
Author thoughts

well since web novel is organizing a contest on Harry Potter series in which i took a lot of interest during this holiday season and i been reading mostly Harry Potter fanfics since last month back to back where ever i could find a good fanfic of my interest it really got hard to find a good one now a days so i thought about writing one so here we are !!!

now really don't keep high expectations of me because i am a lazy ass and it takes a lot of time to write and edit the chapters about 1000 plus words or so and it takes me less then a minute to read them not talking about you guys who can probably read faster then me

so remember while reading my story that " Patience is Virtue " and don't bother leaving negative comments because i don't really care this is my story and i will dictate the fate of the the main character ,you can call me author-san , creation-kun or Lord Fate

compliments are appreciated everywhere so leave compliments in comment sections or reviews and remember i like to immerse myself while reading or writing a story and i will think my self as mc while writing the story and for your knowledge it doesn't mean i am what the mc will be in the story ,we are two separate entities.

Don't bother asking for more chapters either because if i have time i will write if not then i won't and won't be making any excuses like my pc is broken ,i am not well etc etc ,i don't understand why people bother making excuses when they are not earning a penny for writing this stuff , i am writing this story for my entertainment , entertainment and entertainment.and by the i only have smartphone so some things like book cover is no go for me until web novel makes it to directly upload through android app not through desktop sites.

i hope you like my story and really feel good to be at 2nd position of this contest ,why second you ask because i don't really care for 1st place like a certain fictional girl *cough* Hermione*cough* and i will gain some inspiration form 1st place author ,so please do vote with power stones or whatever it is get me to at least in top 10 rankings.

and last but not the least i suck at naming so don't get mad if title of story does not realtes to the protagonist, and by the mc will be very cold with huge lust for power and beauties ,yes their is going to be lot of sex and mc is a staright guy only like females and have hate for males ,well he hates everyone and everything at the same time he can love everyone and everything it depends on his mood and he i also very wise , well that's all for now and more will come in future so stay tuned for more.

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