
Chapter 1: Wishes

"Alright, now that you've caught up on what's happening tell me your wishes, you have seven" ???

"Cool then for my first wish, I wish for mana reserves way above average, at my peak I want reserves that make Dumbledore's and Riddles reserves look like a first year Hogwarts student. Though make sure it accumulates gradually, I don't want instant huge reserves." (soul)

"Not a problem next wish" ???

"For my second wish, I want perfect magical control" (soul)

"Easy, though you should know perfect magical control gives you sub skill named mana sense. It'll be hard to control and might give you slight headaches in mana filled environments, so keep that in mind especially when you're close to places with dragon veins"

"Cool thanks for the heads up. For my third wish, I want to be a natural in wandless magic, I have to be able to instinctively know how to channel my mana for spells I already know how to do with my wand. For the fourth wish, I want to be able to be an animagus without any problems, my animagus form should be a bird, preferably a predator bird. For the fifth wish, I want to be able to use dark magic without having my soul be tainted no matter how much I dabble in the dark arts, even if I use the killing curse everyday for ten years I don't want even a speck of black on my soul. Now for the sixth wish, I want a bloodline specifically the Seer bloodline, but I don't want it to be limited like that Professor, I want it so I can remember any prophecy I make in perfect detail and I also want to it encompass future sight and prediction. For the last wish I want a genius level intellect, my IQ should be over the roof, I should be able to comprehend anything taught to me near instantly, my memory should be enhanced to near perfect memory levels and other things related as well. Can you grant all of that?" (soul)

"I'm impressed with your wishes child, nothing too overpowered but also guarantees your survival and success in that world. I'm especially impressed wish the dark arts wish, if you master all sides of magic light, neutral and dark you basically complete the first step to Godhood, while I may not tell you how many steps there are, I'll give you a push towards the proper path. Now that the I've granted your wishes, let's get over the finer details of your reincarnation. First the timeline, you'll be in Diggorys year in hogwarts, You'll come from a relatively non magical rich family that's descended from a powerful seer from France but unfortunately their children where squibs and fled to England to escape embarrassment. Your parents will not be aware of magic since no one in the older generation of the family unlocked their magic that is until you are to be be born from them. Hmm I think that will be all , if I've left some things out i just fix it whenever. Ahh! that right you'll be one year old when you reach the mortal plane so almost all your memories will be sealed otherwise there might be a chance you'll get a split personality, you'll get all your memories when you are ten. Anyways without any further ado, *I THE GOD OF FATE/DESTINY XXXXXXX GIVE UNTO THEE THE GIFT OF REINCARNATION!!!* " ( GOF/D)

"That was the last thing I heard before blacking out."

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