, put the hat on, which covered her eyes, and sat down. There was a moment's pause.
The Hat then shouted its response. -"HUFFLEPUFF!"-
The table on the right applauded as Hannah went to sit with the Hufflepuffs. Harry saw the ghost of the Fat Friar greeting the girl with joy.
-"Bones, Susan!"-
The Hat shouted again, and Susan hurried to sit next to Hannah.
-"Boot, Terry!"-
The second table on the left applauded this time. Several Ravenclaws stood up to shake Terry's hand as he joined them.
Brocklehurst, Mandy also went to Ravenclaw, but Brown, Lavender was the first new Gryffindor, at the table furthest to the left, which erupted in cheers, and then Bulstrode, Millicent was sorted into Slytherin.
-"Finch-Fletchley, Justin!"-
Harry noticed that sometimes the hat would call out the house name straight away, but other times it took a while to decide.
-"Finnegan, Seamus"-
The sandy-haired boy next to Harry in line sat for a full minute before the hat declared him a Gryffindor.
-"Granger, Hermione"-
Hermione nearly ran to the stool and put the hat on, very nervous.
The hat took a full minute, then shouted.
Hermione smiled, then headed over to the Ravenclaw table who were clapping.
Harry smiled as Hermione took his advice seriously.
When Neville was called, he tripped over the stool. The hat took a long time to make up its mind. When it finally shouted: GRYFFINDOR!, Neville ran out, still wearing the hat, and had to hand it back, amid laughter from everyone.
Draco Malfoy stepped forward at the sound of his name, and the hat barely touched his head as he shouted: SLYTHERIN!
Malfoy went to join his friends Crabb and Goyle, looking satisfied.
There weren't many people left.
Moon... Nott... Parkinson... Then twins, Patil and Patil... Later Perks, Sally-Anne... and finally...
-"Potter-Uzumaki, Harry"-
And so the chaos began...
-"Did he say Potter?"-
-"That Harry Potter?"-
-"He also said Uzumaki. I've never heard that last name"-
All the students began to murmur amongst themselves, waiting for Harry Potter to step forward, even the first years hoped to see them among them.
Harry sighed, then began to walk towards the hat. -(Let's get this over with)-
As he took a step, all the students looked at him confused.
-"He's Harry Potter?"-
-"Impossible, he doesn't look anything like how they described him"-
But suddenly Harry was enveloped in a smoke bomb, and then he saw that his appearance changed. His messy blonde hair changed to jet black and his blue eyes changed to bright emerald green eyes.
The students gasped at the sight of the famous lightning bolt scar on Harry's forehead.
And so they quickly concluded that this boy is Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived.
Harry saw that all the students, and even some teachers, were surprised. There were even some female students from the four houses who looked at him blushing.
Harry almost laughed at the surprised faces of Hermione, Neville and Ron, as well as the angry face of Malfoy.
That was the last thing Harry saw, before the hat covered his eyes, was the dining room full of people trying to get a good look at him.
The next moment, he looked at the dark interior of the hat. He waited.
-<Mm, interesting>- Harry heard that voice in his head. -<So young and he already has [Occlumency] shields>-
Harry quickly concluded that the voice belongs to the Sorting Hat.
Harry worried that the hat saw everything related to his adoptive family, the other world and everything else.
-<Rest assured, Mr. Potter-Uzumaki>- The Sorting Hat said. -<Even though I can read thoughts, am forbidden to tell what saw>-
Harry was still unsure, but the same under the shields of [Occlumency].
-<Well, I have to say that what is in your mind very, very surprising>- The Sorting Hat said. -<But that is not important now>-
The Sorting Hat was silent for several seconds after that.
-<I can see that you are brave>- The Sorting Hat began to speak. -<So much so that you would not be afraid to face beings more powerful than>-
Harry agreed. He still remembers the battle he had with a Norse God years ago.
-<You also have great intelligence; I would say the most intelligent in Magic entire world>-
Harry also agreed on that; after all, he knows several Magics from different worlds.
-<You are also very loyal. You wouldn't hesitate to protect your friends and die trying>-
Harry's adoptive father has always taught him not to abandon his friends. It's like his father said: "Those who break the rules are trash, but those who leave their friends are worse than trash."
-<You also possess great cunning, capable of thinking clearly and even deceiving people>-
Harry also agreed. After all, he was trained to be a Ninja, and Ninjas are cunning and deceitful.
-<Difficult, very difficult indeed. You are perfectly suited for all four houses; it will be to choose>-
The Sorting Hat then fell silent for several minutes.
Harry was getting more and more nervous by the minute, and the stares he felt from the students and teachers were not helping.
-<No, it is impossible for me to select you, Mr. Potter-Uzumaki>- Said the Sorting Hat. -<You will have to decide for yourself>-
-<Can that be done?>-
Harry couldn't help but ask.
-<It is possible, but I would be the first in entire history of Hogwarts to do so>-
What the Sorting Hat had said left Harry very thoughtful.
Now he was in conflict, like the Sorting Hat, he also did not know which house to go to. He could go to Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, where he had already made friends. Although he could also go to Hufflepuff or Slytherin and make new friends there, without forgetting the ones he already made.
Although there would be some problems if he went to Slytherin.
Harry thought and thought about what to do, until a vague memory appeared in his mind...
A 10-year-old Harry was in the backyard of the Uzumaki Residence and in front of him was a cauldron filled with a molten gold colored liquid.
A little further ahead, standing and looking seriously at Harry, was Salazar Slytherin, one of the founders of Hogwarts and the Slytherin House. As well as one of Harry's Senseis on magic, more specifically Potions and Curses.
Harry took a vial and filled it with the position he prepared, then nervously approached Salazar to give it to him.
Salazar took the vial, then looked at all angles and even smelled the position, then spoke.
-"Good job, Potter, on your first try you made a perfect Felix Felicis potion"-
Harry sighed in relief upon hearing that. It was six months of work to make that complicated potion. Being his last test from Salazar.
-"Now you are free to go to your next test"-
Harry nodded, then headed to another place to do another test, more specifically Rowena Ravenclaw's.
Then Salazar suddenly stopped him. -"One last thing"-
Harry looked at Salazar, to see that he was turning his back on him.
-"Have you already decided which house you would like to go to?"-
Salazar asked him that without looking at him at all.
Harry looked at him confused, then answered honestly.
-"I have no problem being in any house"-
-"I'm not surprised"- Salazar said, then turned around and looked at Harry. -"After all, you possess the qualities of all four houses"-
-"As you know"- Salazar continued. -"My previous heir brought a bad reputation to the Slytherin house"-
-"Yes, I know"-
Harry knew how Voldemort brought a bad reputation to the Slytherins, as well as to the Parseltongue speakers.
-"That fool and his followers believe that what they do is worthy of a Slytherin, as they also believe that it is the ideal for the magical world. Without knowing that this stupid ideology is destroying it"- Salazar said seriously. -"And what worries me the most is that the new generation of Slytherins are the same"-
-"No offense, Salazar-sensei"- Harry said, not understanding what his Sensei was referring to when talking about that subject. -"But where are you going with this?"-
-"What I'm saying..."- Salazar suddenly stopped, then changed his words. -"No, what I'm asking you is to avoid that."-
Harry looked at him without understanding what he meant. -"Oh, what do you mean?"-
-"What I mean is that you please change the Slytherin house?"- Salazar said, looking away. -"I'm asking you please, Harry."-
Harry looked at him for a few seconds, then turned his back.
-"I will."-
Harry declared seriously, then left, not noticing Salazar's soft smile.
Harry sighed internally, already making a decision.
-(I know I'll regret it, but there's no turning back)-
Harry then told his decision to the Sorting Hat.
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts and other titles, watched the selection of Harry Potter-Uzumaki with curiosity and concern.
Curiosity to know which house he would belong to, and concern for the length of the selection, since several minutes had passed.
Although that did not surprise Dumbledore. The last time he saw Harry it was not difficult to see that he possessed the qualities of the four houses. But he never imagined that it would take so long, being perhaps the student who took the longest to be selected in the history of Hogwarts.
For now he had to be patient and wait for the result. At some point he would be selected.
And as soon as he weighed that, the Sorting Hat shouted.
The selection of the Sorting Hat left a total silence in the Great Hall.
Dumbledore opened his eyes in surprise, then shrugged and began to clap, followed by the surprised teachers, minus two of them.
Harry sighed, took off his hat and left it on the stool, then began to walk calmly to the Slytherin table, under the attentive and surprised gazes of the students.
Harry calmly sat at the end of the table, far enough away from his new housemates.
Then, Dumbledore called Professor McGonagall's attention to continue the sorting.
As the sorting continued, Harry began to look at the different reactions of the different houses to his selection.
The Gryffindors seemed to be between surprised and angry.
The Ravenclaws seemed surprised and curious.
The Hufflepuffs seemed surprised and worried.
While the Slytherins were surprised, angry and even curious.
After finishing watching the reactions, Harry sighed tiredly.
-(It will be a problematic year)-
Author's Notes
[Accio] is a Latin word that means: [I Call] or [I Summon].
[Occlumency] comes from Latin: [Occlude] (Hide) and [Mens] (Mind).
Felix Felicis are two Latin words that mean: Lucky Luck or Luck of Luck.
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Chapter 2 - A Hectic First Day of School
Chapter 3 - First Week of School and Potions Professor
Chapter 4- Flying Class Accident and New Seeker