
Hail the King (Personal)

An ordinary student accidentally traveled into another universe and became the king of a small kingdom. He had gotten a “Cheating Code” of life and was able to complete something extraordinary. This is the story about a king that was able to conquer continents and leave behind him an ultimate legend that will be recited between every generation to come. This is not my work, if this is your work you can ask me to delete it. Thank you.

Tushar_Vashishta · Derivasi dari game
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58 Chs

Ch 81 - Ch 85

Chapter 81.1: [Lut Gholein]

After confirming this finding, Fei quickly started thinking in his mind.

He was considering how to share resources between the Diablo World and the real world. Although Fei wasn't sure if there was anything else that could help him bring a lot more resources from the real world to the Diablo World aside from the storage belt, obviously this small pack of winter wheat had opened a bright window that Fei had never thought about before in his chaotic mind.

As he was thinking, Fei walked towards Akara's small tent.

He found Akara busy composing all kinds of potions in front of the seemingly ragged tent that had a magnificent interior. He took out the pack of winter wheat out of the storage belt and gave it to Akara.

"This is ..."

Akara took the small pack and an unbelievable, surprised expression appeared on her face.

It was incredible; she could feel a thick life energy inside the small cloth pack. Akara was both familiar and unfamiliar with this sensation. It was very deep and distant in her memory.

Long, long ago, [Rogue Encampment] didn't plant their own crops to maintain their survival. However, in the past sixty years, along with the slow passage of time and pollution and corrosion of rogue continent by Diablo's evil hell force, the majority of crops and plants were damaged by the dark force. Seeds with this purity and amount of life energy in them were extremely rare to find. That caused the production of crops and food in the camp to lower and lower, and ultimately they stopped producing crops. For a long time, the residents in the camp had to rely on breeding some chicken, ducks, cattle, and some other poultry and a type of wild plants called Bracken Roots that couldn't be massively planted to struggle to survive.

Akara clearly felt that the small pack of winter wheat seeds that Fei brought weren't polluted by the evil force at all and could be successfully planted and grow well in the Diablo World. Due to the quality of the soil in the Diablo World, the quantity of production might be lower compared to normal... but compared to letting young rogues go into the dangerous moor which was dominated by monsters and demons and find those Bracken Roots that tasted very bad, even though the production would be low, it would still be a great light and a huge hope for [Rogue Encampment].

"In my world, this crop is called winter wheat. It has a strong vitality and is ideal to be grown on Rogue Continent where it is cold and humid... Akara, you can ask people to try to plant it in small quantities first. If it is successful, I will bring more seeds to you and it can perhaps ease the food crisis that is happening at the camp currently."

"Ah, that's awesome... Thank you so much, Mr. Fei. I can feel the purity and liveliness from these seeds. You have brought hope of survival to the camp." Priestess Akara changed her usual profiteering face and solemnly bowed to show her thanks.

"Eh...You don't have to thank me. Hehehe, if you could provide me with some free potions, items or scrolls, perhaps it would better than thanking me with words." Fei put on a "fake" friendly smile.

"That's impossible!"

Instantly, Akara's profiteering character returned. Mr. Fei, as a leader you should be setting examples for everyone in the camp; you absolutely can't get stuff for free without doing any work. Plus, the number of potions and items I can make are extremely limited. It can barely provide the rogues in the camp with the necessary protection. Mr. Fei, your demand is too much. Even if I produce free potions for you every minute, it wouldn't be enough for you."

Fei was silent.

A greedy profiteer would always be a greedy profiteer.

But then again, what Akara said really was the case.

Fei extinguished his idea of getting stuff for free. He turned around and saw the bottles and jars that Akara was using to make potions and smelled the pungent air. He suddenly thought of something and smiled as he asked, "Akara, why didn't you find a helper to assist you in making potions? That way, you could increase the production, hehehe!"

"Do you think I could configure the potion out of thin air? Every potion takes a ton of precious and rare raw materials and herbs. They don't grow in the camp and can only be found in places such as the moors and other extremely dangerous places. To collect and harvest these herbs and materials, the rogues can only go to those extremely dangerous and evil places when Diablo's powers on Rogue Continent is at the "low tide". I'm not exaggerating. Every potion I make is saturated with the blood of the poor children..." Akara was suddenly saddened when she spoke of this.

Fei smiled as he pointed at himself with his thumb and said, "Hehehe, Akara, don't you think you have a perfect candidate standing in front of you for that job? Hehe, perhaps I could help you collect and pick these herbs and materials. In return, my request is very simple. You only have to teach me the names of each herb, how to identify them, and the formulae for making the potions. Hehehe."


Akara raised her eyebrows and was instinctively about to bicker with Fei, but she suddenly realized something as her eyes shined. She observed Fei closely as she glanced through Fei's body and felt a suddenly realization. "Hehe, you are absolutely right. Come here. Hehehe, let's start now. Hahaha, let me tell you how to identify each raw herb ingredient, their rating and their level!"


"Zealand Grass, Lantern Core, White-Strange Leaves, Magic-Chaos Ratten, Star-Light Grass, White-Bone Vine... Eh, no, no. Blood-Bone Vine... What else? Fire Roots? Poisonous Spiders' joint bone?"

After an hour.

Fei was contaminated with a pungent herb smell. He continuously spat out something from his mouth as he stumbled and fled from Akara's mysterious small tent. He was murmuring a series of herb names. His distracted expression looked as if he had been severely ravaged by a Tyrannosaurus.

"Hey...Mr. Fei. Don't run. I have forty other raw materials and herbs for you to taste. Relax, these herbs aren't bitter like the other ones. They don't taste bad..." Akara had a reluctant and gloating smile on her face as she yelled and waved her hand at Fei.

Fei didn't dare say a word back; he just continued to flee.

He passed a few wooden fences and several tents as he spat a few more times to get rid of all the bitter herb debris in his mouth. He then suddenly remembered something else; he walked to the centre of the camp and found the old man Cain, the "Free human scroll identifier". He took out a few armour pieces and a silver storage ring from his storage belt and gave them to Cain. "Wise Cain, these items are from a mysterious place. I'm not sure if you could identify them for me."

In fact, these pieces of armour were picked by Fei from the silver masked knight's corpse, and the silver storage ring was from the poor four star mage Elvis. Fei put those stuff in his Barbarian storage belt before; when he was taking out the small pack of winter wheat seeds, he saw them as well. However, the status on the items were unidentified, therefore Fei wanted old Cain to help him identify them. Perhaps once Cain finished identifying them, he could ask blacksmith Charsi to modify them so that no one in the real world would recognize them again.

"Huh? These items are very strange….. Eh... Weird, I have never seen anything like this before... Let me take a closer look... God! These are completely different magic engravings and patterns, and unheard of enchantment methods..." The white-bearded old man took the items from Fei's hands and took a detailed look. Quickly, he was fascinated by them, just like an old archeologist that just saw an ancient treasure. He was stunned a little bit; he didn't bother to acknowledge Fei anymore and just said, "The identification process might take a while. Come back in three days..." Then he turned around and walked away as if he was holding his baby.

"Damn, if you can't identify the items, just tell me. What's the meaning of the excuse..."

Fei opened his mouth as he "scornfully" looked at the old "obscene" Cain's who was walking away and pointed out his middle finger.

Since the identification didn't go as he planned, he decided to slay some monsters and demons to level up.

However, this novice map [Rogue Encampment] wasn't effective for Fei to level up in anymore. A few days ago, he swept out all the monster and demons in the entire map again and made sure that not a single monster nor a crowd of demons could threaten the safety of the camp. At this point in time, the moor was more than tens of times safer than before. With the unique Big Bosses being slayed by Fei already, [Rogue Encampment] and its subsidiary maps weren't challenging to Fei at all.

At this time, Elena was still in the real world. Fei thought about it for a while and finally decided to find NPC Warriv – the caravan leader, who was in blue. For the first time, he chose to head to the East. He decided to proceed onto the second big map in the Diablo World – a more dangerous and challenging town -[Lut Gholein].

[Rogue Encampment] was quite far from [Lut Gholein]. If an ordinary rogue started traveling from the camp, it would take her about a year or two to get to [Lut Gholein]. Fortunately for Fei, this travelling process for him was very similar to the actual game. Suddenly, the view in front of his eyes started to get foggy and blurry. Then as if he travelled through time and space, he felt and experienced the weightlessness and zero gravity. When he opened his eyes again, he had arrived at [Lut Gholein].

Everything around him was in a khaki color. This was a city that was located between deserts.

If the prior map [Rogue Encampment] was a little ragged temporary camp site, then [Lut Gholein] was a magnificent and vast desert city. Although it didn't have the steep terrains and picturesque landscapes like Chambord, there were tall, solid defensive walls, beautiful fancy palaces, even safer inner city, two story luxury hotels and pubs, and a wide natural pier that was full of parked boats and ships... It was impossible to find all these things and structures back in Chambord.

But for some reason, luxurious [Lut Gholein] gave Fei an extremely strange feeling – this seemed like a ghost city. There wasn't any liveliness; there were barely any pedestrians on the road, and it was absolutely silent. Wind blew up sand into the air, and despite being autumn, there seemed to be an unspeakable chill.

Fortunately, there were still NPCs.

As soon as Fei stepped onto [Lut Gholein], a NPC approached him.

After a simple routine conversation, Fei had received the first quest in [Lut Gholein] from Atma, the owner of a public house – Head to the sewers under Lut Gholein and kill the boss [Radament] who occupied the sewers for a long time.

According to his prior memory, Fei found the entrance to the underground sewers and entered it to start the quest.

However, during the process of accepting the quest, Fei found something strange – It seemed like the NPCs at [Lut Gholein] didn't like him very much. Their facial expressions and voices were very dull and lifeless. Compared with people such as Akara back at [Rogue Encampment], the difference was huge; it almost felt like he was talking to wooden dummies when he was interacting with them.

"Weird, why is that?"

It didn't matter if it was the whole city or the NPCs in it, they all gave Fei the same feeling – that they were dead. The place was lifeless, as if it really was a ghost city.

With a ton of curiosity, Fei seized the moment and started his bloody massacre of the monsters and demons in the sewers.

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Chapter 81.2

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Chapter 81.2: Little Black House



Two hours later.

Fei had cleaned out all the monster in the sewers easily with the strength of the level 20 Barbarian and killed the boss – [Radament], completing the first quest in [Lut Gholein]. His Barbarian Character was very close to leveling up to level 21. He returned to [Lut Gholein] and got his reward – one [Skill Point]. He thought for a while and converted some potions from the cold and mysterious voice. Then, he directly exited the Diablo World through the portal and re-appeared in King's Palace.

The timing was perfect.

Coincidentally, the guards on the outside yelled to report that Warden Oleg was seeking permission to enter the palace. Fei sat back down on his throne, stretched his back and said, "Let him in."

Quickly, Warden Oleg walked in humbly.

The fat flatterer kneeled to the ground and saluted sincerely. He then smiled fawningly and said, "Supreme King" Alexander, all the prisoners in the Iron Prison – Water Dungeon have been transferred to the new prison according to your command. Ms. Elena is still visiting Iron Prison – Water Dungeon... Your loyal servant Oleg is here to report."

"Eh, you did a good job, I'm very satisfied," Fei smiled as he praised.

"All of this is what I should do. To serve Your Majesty is my greatest honour!" Warden Oleg bowed humbly. He flatteringly smiled, "Your Majesty, the new prison hasn't been officially named. All your loyal subjects passionately wish for you to personally visit the new prison and give it an official name. It would be an honour for Chambord as a whole."


Fei was intrigued by what Oleg said.

Due to his recent workload, he didn't have time to go to the new prison that was built and expanded on top of the old healing facility. He wasn't too sure how Oleg fixed and renovated it. In terms of naming the prison, Fei laughed as a great name appeared in his mind.

"This is your reward. After taking the potion, lead me to the new prison." As he spoke, he gently pushed his palm, and half a bottle of [Hulk Potion] slowly flew towards Oleg. The potion shined a mysterious green light. This was the dose that Fei prepared for Oleg. It was tailored accordance with his own strength: not too much, not too little, just enough to stimulate all of the Warden's potential.

"This is..."

Oleg was stunned.

Not even in his wildest dreams would he have thought that King Alexander's reward was this half bottle of an unknown potion. From the faint green color, it looked like some kind of deadly poisonous potion... But at this moment, Oleg demonstrated his cleverness as he figured out the king's intentions. He didn't even ask what potion this was; without any hesitation, he put on a trusting face, opened the bottle and chugged the green potion down his throat.

The next second, [Hulk Potion] came into effect.

An unprecedented painful sensation came from the deepest part of his body – every bit of bone marrow in his body started to heat up. Although the pain was tearing Oleg's fat body apart, what surprised Fei was that this greedy Warden who was super afraid of death gritted his teeth and endured the severe pain throughout the body transformation; he didn't even let out a single groan. Until the efficacy of the potion gradually diminished, he was covered in sweat, as if he just got out of a swimming pool. With a pale face and bite marks on his lips, he slowly recovered.

Such a hard and sturdy performance surprised Fei.

Unconsciously, his impression of the fat and bald warden improved quite a bit.

After feeling the great increase in strength and the huge change in the energy channels in his body, Oleg who was initially scared finally knew what kind of magical potion King Alexander rewarded him with. He kneeled down, opened his mouth and wanted to compliment him. However, the words and sentences that he was so familiar with got stuck in his mouth, and for some reason he couldn't utter a word...

His mouth started twitching as a touching feeling bombarded his mind; he felt like crying. Oleg tried hard to hold it back, but ultimately he wasn't able to stop it and cried out loud, "Your Majesty... Thank you, Your Majesty...I... To the God of War, Oleg... Swear with a warrior's dignity, pride and soul, that I shall stay absolutely loyal to the great King Alexander and never betray him...I...I know many people at Chambord look down on me...Although Bazzer desperately wanted to draw me to his side, I could tell that in his eyes, I was only a dog that had some value...Your Majesty, you have given me... dignity... dignity of a man...I...I..."

For a moment, Oleg was crying so hard that he couldn't even speak.

This scene surprised Fei again.

"Human nature is so damn hard to predict.... However, hahahaha, so this flatterer Oleg has been influenced and touched by my great character? And wants to start a new life?"

Fei didn't really acknowledge Oleg who was kneeling down faithfully and crying as he declared his loyalty. He sat on his throne, and narcissistic thoughts flooded his mind like a tsunami.


After about ten minutes.

Under the lead of Warden Oleg who was now very grateful, Fei arrived at the former Healing Facility on the west side of Chambord Castle.

This was the new prison of Chambord that Oleg constructed.

The exterior walls of the prison were made from firm white stones, with the stones piling up to four yards (m) high. Inside the wall, the original tattered healing facility had been turned into about a building with about two dozen cells. Every cell had good ventilation and light, and they were all warm, dry and comfortable to stay in. They were all sealed off by iron bars on the windows and a movable iron door. The sixty or so prisoners that were in the Iron Prison – Water Dungeon were transferred here.

The new prison looked completely white from a distance. The two dozen cells could only hold up to about two hundred prisoners; although it was significantly smaller than the water dungeon in the underground cave maze, it was enough for Chambord's use. After Fei's revamp of the prison, there weren't many prisoners left. Plus, Fei's command to reconstruct a new prison was just to deceive the public and find a reasonable excuse to completely seal up Iron Prison – Water Dungeon containing the underground cave maze. After all, there hid a secret that could turn the entire Azeroth Continent into madness – the Mythical Ruins.

Two ten yard (m) tall statues of two warriors resting their hands on swords stabbed into the ground stood in front of the gates of the new prison. The statues were vivid and looked very majestic. They weren't made by Oleg; after hearing that the King was planning to build a new prison, the citizens were overjoyed and took the initiative to donate the funds to create them. The creators of the statues named them [Pillar of Justice] and [Pillar of Repentance], symbolizing the justice of the trials and prosecution, as well as hope for the prisoners to repent.

In between these two huge stone statues, there stood a big black rectangular stone. This was the place that Oleg prepared to write the prison's name. At this time, the new prison was surrounded by numerous citizens. They were all waiting and looking forward to the King officially naming this new prison that symbolized forgiveness and mercy.

"My respectable subjects. I sincerely hope that not a single citizen from today onwards will end up locked behind these gates due to their choices and mistakes."

Fei stood in front of the huge stone and said loudly.

He withdrew Oleg's sword from the scabbard that was hanging on Oleg's waist, flipped his wrist and started slashing on the stone. "Tink! Tink! Tink! Tink!" With loud screeching noises, numerous stone chippings rustled off of the stone as many sparks emerged. Three words were deeply engraved into this extremely firm stone –

Little Black House!

"Little Black House... Haha, this will be the name of the new prison. I promise all of you that from now on, anyone that is sent to Little Black House will be penalized and have the opportunity to repent. Their freedom may be temporarily stripped from them, but they will never lose their precious life here."

Fei held onto the sword as he spoke loudly.

"Hail the king!"

"Long live King Alexander..."

"Merciful King Alexander, may the God of War bless you!"

Although they didn't know what "Little Black House" meant, the crowd cheered on one after another in waves.

Such a scene was quite strange.

Originally, building a new prison wasn't something to be celebrated by the citizens of a kingdom; after all, a prison wasn't a mall. It represented the dark and dominant ruling from the upper class...But this time, due to the previous experience with the bloody cruel, hell-like Iron Prison – Water Dungeon, the new prison had a new and special meaning to every citizen in Chambord. From today on, they at least didn't have to be timid and afraid of offending a noble or a high class citizen accidentally or negligently, and get locked up in the gloomy Iron Prison – Water Dungeon and lose their life. From what the king promised, the people had understood the underlying meaning. They once again confirmed to themselves that King Alexander was a gracious ruler.

Perhaps unprecedented prosperous days would arrive in Chambord once King Alexander would formally be crowned by the Zenit Empire's Royal Canonization Legion in eight days.

The crowd was cheering wildly.

At this time, the Military Guru of Chambord Gordon-Brook squeezed his way past the crowd and rushed to Fei. He whispered something into Fei's ear.

Fei's expression suddenly changed.

"Finally here? Hehe, these motherf**kers, I've been waiting for them for a long time..."

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Chapter 82

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Chapter 82: Two Legged Bald Rattlesnake (Part Two)

The body of the leading carriage was covered fully in huge Holy Church's fiery sun symbols that were gilded with gold. The huge carriage had easily attracted everyone's attention. Although it was stunning how luxurious the carriage looked, what was more surprising was that it didn't have any wheels. Two clouds of rotating and whistling grey wind took the wheels' places. The horses were able to lightly dragged the heavy body of the carriage; like a light feather that was floating in the air. When the horses were pulling the carriage, it slid smoothly through the air.

It was the special magic carriage that only Holy Church had. The bottom of the carriage had a middle-level wind magic array engraved on it personally by senior priests. The magic array was powered by magic crystals, and it made the carriage look extremely mysterious and luxurious. Only senior priests had the status and eligibility to use and enjoy such a magic carriage.

On both sides of the luxurious magic carriage, there were about forty novice priests that were in black vestments with marks of the Holy Church embroidered onto their red collars. They were all wearing black cloaks, and followed the carriage alongside slavishly; they were ready to serve the priest humbly.

The novice priests were known as friars as well. They were half students and half servants to the priests, and was known as the humblest servants to the God. Everyone of them were burdened with a long black chain on their backs; even when they were just walking slowly, the metal chain would sway and make the tinkling, metal colliding sound. Many tinkling and colliding sounds combined together gave the bystanders an unspeakable pressure, gave them a chill to the spine and made them distance from the fleet of carriages.

Holy Knights and Priests were the two pillars of strength for the Holy Church on Azeroth Continent.

They were the best partners. The relationship between them somewhat was similar to warriors and mages. One specializes in short range combats, full of strength; and the other one specializes in magic and spells, long range combat, and their powers were more mysterious. In battles, they were complementary to each other. Therefore, whenever the Holy Church set up a new church in wherever, in terms of choosing delegate from the candidates, a priests and a knight would be appointed at the same time.

The street was quickly "cleaned up", residents of Chambord was forced to stand on both sides of the street earnestly. Any insincere or unusual movements would be considered disrespectful to Priest Zola by the cavaliers' retinues. If they get executed or killed on the spot, there won't be any place for them to complain to.

The gilded magic carriage slowly travelled on the [The Road of Gold], as if it was inspecting its own subjects.

People on both side of the road stared at the fleet of carriages with deep awe.

Of course, there were also a bit of deeply oppressed hatred and disgust.

When Chambord was under the attack by the black armoured enemies, and was in severe danger, the priests and knights from the Holy Church who could boss people around and enjoyed all the privileges at Chambord didn't hesitate at all, ditched the kingdom and ran away like homeless dogs. But as soon as the danger was eliminated, these greedy and vicious bastards couldn't wait to come back to force their own "prestige" and supremacy onto the people of Chambord... "Doesn't the Holy Church have any shame?"

As if he felt the unfriendly stares from people standing on the sides of the street, the gilded magic carriage suddenly stopped. The door opened and the black curtain behind the door was lifted. A slightly bald old man leaned forward, paused for a second, and walked out. He stood on the front footboard.

This was Priest Zola.

A greedy, smart, vicious and nasty guy. He wasn't tall, only about 5 feet 6. He was also thin; occasionally, terrible coldness would flash in his eyes. Someone had described Zola like this – "This little old man, he could think of more than a thousand secretive deadly tricks and traps in a blink of an eye." The people of Chambord gave him a very appropriate nickname behind his back – [Two Legged Bald Rattlesnake].

This vicious rattlesnake and the bearded knight leader Luciano who lashed the poor woman with his horsewhip were the two figureheads that the Holy Church sent to Chambord. Both of them together managed everything that was related to church and the religion of Chambord Kingdom. Due to the significant status that the Holy Church had on Azeroth Continent, and the fierce name that the Inquisition Branch made for itself; there were too many kingdoms that were destroyed by the iron hoofs of the Execution Knights who dared to resist the Holy Church's order. Therefore, although these two people were little characters that were unknown inside the Holy Church, but once they arrived at Chambord Kingdom, they were the highest status people at Chambord and could rival with the king.

Zola gently rubbed his beloved scepter with his palm.

His gloomy eyes glanced through the people who were standing on the sides of the street. The crowd suddenly was having a little commotion; no one dared to look at this vicious rattlesnake in the eyes.

Next moment, Zola causally pointed at a few people in the crowd.

The people who got pointed acted as if they received the invite from the Grim Reaper; they were so scared that their faces turned white, and cried and struggled desperately... However, it didn't matter if they were crying or struggling, none of it mattered. The novice priests on the side of the magic carriage opened their eyes widely, and looked at the people that Zola's finger was pointing at. Then, like loyal hyenas that heard their master's command, the novice priest rushed out, and without considering anything else, they locked the chains in their hands onto the people's necks, and viciously pulled them out of the crowd like chickens.

Cries filled the street, but once anyone resisted the "arrest" a little bit, the dog like cavaliers' retinues would circle them as they punched and kicked the "arrestees". There were women who had their kids in their arms that got pulled out of the crowd, but there were more younger girls, as well as a few clean dressed middle aged men...

Instantly, cries resounded on the street, as if it was a living hell.

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Chapter 83

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Chapter 83: Leave everything to me

[Two Legged Bald Rattlesnake] Zola stood on the carriage and coldly watched.

There weren't any traces of mercy that a holy and just priest should have. He glanced at the crowd having a slight commotion and said: "The Church had received a top secret report, not too long ago, the most evil – undead magic was used during the battle on the stone bridge in Chambord... I suspect that these people had been allured by demons, because I feel slight traces of undead magic among them... God's children, don't try to doubt father's fairness... I promise to you people that the church will make the most just and fair ruling. As soon as we find out that they didn't make any deals with the devil, I will personally walk them out of the church."

This was the reason that Zola gave out.

But this seemingly simple reason instantly terrified the residents of Chambord on both sides of the street. Some people who were crying and begging for mercy because their friends and relatives were pulled out of the crowd were all stunned. They didn't dare to make any sounds; defeat and despair filled their eyes.

On Azeroth Continent, it didn't matter how much prestige you had or how powerful you are, once you have been considered making a deal with the devil by the Holy Church, that meant the same as saying hello to the Grim Reaper's sickle. There would be a location prepared for you in advance on the Holy Church's Burning Cross.

There was no exaggeration. There was a shocking incident –

Twenty years ago, Bruno, the famous emperor of the strong level 6 Dulin Empire had advanced to the peak of Moon Rank under the age of fifty – a Full Moon Warrior. Some people even predicted that with one more step, Bruno could advance to Sun Ranked. On top of that, Dulin Empire had armies of millions and numerous powerful warriors and mages. They indeed dominated a section of the continent, and no other Empires dared to cause conflict with them in more than ten years.

However, during his heyday, Bruno suffered from a man-made disaster.

The cause was from one of the parties that the Church hosted. Bruno, who was a little arrogant, had offended Pope Platini accidentally, and he was later accused of colluding with the devils in Hell by the Church. Under the command of the Pope, soldiers of the Execution Knight Templar wiped out the Dulin Empire from the Continent with their powerful force. The fate of the super strong Bruno was even more miserable – It was said that he was tied onto the Burning Cross of the Sun God on the peak of the Holy Mountain – Waulu Mountain, which was also the headquarter of the Holy Church. He was burned alive by the terrible magic fire for three years and died in endless pain.

Therefore, Zola's simple words had suddenly put everyone in despair. The few young girls who were dragged out of the crowd by iron chains on their necks even fainted and fell to the ground.

The crowd was silent on the street.

Even the friends and relatives of the young women and men who were "captured" didn't dare to say a word at this point; they didn't even dare to make crying noises.

The Holy Church's despotic power was evident.

Zola the [Two legged bald rattlesnake] was obviously satisfied with the result that he made.

He liked the atmosphere where he was feared by people.

Zola rubbed his "beloved" black scepter in his hand and glanced around "majestically". He nodded proudly after finding out that no one dared to even look at him. All the grievance and stinks that he experienced at the division of Holy Church in Zenit's Capital St. Petersburg were finally evened out and made up by this. He had his confidence back again.

But as he was turning around and about to get into his gilded magic carriage –

"Wait a moment, Mr. Priest. I can testify for these people. They have no connection with the evil undead magic."

A crisp and sweet voice sounded beside his ear. It instantly destroyed all of Zola's good mood.

The rattlesnake was raged.

He turned back around rapidly and pointed his scepter at the source of the voice without identifying who the voice belonged to first. Suddenly, a white beam with devastating power shot out of the purple crystal that was embedded onto the Zola's favorite black scepter, like a laser, headed toward the direction of the voice.

Priest skill – [Light Extinction].

The attack was deadly. No one was expecting that Zola would directly go for the kill.

Uncontrollable gasps and screams filled the street.

Priest Zola didn't see who was speaking, but everyone else clearly saw who it was; everyone's expression changed. The one who stood out bravely and faced danger was King Alexander's future queen; The kind, gentle, and beautiful Angela.

The bright white beam with its scorching temperature was instantly about to hit Angela; it already burned a few of the girl's black hair that was fluttering in the wind... As the young girl was about to die because of something she said, at this moment –


A huge black sword that was covered by a blue flame appeared out of nowhere and shielded Angela behind it.

The sword's handle was held in a thick and strong hand.

The body of the sword lightly shook as the blue energy flame on it collided with the white beam of light. The flamed rippled, and both energies disappeared eventually.

The person who appeared on time was the former number one warrior of Chambord, Lampard.

"How dare you attack queen her highness! Priest Zola, are you intentionally trying to cause conflict between the Holy Church and Chambord?"

Lampard stood firmly in front of the carriage. The blue flowing energy was stimulated to the max as it enveloped Lampard's body in its flames. The red hair also broke free from the linen hairband and fluttered in the wind. He stared at Zola who was on the gilded carriage and questioned him loudly.

"Oh, it's Angela her highness...Pardon my rudeness."

Zola now finally had seen who spoke and going against his will. However, a queen of a level 6 affiliated kingdom in a level 1 Empire was nothing in his eyes. Although he said sorry, but no one could see that he meant it. He curled his lips causally and said with a faint smile on his face: "Mr. Lampard, please put away your black magic weapon. Are you trying to attack a priest of the Holy Church?"

Lampard slightly paused.

After a few seconds, he frowned and suddenly swung his hand, the black sword turned into a shadow and inserted back to the scabbard on his back. However, you could still see the anger on Lampard's face. He quickly glanced at the few Chambord residents who were dragged out of the crowd by novice priests, and asked angrily: "I don't know what crimes these people committed. Does the Holy Church have the authority to arrest anyone they want?"

"Watch your words, Mr. Lampard..." Zola was getting a bit angry as well by all the oppositions. He stood high up on the carriage and shouted with a scorn expression: "Are you questioning God's fairness? We have clear evidence showing that undead magic was used at the battle at Chambord. I suspect that these people are related to the matter, so I'm taking these people back to the church to find out the truth..."

"But Mr. Priest. I have clear evidence that these people that you arrested have nothing to do with undead magic..."

Before the [Two Legged Bald Rattlesnake] could finish speaking, Angela suddenly cut him off. The beautiful girl was obviously scared by the previous deadly attack, her face was still all pale, but her pure, crystal like big eyes shined a brave light. She looked at the begging expression on the few young girls who were arrested, and firmly retorted: "Mr. Priest, you just said that undead magic was used in the battle on the stone bridge, but everyone at Chambord could testify that none of the people that you arrested appeared on the stone bridge during that battle. Therefore, it's impossible for them to have any connection with undead magic."

Angela's words opened up everyone's mind.

"Yeah, they never left Chambord, how could the undead magic on the stone bridge be related to them?"

"Maybe it was those black armoured bastards who used undead magic!!"

"Mr. Priest, please don't arrest people randomly!"

"Angela her highness made a point. Nelly and other girls absolutely have no connection with undead magic..."

"That's right, Aunt Coulee just give birth to her child less than a month ago, and doesn't even have the strength to pick up a kitchen knife. How could she know any undead magic?"

After hearing Angela's defence, the crowd on both sides of the street finally had the courage to speak what was on their minds. They shouted and booed; especially the families of the people who were arrested, they shouted repeatedly and the situation was getting a bit out of control.

Honestly, everyone knew the reason why Zola arrested these people.

The few cleanly dressed young men would be used as hostages to extort money from their families. The other young and pretty girls would be used as tools for the higher up authorities in the Church to blow off sexual steam; they would be also kept as maids and slaves, to clean the church and take care of daily tasks for the church members. These incidents had happened many times. Of course, someone would be burned alive on the burning cross for the reason of colluding with evil forces; Aunt Coulee who had her newborn in her arms was probably the poor soul that Zola was planning to burn alive to demonstrate the church's power and majesty.

After seeing the scene in front of him, Zola who was standing on the footboard on the carriage was a little stifled.

He didn't expect that a little girl could stir up so much trouble. These low class people started to rebel and his majesty and prestige was seriously challenged. After thinking about that, this vicious rattlesnake was angered; his expression changed as he threatened fiercely: "The force of evil is always great at deceiving people, and blinding people who are naive and ignorant...Angela your highness, Mr. Lampard, if you don't move, you will be considered as having connections with the undead magic by the Holy Church. There shall be no mercy on the burning cross!"

After he said that, Zola didn't wait for either of them to respond. He turned around and enter the gilded magic carriage directly.

After seeing that, a short and fat novice priest who was the closest to Angela and Lampard shook the iron chains in his hands proudly and said: "Haha, please move! Or else...Hehe!" The novice priest's facial expression was reflecting the threat as well.

Lampard's eyebrow rose, and his hand grabbed onto the hilt of his black sword on his back.

He turned his head and looked at Angela, waiting for the "go ahead" signal.

Angela's big beautiful eyes were filled with anxious tears.

The girl didn't know what to do at the moment, as if she was an ant in a hot pan. She knew that if she allowed Lampard to take action and save those people by force, it would bring a disaster to Alexander who was about to get canonized, as well as Chambord as a whole... However, the kind girl couldn't just allow her innocent subjects to get arrested by the church.

At this moment –

A warm and strong hand suddenly held onto the girl's shoulder. A familiar voice then sounded beside Angela's ear like the sound from heaven: "Just leave everything to me!"

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Chapter 84

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Chapter 84: Your majesty, Please Forgive Me


Angela yelled in surprise as she turned around and looked at the figure that appeared behind her.

As soon as she saw that tall and strong figure, Angela felt like all the pressure instantly disappeared. Her eyes cleared up and all the anxiety and worries weighing on her mind were gone.

Lampard who was standing beside Angela finally loosen his grip on the hilt on his black sword, and gently let out a deep breath. The crowds on both sides of the street couldn't help but to cheer quietly. King Alexander had arrived, and everyone felt like they had found their spiritual pillar. They firmly believed that nothing in this world would be a problem for the "omnipotent" King Alexander.

"Unlock the chains, then go away."

Fei looked at the short and fat novice priest who was being too arrogant and said casually.

The novice priest was mad, however... He clearly felt that this young man in front of him was very dangerous; it even gave him chills. His intuition told him to move away quickly, otherwise... the consequence would be too severe.

As if he was hypnotized, the short and fat priest let go of his hands on the [Light Chain], and released the poor brown haired girl. The poor girl trembled as she ran behind Fei like a frightened bunny; Angela whispered to calm her down and stroked her hair to comfort her heart.

Fei stood in front of them. He didn't say anything, he just glanced around with a calm expression on his face.

It was only a simple glance.

However, wherever he looked, the cavaliers' retinues who were like vicious wolves were all terrified. They shook in fear as if a bunch of dogs saw the king of the jungle.

No one dared to stared back at Fei.

The novice priests who held the [Light Chain] tight in their hands felt like a sharp sword was placed beside their necks as soon as Fei gazed at them. The hands that were clutching onto the [Light Chains] trembled as they quickly released them; as if what they gripping in their hands weren't the Church's instrument [Light Chain] that they could tie up any noble on a regular day, but rather a piece of red-hot iron.

As if they were amnestied, the poor residents who were arrested quickly got off of the ground and raced to hide behind Fei's back frighteningly.

In their eyes, this figure was the most indestructible castle wall in the whole world. Half a month ago when the black armoured enemies tried to siege the kingdom, this figure had blocked them out of the main gate. At this very moment, it was this figure that rescued them from the hands of the Grim Reaper in the nick of time.

"Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap..."

Fei completely ignored the novice priests and their retinue. He gently walked towards the gilded magic carriage. The dozens of guards who were taking everything seriously didn't even dare to stop him. They all moved and made a path for him obediently, as if they were greeting their masters.

Fei laid his hand on the thrill of the gilded magic carriage and knocked it lightly: "Hey, come out. Let's have a talk."

There was no reaction within the carriage.

The silence was frightening.

"I don't have a lot of patience." Fei frowned. He tensed his body up and the strength of the level 20 Barbarian was about to burst out. It was the sign of an outbreak.

At this moment, "Creak!"

The sound of wooden surfaces scratching on each other was as quiet as mosquito humming, but it took everyone's breath.

Because the [Two Legged Bald Rattlesnake] finally came out again.

"Oh, it's Alexander his majesty..." Priest Zola opened the door. This time, the vicious rattlesnake didn't stand high up on the footboard; instead, he bended his back and got off of the carriage. He smiled as he gently bowed: "I was about to visit his majesty, and congratulate King Alexander about the formal canonization from Zenit Empire in five days...Hehehe, I didn't expect to meet his majesty this soon. Please accept the congratulation from Zola and the Holy Church."

The chins of people around them almost slammed to the ground.

Those cavaliers' retinues and novice priests opened their eyes wide, they couldn't believe what was going on. They all stared at this Priest Zola as if he was a stranger to them.

"This is crazy. When did our arrogant Mr. Priest turn into a kind and gentle elder? His attitude was even... he was trying to please the young king? What is going on?"

Only Lampard who was standing further away saw that when Zola came out of the carriage, he quickly glanced at the knight Luciano, and the latter shook his head secretly.

Unfortunately, Fei ignored the rattlesnake's pleasing.

He didn't even politely respond.

"Why did you arrest my subjects?" Fei pointed at the few young men and women who were still trembling and standing beside Angela, and asked bluntly. His eyebrows were slightly furrowed as he started at Zola sharply, as if Zola couldn't give him a satisfactory answer, he would scrape the flesh off of Zola's bones piece by piece.

Surprisingly, the rattlesnake demonstrated patience that was disproportionate to his personality when he heard the offensive questioning. He looked in the direction that Fei was pointing as a surprising expression appeared on his face, as if he had no idea what just happened. He laughed: "Hehehe, so your majesty is angry at this matter. I just suddenly realized a second ago that perhaps Angela her highness was correct. There might be some misunderstanding. Release them, quickly release them... King Alexander, the Church had received the message that the evil undead magic appeared around Chambord. Bishop Sergievsky specifically remind me to investigate about this matter in detail. As the person in charge of the church at Chambord, I had no choice!"

"This is the first time, so I won't hold you accountable for this... However, if the Holy Church wants to arrest my subjects from now on, you better let me the king know!"

Fei's expression didn't change a bit when Zola was being overly enthusiastic to please him; he was even too lazy to put up a smile on his face. He stopped staring at Zola and glanced around. His eyes landed on the whip that was dripping blood in Knight Luciano's hand. He pointed at him and shouted: "You, get off the horse and come here!"

Luciano was stunned.

In the next second, the knight was suddenly engulfed in uncontrollable anger.

"How dare this ant like king offend me, a three-star Holy Knight from the Holy Church!" As Luciano was rubbing his beard and about to explode, he suddenly saw Priest Zola who was standing beside Fei slightly shake his head. It instantly reminded Luciano about the description of this king on the information that the Holy Church collected. Luciano's mind cleared and a lot of the anger dissipated. He held back the rest of the anger as he jumped off of the horse and walked to Fei.

"King Alexander, what do you need?"

Fei looked at him and pointed at the poor women that he whipped earlier who had fainted due to the pain. As if he didn't want to talk to him, only a short sentence came out of his mouth: "Apologize and compensate 100 gold coins."

"You..." Luciano was having a hard time holding back his anger.

However, Zola suddenly reached out and lightly pulled Luciano's cape, then winked to signal the novice priest who was standing behind him. That novice priest was smart guy, he instantly knew what Zola wanted. He quickly took out 100 gold coins and put it in Luciano's hand. This bearded knight walked to the women reluctantly under Zola's repeated signals, sprinkled the gold coins onto the woman's body, humphed, turned around and was about to walk away...

"Stop, you haven't apologized yet!"

After seeing that, Fei suddenly shouted and stopped him.

Knight Luciano instantly turned around, faced Fei and a silver [Battle Ring] appeared under his feet, and grew out to a five, six yards radius. His imposing manner and strength was skyrocketing. The power of the three-star warrior was fully exposed. Luciano stared at Fei coldly, the meaning was obvious – "Don't go too far, I don't care that you are the king."

Fei switched to Paladin Mode

He didn't say anything.

He slowly walked toward Luciano step by step.

When he took the third step, something magical happened – You could see a golden [Battle Ring] appearing under his feet and started to expand outward. Although the level 12 Paladin wasn't as strong and oppressive as Luciano, but the golden [Battle Ring] shocked everyone from the Holy Church including Zola.

"How could this be?"

"It's a golden [Battle Ring]?"

That was the type of [Battle Ring] that only the favourite children of the supreme God could have. Out of the hundreds of thousands of Holy Knights that the Church had, most of them only had silver colored [Battle Rings]. The ones that had golden [Battle Ring] were the real elites. Although the chances of having golden [Battle Ring] was less than one in a hundred thousand Holy Knights, as soon as those Holy Knights appeared, they would all receive the God's blessings and became Gurus and mighty, influential leaders in the Holy Church.

Even though the [Two Legged Bald Rattlesnake] Zola could think of more than a thousand secretive deadly tricks and traps in a blink of an eye, at this moment he was in a deep shock. So deep that he couldn't even think and process information properly.

When all the Holy Church stuffs were rubbing their eyes and making sure that they were not hallucinating, something even more magical happened. When Fei took the fourth step, another golden [Battle Ring] appeared under his feet and started spreading. The two golden [Battle Rings] shifted like waves; although their colors were similar, they were totally different. Everyone could feel the two different scary holy powers that had different properties and effects.

"Apologize, now!"

Fei didn't hold back any Auras of the level 12 Paladin. He looked like a god that was enveloped in a layer of golden holy energy. The black hair fluttered in the air, and the tips were coated in gold. He appeared supremely majesty, and no one dared to look at him in the eyes. His cold words were like a heavy hammer that smashed Knight Luciano's head.

Paladin from the Diablo World had too many similar abilities with the Holy Knight from the Holy Church in the real world. They were almost all identical. Even "Aura" and the "Holy Energy" were so similar, no one could tell the difference. Everyone thought King Alexander was a hermit Holy Knight that had a high status at the Holy Church. They were all aghast.

Knight Luciano started trembling irresistibly.

As soon as the golden [Battle Ring] appear, all of his resistance dissolved, he didn't dare to go against Fei's will anymore. His face paled as he looked at Fei, a pleading expression filled his eyes.

"Your majesty... please forgive me!" Luciano kneeled down in front of Fei.

Chapter 85: God's Favorite Children

The scene of Luciano kneeling down and begging for his life shocked the residents of Chambord.

The crowd on both sides of the street felt like they were having a bizarre dream. What a horrifying noun, and what a supreme monster the Holy Church was. Even the life of the Holy Church's guard dog was more precious than a noble from a kingdom. Now however, the arrogant Holy Knight Mr. Luciano was shivering, kneeling and begging King Alexander for forgiveness... what was going on?

While the residents were confused, something crazier occurred –

The evil and vicious [Two Legged Rattlesnake] Priest Zola panicked as he crouched down and crawled towards Fei. With a humble attitude the people of Chambord had never seen before, he kissed Fei's boots passionately and said in a shaky voice, "Honorable Master, humble Zola begs for your generous forgiveness... We didn't know of your honorable identity in advance. We are truly guilty. Please forgive us two lowly wretches!"

Hundreds of cavaliers' retinues and novice priests were shocked. They looked at each other in unison as their bosses suddenly lost all their pride and prestige and kneeled down begging for forgiveness. After a few seconds of hesitation, they all copied Zola and Luciano's action and knelt down as well; they didn't even dare to breathe too heavily.

Although these people were at the bottom of the Holy Church's hierarchy and the majority of them didn't know what the golden [Battle Ring] that appeared on the young king meant, they had followed and served Zola and Luciano for a while. They all had high EQs and were good at observing situations. From their two bosses' expressions, they at the very least knew that they had kicked on an iron plate and messed with someone that they shouldn't have messed with.

"Please forgive us, master!" Hundreds of people knelt down and begged.

"Master? Ha, tell me, who's master am I?"

Fei said to the Holy Church crowd with a faint smile on his face.

"Master....you...Oh, right right right, you aren't...Ah, no, I mean...I...I...I..."

Despite Zola having the brains to come up with thousands of conspiracies, at this key point, he was stuttering and couldn't put a sentence together.

He had only heard of the Holy Knights who had a golden [Battle Ring] in legends and tales, let alone a Holy knight that had a double golden [Battle Rings]. He had the chance to go to a Church's party at St. Petersburg for senior priests and overheard Sergievsky, the Bishop for Zenit Empire mention stories about these [God's Favorite Children] who had golden [Battle Rings] – These [God's Favorite Children] were all secret characters that most people didn't know about. Before they were formally appointed to powerful positions at the Holy Church, they would be appointed by the Pope to execute some secret missions or go on unknown journeys to gain more experience. Their identities were all hidden, and their statuses were highly respected by everyone at the Holy Church. They had enormous opportunities to become candidates for the position of Pope; the most incompetent ones would become Bishops for the huge empires and take control of the church in a region. The future and potential of Zola who was only a representative for the church in a small level 6 affiliated kingdom that belonged to a level 1 empire couldn't even be compared with these people, so how could Zola not be scared?

Zola felt like he was in a freezer; he could feel the chill in his bones. He didn't expect to meet someone on that level and leave a bad first impression. He wanted to flatter Fei a little bit to make up for what he had done, but once he thought that Fei might be executing some kind of secret mission under the Pope's instruction, he didn't dare to call out Fei's "True Identity"... "Damn it! Should I address Alexander by 'master' or pretend that I don't know him?"

Zola had lost his cool.

Fei on the other hand had roughly guessed what was happening after seeing all the church people kneeling down and shivering. The reason he switched from his Level 20 Barbarian Mode to the Level 12 Paladin Mode was because he wanted to cheat a little with the Paladin's Aura, but he didn't expect it to have such a significant effect.

"You, stand up and apologize to the woman you injured."

Fei was afraid that saying anymore might raise suspicion. He pretended to be mysterious and change the conversation back to the previous topic. He pointed at the Knight Luciano and said coldly.

"Yes, yes, yes..."

Luciano felt relieved after he heard that.

He and Zola passionately crawled and rushed to the woman who was waking up as if she was their mother. Luciano helped the woman sit up and Zola, who wanted to cleanse the impression Fei had of him used everything he had and was barely able to cast a high level spell that required a ton of mental effort [Heal]. A milky white light bloomed in his hand and shrouded the whip wounds on the woman's back. After the miraculous effect appeared, the horrifying wounds soon disappeared under the illumination of the white light.

Fei's pupil slightly contracted after seeing that.

Holy Church's holy [Healing] spell had similar effects compared to [Healing Potions]from the Diablo World, but it had its own mystical and unique sides. It looked like the Holy Church had an unfathomable foundation and background which allowed it to be the monster and dominate the Azeroth Continent.

"You were brave enough to try to harm Angela. You deserve to be killed thousands of times!" Fei said in a bloody tone as he stared at Zola coldly.

"Forgive me, your majesty, please forgive me. I was being really dumb, I won't do it ever again..." After hearing Fei bringing that up, Zola kneeled in front of Fei's feet again as he trembled. He started to snivel and begged, "Your majesty, I know my mistake. From now on, Zola will always fulfill your orders and listen to whatever you say!"

This poisonous snake was scared to death.

Fei backed off a few steps in disgust. He knew that at this point, neither his own personal power or Chambord's strength could challenge the huge Holy Church; the difference in strength between the two was gigantic, like comparing a speck of dust to the sun. Therefore, he couldn't be too impulsive. He had handled most of the problems, so he decided to take care of the remaining accounts with the two bums in the future. He waved his hand and said, "Nevermind, I won't hold you guys accountable anymore on the fact that this was your first time. However, be careful how you behave in Chambord. If you dare offend or annoy me one more time, don't say that I'm ruthless."


Zola was so relieved that he almost cried.

He was glad that this "Master" was magnanimous enough to forgive them. Just with Fei's status alone in the Holy Church, even if he ended up killing both of them, Bishop Sergievsky would say that they were guilty. As long as he could extinguish "this master's" anger, Zola was confident with his numerous methods to make "this powerful man" happy. "As long as I can tie myself together with this promising man...tut – tut." Zola was secretly laughing every time he thought of it. He definitely believed that this was a rare and golden opportunity that he should take advantage of it.

"Alright, I don't want to see you guys anymore. Send someone to take the injured people home and compensate them... Get away from me, now!" Fei waved his hand as if he was expelling some flies; his impatience was obvious.

"Alright, ok, ok..."

Zola and Luciano nodded obediently and turned around to order the retinues and novice priests, "You guys, quickly help these injured children of God get home... Oh, you guys are too rough, compensate every household with 10 gold coins... Oh, no, compensate them with 20 gold coins!"

After seeing that some injured people were slightly immobilized, Zola squinted his eyes and immediately ordered, "Use my carriage... Use my carriage to take them back, don't let them suffer any more pain."

The novice priests were shocked and stared at Zola in surprise. They thought that they had heard it wrong. Zola spent a lot of resources on picking up this carriage and he was reluctant to use it regularly. Was he going to use this magic carriage to take these dirty low class people home?

"What are you guys still standing here for? Go and do it, idiots!"

Zola shouted at the novice priests, and then turned around and asked, "Your majesty, what do you think? Are you satisfied?"

20 gold coins was the average annual income for a household in Chambord. Most of the injured residents were only lightly wounded by the retinues and novice priests. The only severely injured one was the woman who was whipped, but she was now fully recovered and also compensated 100 gold coins. Zola and Luciano miscalculated everything and were now disgraced, losing money.

Fei's inner rage dissipated a little at this point. He nodded and waved, "Alright, now get out of my sight!"

His attitude was extremely impatient.

Zola and Luciano didn't get mad at all. Instead, they felt like that was the proper manner that a [God's Favorite Child] should have. They nodded submissively, apologized again and left with the retinues and novice priests.

After seeing the vicious church personnel leave embarrassingly, Chambord's residents on both sides of the street felt like they had just woken up from a dream. The just and kind King Alexander protected them and surprised everyone again. Applause and cheers were as loud as thunder...

The beautiful Angela and Emma stood in the excited crowd. They stared at Fei with fascination and passion.

Lampard turned around and left quietly the loud cheers.

Fei on the other hand stared at the carriage fleet which was slowly moving away. When they were passing by Fei, he saw a handsome blonde young man who looked slightly sick through the window at the back of the magic carriage. The pair of crystal blue, ocean-like eyes gave Fei an indescribable strange feeling.

"Who is he?"

For some reason, Fei was suddenly full of curiosity towards that young man.