
H.P: My Hogwarts Journey

Synopsis: Accompanied by the cry of a baby from St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, a soul from another world arrived in this magical realm. ... What difference will this baby named Bell Minashel bring to this world? ... Bell: "I am not great. I am just an ordinary seeker, struggling on the path of magic." Disclaimer: This fanfiction is a creative work inspired by the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. The characters, settings, and themes referenced herein belong to her and are used here for fan enjoyment and exploration of alternate storylines.

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Chapter 42 Video Chat with Sister

Just as Bell finished his homework for the day and pulled out his book "Ultimate Transformation" to continue reading, his "personal terminal" suddenly beeped with a message notification. Bell was puzzled for a moment before realizing what was going on.

Taking out the personal terminal and looking at the message on the screen, Bell felt an overwhelming urge to slap himself.

Bell had never video chatted with anyone before; he had always used the personal terminal as a watch and alarm clock, occasionally using it to look up information.

In fact, since Bell's body clock became more accurate, he didn't even touch his personal terminal once a week.

Now, seeing the video request from his sister, he suddenly realized: "This is possible too!"

Bell believed that Shanna must have forgotten that she could communicate via personal terminal, otherwise she would have surely video called him last night.

But it wasn't the time to dwell on that. Bell quickly got up and rushed back to his dormitory. Jumping onto his bed, he drew the curtains, cast a soundproof barrier with his wand, enlarged the personal terminal, and connected the video call.

"Sister! I miss you!" Shanna exclaimed as soon as she saw Bell's figure on the screen.


Seeing his sister's pouty expression on the screen, Bell felt his heart melting.

"I miss you too, very very much!"

"Is Shanna behaving well at home alone?" Bell tried to divert Shanna's attention, fearing she might start crying the next moment.

"Yes! Shanna is being very very good!" The little girl nodded vigorously.

Watching his sister's adorable demeanor, Bell couldn't help but reach out to pat her head, but unfortunately, he only touched the cold screen in the end.

(╬ ̄皿 ̄) "I really want to smash it!"

"Brother, what's Hogwarts like? Are you happy there?" Shanna asked.

"Not happy! I'm super unhappy without Shanna!" At this moment, Bell's heart was filled with the desire to blow up this school, where could he find any happiness!

"Shanna is unhappy too, I can't see Brother, so I'm super unhappy too!"

In fact, Shanna had long wanted to blow up the so-called Hogwarts, how dare they not let her go to school with her brother!

The siblings then went on to share every detail of their day with each other. From what time they woke up, what they did after waking up, what they had for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and so on. Shanna was particularly interested in Bell's life at Hogwarts. She bombarded him with questions about the recipes, class schedules, the Great Hall, and the dormitories.

To outsiders, these trivial matters might seem unworthy of wasting time on. But to the siblings, one was excited to speak, and the other was eager to listen.

Their conversation only came to an end when Shanna's mother, Elena, intervened from behind. Bell could clearly see Shanna pouting unhappily on the screen, her mouth mouthing the words 'Mom is so annoying.'

Bell couldn't help but chuckle.

"Alright, it's getting late. You should both go to sleep," Elena interrupted their chat once again, otherwise, they might chat until tomorrow morning.

Bell then realized that it was already past 10 o'clock. His roommates, except for the two who went night wandering, were already lying in bed.

Seeing Shanna's unhappy face on the screen, Bell comforted her, "Go to bed, Shanna. Can Brother chat with you again via video call tomorrow night?"


Shanna looked pleasantly surprised.

"Can Shanna chat with Brother tomorrow too?"

"Of course," Bell affirmed, "not just tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and every day. Brother will chat with Shanna, okay?"

"Yeah! It's a deal, Brother must keep his promise!"

"Of course, when has Brother ever broken his promise? I'm afraid Shanna doesn't want to talk to Brother."

"Shanna wants to..."

"Alright, you two,"

Elena intervened again, otherwise, who knows if these two siblings would ever stop chatting? No, they definitely wouldn't.

Elena took the personal terminal from Shanna's hand and held it up high where Shanna couldn't reach.

In the corner of the screen, Shanna could be seen jumping frantically, trying to grab the personal terminal back, while shouting, "Give it back, bad Mommy, give it back to me!"

"Bell, you should also rest early and not stay up late! Alright, let's end it here, bye~"

After saying that, Elena hung up the video call.

Watching the screen gradually darken, Bell's smile gradually disappeared.

How warm and happy he felt when chatting with his sister just now, but now he felt how cold and lonely. Intense pain struck Bell's heart, and he had to use magic to alleviate the pain in his heart, but it was of no use.


"Lym—!" Bell shouted to the sky.

With a 'pop', Lym appeared by Bell's bedside, looking flustered.

"What's wrong, young master? What happened?"

"Nothing, nothing happened," Bell said dispiritedly, "prepare some food for me, and prepare more. Quickly."

"Yes, young master. Lym will bring the food right away!"

Lym hurriedly went to prepare food for Bell.

Bell lay back on his bed, looking at the still unfamiliar ceiling with dull eyes.

'Cheer up, let's talk about it tomorrow.'


Unknowingly, it had been more than a week since Bell arrived at Hogwarts. He gradually became accustomed to life at Hogwarts, repeating his regular but somewhat dull life every day, trying to enrich himself.

If Bell had to choose his favorite place in Hogwarts, it would not be the warm and comfortable dormitory, nor the cool and beautiful Black Lake, but the somewhat desolate and gloomy library.

Hogwarts was indeed professional in education, with the library's collection far exceeding that of Bell's family library. Although each major pure-blood family had its own unique heritage and secret lore, almost all the books that had appeared on the market over the past thousand years could be found in the Hogwarts library.

After discussing with his father, William, William was currently negotiating with Headmaster Dumbledore, hoping to copy all the books in the Hogwarts library and upload them to the central server of the 'personal terminal' network for wizards to purchase and read. In this way, it would be equivalent to the Minchael family gaining access to all the books from Hogwarts over the past thousand years.

Regarding this behavior, Headmaster Dumbledore himself did not oppose it. Of course, he couldn't oppose it. After all, with the development of the Minchael family in recent years, the amount of Galleons donated by the Minchael family to Hogwarts has been increasing year by year, and it has become the family with the most influence in the Hogwarts Board of Directors. Moreover, uploading books itself is conducive to preventing knowledge from being lost, so Dumbledore has no reason to object.

The main point of contention between the two sides is whether the books in the restricted section should also be uploaded.

Dumbledore believes that some of the knowledge related to dark magic is too dangerous to be disseminated. On

 the other hand, the Minchael family naturally hopes to have as much knowledge as possible, regardless of its danger, after all, there is no such thing as safe magic.

Although the two sides are still in discussions, Bell doesn't think Dumbledore will relent. It seems that if he wants to read and study the books in the restricted section in the future, he will need to find another way.