
Chapter 3

Ivar sat on a futuristic chair that automatically adjustted itself to the correct size for Ivar to sit on. The booth he was in was one of many booths of outfits that wanted to recruit new soldiers. The only problem is that it was soon croweded with soldiers that wanted to join Zombie crew.

The Outfit may be dead but Ivar has been collecting recources left and right and since he is the only person in his outfit, he has a lot of war assets. So the people croweding in front of Ivar not only wanted to join the legendary Undead MAX, but they wanted to be assigned a tank or something.

"FORM A LINE OR FUCK OFF!!!" Ivar yelled and the crowed suddenly became a straight line that went through the side exit of the building.

"Good. Now before we start! I want six Heavies, six Light assualts, eight Engineers, eight Combat medics and six Infiltrators!!!" Ivar's voice travelled through the warpgate facility.

The other outfits that were also trying to recruit soldiers got pissed off that most of the soldiers moved to Ivar's booth. There isn't really much they can do about it so they could only glare at Ivar, but they got scared when Ivar glared back at them with a spinning mini-gun.

The first soldier in the line in front of Ivar immidiatly started his introduction

"HELLO, SIR!!! I AM ISAAC!!! I AM A LIGHT ASSUALT, SIR!!! I WOULD LIKE TO JOIN ZOMBIE CREW, SIR!!!" the obviously nervious guy yelled at the top of his lunges while saluting with a C4 detonator on his saluting hand.

Ivar stood watching him blankly. Even if he was nevious, there is a limit to how nervious you can get. Ivar was just confused at the fact that this guy had a detonator in his hand while the C4 bricks was still on his body.


Ivar wasnt taking chances with that guy and was staring at him walking away with the lights of his C4 blinking on his body.

"Hello, sir! My name is Amanda. I am a rank 10 Combat medic, sir!" a young girl saluted and was neatly dressed in her uniform with her Res tool on her hip.

To explain a Combat medic's role. They are the docters on the battlefield. They are targeted first because they can heal or revive a ally. The revive is only aviable within thirty seconds of a persons death before the brain starts decomposing. A Combat medic has a lot of stress and burdens, so Ivar was surprised to see such a young woman being a Combat medic.

"Hired. Stand back somewhere close and wait for orders." Ivar said while pointing at one of the exits of the building.


The next soldier was the old southern Engineer that drove the saunderer back at Hossin when they retreated from the Vanu base.

"Hey there, son! Ya remember me?! I thought I might join you 'cause you would need experienced soldiers to watch yer back! So? Am I in or what?!" The Engineer said while being watched by shocked people all around them.

Normally people would get shot at or get slapped by the back of a anti-tank gun if someone dares speak to Ivar that way, but Ivar likes this old Engineer.

"Hired. State your name and fall back." Ivar said with a straight face.

"Ah! Sorry for the late introduction. The name's Buck!" Buck said while walking to stand with Amanda.


After several hours all the new recruits of Zombie crew stood in front of the facility and started to get to know each other. Ivar finished the paperwork and handed it in to the NS robot at the desk inside the main room of the facility.

Ivar walked out of the building towards the new recruits that quickly saluted after seeing him approach.

"First of all. Welcome to the Outfit where we fight even after death! You all will be assigned your own sleeping quaters in our Outfit's headquaters in orbit. You all will be given a spesific role and loadout after you all get to fimiliar yourselves with each other and your new base." Ivar explained while walking through them.

"Sir! Yes, Sir!!!" they all yelled at the same time.

"Good. Now follow me." Ivar said while heading to the teleporter terminal.

Ivar set the teleporter to the Zombie crew headquaters in orbit. Only major outfits are able to get a headquaters in the orbit of the planet and Zombie crew has a very large satelite headquaters with a very, very large armoury that Ivar uses to keep hoarding weapons of mass destruction.

Apon entering through the teleporter, ten NS robots stood in front of the hallway that conects the teleporter room and the entrance of the main terminal senter.

"Wow! Its so big and clean!" Amanda said while staring at the planetside through the window in the hallway.

"HALT! UNIDENTIFIED PERSONS ON DECK!" The NS robots raised their weapons and aimed at the group behind Ivar.

"A4-9R-0H" Ivar said and the NS robots stopped.

"These are the new members of Zombie crew."

"ANALYZING. CONFIRMED NEW MEMBERS. WELCOME BACK, SIR." The NS robots said in unison and made way for the group to walk through.

Ivar gestured with his hand for the new recruits to follow him as he walked down tha hall.

"This is the terminal room. Here, you can wright your reports, complaints or requests and order new personal weapons with your own serts." Ivar explained.

Ivar lead the group through the next door to the armoury.

"This, as you can see is our Armoury! You are only able to use anything here after you get my permission! Is that clear?!" Ivar siad

The group was dumbfounded at the massive room full of weapons, tanks, bombs, vehicles and different MAX power armour suits. There was an entire row of Colossus tanks. Colossus tanks are the biggest and most deadly tanks on the planet. They are extremly expensive and requires very rare recources that can only be aquired by a large facility under your outfit's command, to produce these recources.

Not only the Colossus tanks but even two Bastion fleet carriors. Bastions are large spaceships that has all sorts of weaponry on it and is used to wipe out an army on a continent. These ships are so rare even in large outfits and so expensive, yet Ivar has two of them.

Buck started drooling. This was every Engineer's dream to actually work with these heavy duty machines of death.

"Follow me!" Ivar said and they all followed Ivar to the next room.

"These are your sleeping quaters. Each one of you have induvidual rooms with a workbench to maintain your equipment. Now all of you can choose a room and enjoy your free time. Tomorrow you all will go through VR training." Ivar said while turning back.

"Sir!" One of the soldiers said.

"Yes?" Ivar stopped and waited for the question.

"Sir, we have all went through training in order to join the army. Why do we have to go through more?"

Ivar expected this much. Its because Zombie crew always taught new recruits the way they fight that was more effective and safer.

"Because they taught you all shit! I'm going to make you REAL soldiers!!!" Ivar said

Ivar walked out and left the recruits to their own and headed to the Outfit leader's quaters, wich was much bigger and Ivar had a frame put in to hold his power armour.

'Tomorrow is going to be a long day...'

Bare with me. I just have to explain important thing in this chapter first so that u guys will understand the story later on.


Some_Random_Guy1creators' thoughts
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