
chapter 1- first day of seeing my love

A girl whose name is Riley, was going to her new college's first day when someone comes in her way and stopped her.

when she diverts her mind from first day in college to the boy standing in front of her,she felt speechless.The boy is soooo handsome and charming that she cannot move her eye contact towards him. when suddenly the boy spoke ,"my name is drake. did you know were is the first badge of new commers?" . on hearing the boys words Riley suddenly paused. his voice is so sweet that she cannot divert her mind from seeing his face. when the boy seen that any response is not coming from her he again repeated his same question which suddenly make Riley to come in the original world from her imaginary world. then she said " my name is riley.I am also going in that class. you wants to come with me?"

when the boy was firstly seeing Riley coming to the college he felt like a beautiful sweet and cute looking girl was coming near the college gate. he knew where is his class but he wants to talk to Riley and because of this he made an idea of going towards her and asking for help.

Both Riley and drake are in love at first sight for each other.

on hearing Riley's question, drake feel like a melodious voice is coming towards him then suddenly he said diverting his mind from his mind to her "yaah! sure ." on hearing drakes answer Riley suddenly paused.he said yes to my question whao . I have to go with him. then they both headed towards thier college shyly seeing at each others faces.on going in thier classes they made new friends.and seat besides each other.

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