
Chapter 1: Foreseen Fate

A man with sword standing firm can be seen in the middle of nowhere where the tragic happened to him. The eerie ambience dominates the surroundings. A feeling of guilt can be traced to his blue-lagoon eyes. He cannot resist it nor keep it.

He cleared his puzzled mind and take a deep breath as the dark past of him makes its way to his memory. Pain and grief, he remembers all the details of the consequence of his stubborn act.

The demons that ambushed him in the same place where he stands, his overconfidence that cost lives of people dearest to him, he remembered it all.

The flashbacks start to roll in his weary eyes.

"I am the bravest!" he shouted as he just heard the horn of victory. "I am…" he repeated again but this time he didn't finished all his words after he showed a feeling of sympathy of killing.

His overconfidence drove him in one of Order's trial missions. Confused, he hesitated to kill the demon in front of him. In a split second, he found himself gravely ambushed by the demons he once showed pity.

"Warrior, get out now!" his two mentors commanded with concern focus to the top trainee. Leaving no choice, his mentors did the opposite thing he thought. His mentors forsake their lives in order for him to break loose from the demons.

Not knowing what to do, he get away from that place as fast he can with eyes locked to his mentors.

The mentors of him sacrificed their own lives that day for him to escape.

And after all, he pays a visit in that place to sincere apologize and express his appreciation and indebtedness and also to make thoughts and clear his mind. He knows that it was his fate to bring him into this title. He also knows that fate has many things in store for him and that one day fate will drive him to seek for other warriors, fulfilling his oath to his title, the Warrior of Dawn. Yes he is the Paladin Tigreal.

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