
duelling club

"I was a duelling champion in my youth, so I couldn't pass up the chance to teach students," Professor Flitwick declared, standing atop his chair. Though short in stature, his magical prowess was undeniable.

Ciaran, the combat class professor, asserted, "I must be involved in the duelling club." However, she couldn't shake the concern lingering in her mind. How could Harry reveal his Parseltongue ability without being physically present? While Harry's secret had been exposed in the original timeline, she couldn't rule out unexpected changes this time.

Ensuring everything went smoothly was paramount for Ciaran, even if it meant enduring misunderstandings for a while.

"With you three professors, we are reassured," Professor Sprout nodded, subtly implying that Professor Lockhart alone wasn't sufficient to instil confidence, a sentiment silently shared by the others.

"I'm curious to see what our honorary duelling club chairman, also the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, has to offer. Let's see his skill," Snape remarked, a smirk playing on his typically sombre face.

Despite Snape's ambition for the Defence Against the Dark Arts position being an open secret, none of the professors openly challenged him. It was evident they harboured similar sentiments.

"Severus, mind your conduct. He's still a fellow professor. We can't undermine student confidence," Professor McGonagall cautioned.

Snape assured her, "Rest assured, Minerva, I know my limits."

"What limits would those be?" Lockhart interjected, returning at that moment with a smile plastered on his face. "Professor Dumbledore has approved my request. The first duelling club event will proceed as scheduled next Friday at eight o'clock."

As Lockhart spoke, he unfurled a parchment and began jotting down details with a flourish.

"I'll post the notice promptly. Students must be eager to join," Lockhart chimed in, clearly pleased with himself.

Ciaran couldn't help but think that while students looked forward to the Duel Club, they definitely didn't anticipate Lockhart as their instructor. She'd bet her life on it.


As expected, news of the Duel Club spread rapidly through Hogwarts, sparking excitement among many students. Having learned useful skills and emergency measures in combat class — with Defence Against the Dark Arts classes being largely disappointing — students saw this as a prime opportunity to showcase their abilities.

A minor disruption during Potions class wasn't even worth mentioning, though Snape adamantly insisted it was Harry Potter who caused it. Unfortunately for Snape, lacking evidence left him stewing in frustration for a week until the anticipated Friday night duel.

That evening, professors escorted eager students to the Hogwarts Great Hall, which had been cleared and adorned for the occasion. Lockhart, resplendent in purple robes, took the stage with three professors in tow.

"Look, there's Professor Flitwick and Professor Flémont," Hermione pointed out, scanning the stage.

"Why is Snape here?" Ron questioned, his brow furrowing.

Harry speculated, "He's always wanted to teach Defence Against the Dark Arts. This is probably his chance."

"But Snape's at least competent compared to Lockhart," Ron muttered.

Hermione shot Ron a disapproving glare — she was a Lockhart admirer — and remarked, "Lockhart is a powerful wizard, but teaching might not be his forte."

Ron scoffed.

"Quiet down!" Lockhart commanded. "You can all hear me, can't you? Excellent!"

Ciaran couldn't help but chuckle inwardly. Did Lockhart even know how to cast an amplifying spell like "Sonorus"? Surely, as a Hogwarts graduate, he must.

"Given recent events involving the basilisk, I requested Professor Dumbledore's permission to establish a duelling club to hone your skills in dangerous situations. Thankfully, he obliged. Now, let's begin! For further details, consult my published works!" Lockhart announced with a wide grin.

He then gestured towards Snape and declared, "Allow me to introduce my assistant, Professor Snape! Professors Flitwick and Fleamont are a team."

Many non-Slytherin students visibly swallowed nervously. With Snape's foreboding expression contrasting Lockhart's cheery demeanour, was Lockhart truly unafraid?

"Alright, everyone, step back. Professor Snape and I are about to demonstrate a duel. No need to worry; it's just a demonstration. I'll ensure your Potions Master remains unharmed," Lockhart reassured before turning to face Snape.

Ciaran and Professor Flitwick retreated slightly to give the duellists room.

Excited students gathered around the stage, eagerly anticipating the spectacle of a professorial duel.

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