
Chapter 4 Tom Marvolo Riddle

After finishing breakfast with rose and petunia he decides that its time to make a short-term plan on the things that his got to complete if his to survive in this world.

'This year I should focus on making sure that I have mastered occlumency and have strong protection around them considering the amount of mind readers in this universe.'

'I should also begin training my telepathy and empathy.' He thought

'It is a good thing that we moved outside the city or else it would have been a lot harder to train in my powers due to the number of thoughts that would be assaulting me when I decide to practice them considering how easily I enter Petunia mind when I just looked into, her eyes.'

He suddenly felt someone was looking at him and when he looked to the side, he saw that rose was looking at him with curious big green eyes.

"I am Rose." she pointed at herself and smiled

"Hello, I am Harry." he smiled as he introduced himself

"Do you want to be my friend." she said as she looked at her feet

"Yes," harry replied

Rose beamed at the answer and before Harry could say anything else, she grabbed his hand before taking his hand to go and 'play'.

Petunia smiles happily as she looks at them and reaffirm her decision to protect her last remaining family.

With that Harry and Rose begin to play together and explore the house and the are living in

Harry got his first looked at the manor that he was staying at. It was a two-floor manor with five bedroom and two bathrooms. It was a beautiful manor that had living room with a warm fireplace and luxuries kitchen the whole manor was beautiful and gave off a homely feel. The manor was at the age of town and had a small forest filled with nature a few kilometres away from it. This how it looks like.

[1-year time skip]

It has been a year since he had moved in with both Petunia and Rose and the relationship between each other had increased a lot. Rose is so close to him that they always stick together wherever they go, and they have managed to explore the whole town.

The town is small with only a population of 10, 000 and he managed to make friends with the other kids of the village, but he made sure not to get too close as he knows that his going to spend most of his time in the wizarding world. But its better to make friends because you do not know when he might need them in the future.

During this year managed to finish the task he set himself to master occlumency and put strong protections around him mind. The process took long the then he expected due to the amount of knowledge and memories that he had to go through the assimilation of the memories of Tom Riddle.

When he was sorting through them Harry was in awe and fear of the man known as Tom Marvolo Riddle and could not help but curse all of them fanfictions that his read seemed to make a joke out of Voldemort.

How they can defeat the man so easily with barely any training compared to this monster that became the boogieman of the wizarding world. Looking through his memories he could not help but laugh at those fools. The movie and books did not do this man any justice. he can see why the world were so afraid of the guy that they could not even say his name.

He found that lengths and boundaries in which Voldemort went to. Infiltrating ministries of Europe and Asia not even America was safe the guy put a taboo on his name that ensured that he knew every time someone said his name and could tell the location of said individual.

Heck if the individual had no protection over their mind, he would be able to enter their mind whenever he wanted and know their secrets or go as far as possess them.

This guy had a whole team ready and on standby for any time when someone said his name they would deploy and if the individual is an ally he would get tortured for the disrespect and if it was the enemy, they would kill them in the most brutal way possible.

If you think that was bad the number of rituals this monster went through is astounding. According to the memories he went through over 300 rituals from major ones like the ritual of power which tripled the amount of magic he could use.

A ritual of regeneration and healing which not only increased his healing factor by over ten times but also the speed in which he recovered his magic. To self-created ones like a ritual that by sacrificing a dementor, he is granted a cold aura that inspire fear and dread as well having powers to control dementors.

In the memories the memories it showed this guy taking on 50 Aurors on his own, and he was just playing with them every time they managed to hit him his wounds would heal instantly. Harry saw James and Lily Potter battle and managed to cut off Voldemort arm and head only to watch shocked as it instantly grew back.

Before they watched in fear and dread as Voldemort began to brutally slaughter their friends that they grew up with. While Voldemort laughed and basked in their fear. Barely managing to even escape with the Longbottom's.

This guy had come so close fully taking over the wizarding world, he had Europe on its knees while America, Asia and Africa were shaking in fear. the only thing that saved them were a prophecy of a messiah being born told by seers around the world. This made Voldemort put a stop to his conquest of the wizarding world to look for the messiah that would defeat him.

"Looking through this it really was a miracle that I survived that night" said Harry

"And what's with this messiah, I know I am the child of prophecy from the prophecy in the books and movies told by that seer in Hogwarts." He thought

"This must be another change in this universe." said Harry Potter

When harry was looking through the memories he saw something that made his blood run cold. He saw that while on tour around the world. This guy manged to get his hand on the dark hold. Yes, this guy got hold of the dark hold.

What is the dark hold. The Dark hold is a book of spells. It provides the reader the instructions to make their desires come true, written in the language the reader would fully understand. The instructions guide the reader to their ultimate goal by showing them how to build items, some of which harness energy from other dimensions

However, the secondary ability of the book is to corrupt the reader's mind and create a dangerous obsession over the Dark hold. A person who has used the Dark hold for a long time may not want others to even touch it.

With this he was not only able to learn a variety of dark and ancient spells. This guy was able to give himself the strength of a werewolf and speed of vampire. He used the book to create an army of various dark creatures such undead, vampire, werewolf, trolls, orcs and more.

Heck after navigating through the memories and looking at the before and after he got his hand on the dark hold, he found that Tom Riddle was not really a bad guy and was not a good guy. He was a ruthless, cold, and charismatic genius.

He was a survivor that had to survive in orphanages that was not getting any funding from the government and this resulted the orphans forming groups and picking on other children to survive.

From a young age he saw the dark side of the world and would often feel powerless as other orphans would pick on him beating him up and taking his food. Which would often lead him to starving for days and often surviving on dry bread and water.

It was only when his magic awakened that allowed him to control a snake to attack a kid trying to take his food. While kids looked at him in both awe and fear that day he learned an important lesson that they were no good and evil, no dark and light, they were just power and those too weak to wield it.

Harry saw that after that Tom began testing his power while slowly taking control of the children in the orphanage creating a mask and acting as the perfect child in front of the adults while coldly and ruthlessly dealing with anyone that gets in his way.

Through out his time at Hogwarts he finds its even worse the with the discrimination against muggleborns and half bloods like him. Especially when found himself in Slytherin, which only reinforced his idea especially when he saw the stagnation that was happening in the wizarding world. He also found the fact that every year, they are less wizards and magical creatures born.

While the muggle rapidly grew in numbers and advanced in technology especially when he was in London when it got bombed in world war 2 by a muggle contraption. He nearly died then and there. Which scared him so much that he ended creating a horcrux to ensure his immortality. And ended making a mistake splitting 50% of his soul instead of the recommended 10%.

The fact his fine even after splitting his soul in half shows the will power of this guy as any other people and they would have gone crazy.

When Tom looked in looked in the declining of the magic creature and wizards, he found that the declining began with the ancient wizards after the destruction of the last magical civilization.

It farther accelerated when wizard and witches went into hiding underground and the statue of secrecy was created that he decided to begin a revolution and bring about change with the wizarding word.

He wanted to break the statue of secrecy and lead the wizards to ruling the over the muggles. As he believed that by doing this his freeing magic that has been bound due to the statue of secrecy of wizard that they put up when they went into hiding.

He also found that this is also the reason that why the dark lords of this century Grindelwald and Voldemort were so powerful as he hard the support of magic and Grindelwald knew see this and was one of the main reasons he fought for destruction of the statue of secrecy.

With used his charisma and power to convince various pureblood to his cause. As well as offering better living condition for the dark creature that have been suppressed and discriminated.

Its only when Tom Riddle got his hand on the dark hold as well splitting his soul multiple times that his mind began to get badly corrupted by the book of sins. Spending hours reading its secrets growing more powerful but becoming crazy by it. Until he fully went from being from being Tom Riddle to the monster that is Voldemort.

Harry lives through all of this, experiencing the feeling and the emotions that tom going through living and tom. Harry was shocked with what he found out and experienced.

"The fact that magic is being bound and that less and less wizards are born every year disturbing and wizarding wars of both Grindelwald and Voldemort did not help the problem at all. It only made it worse with the spill of a lot of magic blood."

"The fact that the only way of even stopping problem is either to either take down the statue of secrecy or the creation of a wizarding empire for magical is worrying." Harry sighed

After living through the life of the revolution Tom Riddle and letter the monster and tyrant that was Voldemort an ambition was born within harry. An ambition of being king and creating an empire to ruling over the whole of the wizarding world. He saw the good and the bad of the magical world and with his empathic powers he saw the infinite potential of the wizarding world and how much is being wasted due to the stagnation and discrimination from their government.

His eyes suddenly begin glowing bright green as a majestic and awe-inspiring kingly aura begins to emit from him, as magic begin to surround him dancing happily, celebrating, and encouraging him.

Harry knows his making the right choice. With a face filled with resolution he begins to make plans of not only taking control of the wizarding world but also the empire he plans on creating.

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