
Harmony's Quest

Takeshi is a low affinity mage in the modern day who loses his home after being unable to pay rent. He is saved from the streets by a high school girl named Yumi who promises to give him a place to stay if he helps her find a dream caster(someone who can grant dreams). Takeshi with nothing left to lose accepts the offer and the two begin a quest to find a dream caster.

Edu_Bill · Fantasi
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17 Chs

Takeshi vs Ryu Part 3

As Takeshi stands victorious over Ryu, panting and catching his breath, he feels a mix of relief and satisfaction. Yumi rushes to his side, her eyes filled with admiration and joy as she embraces him tightly.

In the midst of their celebration, Ryu slowly rises to his feet, a smile playing on his lips. He claps his hands, acknowledging Takeshi's victory.

"Bravo, Takeshi! You've managed to defeat me in what I call 'easy mode'," Ryu exclaims, a tinge of amusement in his voice. "I'll leave you be for now."

Takeshi looks at Ryu, his curiosity piqued. He wants to know more about Ryu, his intentions, and the deal he mentioned. With a determined expression, Takeshi asks, "Ryu, what's this deal you mentioned? Why did you come to me in the first place?"

Ryu's smile widens, and he steps forward, extending an arm towards Takeshi. In his hand, he holds a small piece of paper with an address written on it. "Consider it a reward for your victory," Ryu says, his voice laced with intrigue. "Come to this address when you're ready to cash in on the deal. It'll be worth your while."

Takeshi takes the piece of paper, studying the address intently. His mind races with questions, but he can't deny his curiosity and desire for answers. He looks up at Ryu, determination in his eyes. "I'll be there," Takeshi declares, his voice filled with resolve.

With a nod of acknowledgment, Ryu turns and walks away, disappearing into the distance. Takeshi watches him go, a mix of anticipation and apprehension filling his heart.

As Takeshi stands there, Yumi by his side, he knows that this encounter with Ryu is only the beginning of a new chapter in his life. He clutches the address in his hand, ready to embark on a journey that will lead him to unraveling the mysteries and fulfilling the promises that lie ahead.

Takeshi turns his gaze towards Nana and notices a single tear streaming down her cheek, glistening under the sunlight. His heart softens as he realizes that beneath her stern facade, Nana had been genuinely worried about him during his intense battle with Ryu.

Suppressing her emotions, Nana quickly wipes away the tear, trying to maintain her composed demeanor. She clears her throat and speaks with a slightly shaky voice, "Don't get the wrong idea, Takeshi! I was only worried because I didn't want you to mess up the house with your fight. Now go clean up the mess you made!"

Takeshi, touched by Nana's hidden concern, takes a step closer to her. He reaches out and gently places a hand on her shoulder, his voice filled with gratitude, "Nana, thank you. I appreciate your worry, even if you try to hide it. I'll clean up the house, I promise."

Nana attempts to brush off his hand, feigning nonchalance. "Don't get all sentimental on me! Just make sure the house is spotless, and don't you dare leave any traces of your battle behind," she says, her voice tinged with a mix of annoyance and relief.

Takeshi chuckles softly, knowing that Nana's tough exterior is just a mask to protect her vulnerable side. "I'll make sure everything is back in order, Nana. You can count on me," he assures her, giving her a reassuring smile.

As Takeshi turns to head back into the house to clean up, he can't help but feel a deeper bond forming between him and Nana. He understands that her tough love is her way of caring, and he appreciates her presence in his life more than ever.


Hiroshi stood in his room, surrounded by the familiar objects that had been part of his life for as long as he could remember. But now, they felt suffocating, reminding him of the unhappiness that had plagued him within these walls. Determination filled his eyes as he made up his mind—it was time to leave.

He carefully packed a small bag with the essentials: a change of clothes, some money he had saved up, and a photograph of his mother. As he zipped up the bag, a mix of emotions swirled inside him—fear, uncertainty, and a glimmer of hope for a better future.

As he made his way downstairs, he glanced at the family photographs adorning the walls, memories frozen in time. His heart ached at the thought of leaving everything behind, but he knew deep down that this was the right choice for him.

Hiroshi turned and walked out the door, leaving behind a world that had become suffocating. As he stepped onto the path leading away from his childhood home, he felt a mix of trepidation and liberation.

The road ahead would be filled with challenges, unknowns, and a search for his true self. But Hiroshi knew that he couldn't let fear hold him back. With each step he took, he embraced the uncertainty, determined to create a life that aligned with his dreams and aspirations.

As the door closed behind him, Hiroshi carried with him the hope of finding his own path, the strength to overcome obstacles, and the belief that he could shape his destiny.