
Harry Potter The Final Straw

Forced into the deadly Triwizard Tournament against his will, Harry Potter's world is irrevocably changed. Stripped of his innocence and faced with betrayal, Harry must confront the harsh realities of adulthood far sooner than he ever imagined. Haunted by the ghosts of his past and the specter of an uncertain future, Harry must choose between surrendering to despair or embracing the flames of change. ..... Disclaimer I own nothing, J. K. Rowling owns everything.

Lotus_Lover · Derivasi dari karya
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78 Chs

Mental Shields

Remus had just entered the room when he heard the concern in Sirius's voice. He saw the mirror in Sirius's hand and figured that he was talking to Harry or Hermione and that something was wrong. He arrived next to Sirius just as Harry launched into his explanation of what he experienced and he was more than a little disturbed.

The connection sounded like the darkest of magic and something was niggling at the back of his mind. Remus knew that he had read a book from the Black Library containing information that sounded almost identical to what Harry described.

"I have come across something similar in my readings Harry. I will start researching that right away. Hang in there and call us straight away if something like this happens again." Remus said in a very somber tone.

Harry was still unused to this whole trusting others with his secrets thing but he was trying his hardest to move past his upbringing so he nodded in acceptance to Remus' request.

Sirius was not happy with this revelation either. His family had delved deeply into the dark arts in the last few centuries and the connection that Harry was describing was very sinister. "Harry, there may be something that we can do in the mean time that can help you attempt to block out these visions."

"What is it?" Harry said eagerly. He was willing to try almost anything to prevent himself from witnessing, or feeling as if he committed those atrocious acts.

"It's a discipline called Occlumency. It allows you to block mental intrusions from Legilimency. I'm not sure if it will work on your connection but it should at least help out a bit." Sirius said helpfully.

"Thanks. That would be great. I could use any help that you can give me with this nightmare." Harry said honestly.

Hermione was squeezing Harry's hand in support while he spoke with his godfather. "Perhaps I can ask my parents for some books on meditation too?"

"That's a great idea Hermione. We were going to head over to your parent's house to discuss some things anyway so we will make sure to fill them in and see if they have any books on meditation." Sirius said enthusiastically. "Take care you two."

"We will. Thanks Sirius." The teens chorused together before signing off.

Sirius was chuckling at their eerie ability to finish sentences together. 'One would think that they were an old married couple the way that they act sometimes' he thought as he went up to the library to help Remus with his search and to pull those books on Occlumency and Legilimency for them.

Hermione turned to look at Harry to see how he was holding up. He seemed much better physically by the time that they got to the Room of Requirement but she was more concerned about his mental state right now. "Are you feeling better?" she asked while holding his hand.

"I am; thanks. I'm still a bit nervous about the whole connection thing but you know that already don't you?"

"Yes, I just wanted to see if talking about it would help you. I think anyone would be more than a little nervous about having a connection to the Dark Lord."

"It helps to talk about it but I still don't like to. I'm getting better about it with your help though." Harry said warmly while holding Hermione's gaze.

Changing the subject, Hermione said "Can you tell me why Winky gave me a bog roll for my bag today just after lunch?"

Harry's countenance changed immediately. He was trying very hard not to laugh when he thought about what should be starting in various parts of the castle in the next few minutes. "Well, I sort of instigated a prank on some people that were bothering us." The smile on his face was in full bloom now.

Hermione found herself beginning to smile in response to the look on Harry's face. What ever it was, she was sure that it was major. "What did you do? And why do I need this roll?" she said while waving it around in front of her.

"Well, let's just say that it's worth a lot of gold because of how rare it is now." His smile had turned predatory as he thought about what people would be suffering soon.

"Okay, but what did you do?" Hermione cried in exasperation.

"Don't hate me but I had Dobby and your dad help with this too."

"What? My dad hates pranks!" the surprise was clear in her voice.

"Yes, well, he was actually doing this more for you than anything else. It was actually Dobby's idea and I ran with it from there. We even got the majority of the Hogwarts house elves to help too." Harry's voice held a pleading note in it as he was hoping to avoid getting into trouble with Hermione.

Her voice was increasing in sharpness as she asked for the third time "What did you do?"

"Have you ever heard of a polyethylene glycol solution?" when Hermione nodded no he continued. "Well, how familiar are you with the term Complete Colon Irrigation?" the smile was plastered on his face again and the mirth was evident in his voice.

"Oh my! You didn't?" seeing his grin become even larger she continued; "Who did you prank?"


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