
Chapter 40

Voldemort didn't say anything and just started to attack. His first spell was Avada kedevra. Death eaters also surrounded me and started to cast their own spells.

'Looks like it's time for me to break out my own custom made spells', I thought.

I took out my wand and transfigured ground around me as a shield. It took the brunt of AK and other initial spells of death eaters. While I was doing so I simultaneously cast a spherical shield around me wandlessly, which I named as 'Mage Shield'. Its specialty was that it was a one-way shield, meaning it only stopped the attacks from outside while letting the spells from inside pass through.

After my makeshift transfigured shield broke under enemy spells, I transfigured the broken parts to small circular Titanium shields circling around me using my wand, for unforgivables and other spells.

By now, I was surrounded by them all. But, it didn't matter, with my defense done, I started going on the offensive. I cast a powerful ribbon like cutting spell and it cut through two of death eaters. Though I don't want to kill them all, I don't mind killing a few. ( I don't want them to think that I won't kill them and only use non-lethal spells like the order of the phoenix. They won't exactly fear to fight me if they think that they won't die like previous war and will only get hit by stunners.)

Seeing two of death eaters die, everyone else seemed to stop, some of them even started to shake. So much for being veteran death eaters, looks like they didn't expect to die here. Since many of them are wealthy purebloods, they will take time to get used to war and death again, especially since they spent the years comfortably after the first war.

Seeing this, I started to fire spells and caught three of them with blasting curse. Seeing their comrades die they seem to awaken and started to fight once again with dark spells. Meanwhile, my fight with Voldemort was going non stop from the start with my wand. Just like last time we both used transfiguration with spells and curses. But this time I using wandless magic with my other hand to fight death eaters. They had an advantage in numbers but I was much faster with spells due to my physical enhancement from Ritual. I cast spells rapidly and so fast that even with the superior number, they weren't able to match me, not to mention that they barely blocked my overpowered spells.

The fight went on fast-paced for a couple of minutes. Only 11 death eaters were alive by now along with Voldemort. Seeing that he was rapidly losing his men, Voldemort ordered them to retreat, and they followed his orders very enthusiastically. After death eaters retreated to a safe distance, Voldemort Cast 'fiendfyre' due to being desperate. The cursed fire took shape of many animals like dragons and Phoenix and attacked me.

I didn't panic, I had already planned for this spell in advance since I knew that it's very difficult for anyone to face against the cursed fire. After months of research and hard work, I was able to make a custom spell, just for the single purpose of beating 'Fiendfyre'.

"SANCTUS IGNIS" ( or holy fire in English), I shouted loudly and a thick stream of white fire produced from my wand. Just like 'Fiendfyre', it took the shapes of animals. Both fires met and Animal shapes of both fires fought with each other. But my fire was 'holy fire' and against 'cursed fire', it easily won out. Soon, every bit of fiendfyre was exhausted. That's not all after my holy fire was done with 'fiendfyre', I controlled it to attack Voldemort. He anticipated my move and dodged it, but he still got licked by a few strands of holy fire. Everywhere it touched, Voldemort was badly burnt. Seeing his plan backfire on him and even getting badly injured, Voldemort once again chose to retreat via a portkey. Death eaters also followed his example. Soon only a few corpses of death eaters remained.

After everything was done, Madam Bones and Tonks came out of hiding.

"Oh my god, that was awesome." Tonks exclaimed and passionately kissed me.

" It certainly was something. I didn't know that it was even possible for someone to be strong enough to fight them all at once, not to mention while fighting with Dark lord simultaneously. But, I am more interested in that white fire spell you used in the end. It even easily defeated the Fiendfyre spell, which is notoriously known to be very hard to defend against. Not only that, Voldemort got hurt very badly, just by barely touching it. Please tell me that it wasn't a dark spell." Asked Madam bones seriously.

" It was actually the opposite of dark, it was holy fire. I made it after reading about the regenerative properties of Phoenix flames. As you know, I have a mastery of Healing magic. I developed this flame to actually heal people who are injured very badly. It can even regenerate body parts like missing limbs. I especially made it regrow limbs and other body parts for those who lost them since there was no previous way for anyone to heal from such extensive injuries. Fighting fiendfyre was actually just a side benefit( it was actually just the opposite, not that I am telling it to anyone else). Since these are essentially Holy flames, they have regenerative properties for those who don't use Dark magic. They are only offensive against dark magic users and dark spells. They are completely harmless against those who don't use dark magic." I explained and demonstrated my point by summoning a very small stream of fire and dousing my whole body with it. Just like I explained, it had no effect on me since I have never used dark magic.

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