
Guardian sanctuary

our protagonist is a well-meaning, hardworking but lazy college student who gets dragged into a crazy life filled with danger, laughs, dangerous villains, good friends, deceit and a mystery no one was able to solve....just what is this place?

REDX12_AE · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
60 Chs

The unloved


Nobody said anything, they just awkwardly ate their snacks.


"Ugh, how long do plan to keep silent?" Jane said annoyed with her friend.

" What was that out there?" She asked.

"Sigh... Do you what happened a few months ago?" Mu FengHua said to her.

"Well, as you probably figured out, my parents had actually caught us and do they assumed that I am attracted to girls" Mu FengHua explained.

"Oh, So you only kissed him to prove yourself and not because you like him" Jane patted her chest In relief. She would have felt sorry if her friend had fallen for the hateful bastard beside her.

"Hehe, of course not" Xiao Hua laughed.

"Hahaha" the 2 girls totally disregarded Lliw and joked among themselves.

"..." Lliw bitterly ate his now tasteless snack. He expected that. It's not like he ever thought of making either if them his girlfriend. However, to hear the words coming from their mouths, it wasn't a good feeling.

He didn't blame them though. He knew how weak he was compared to other young men out there. He was short, nerdy, weak and a "good guy". If he were handsome it would be a salvaging point but, he wasn't. He was actually hovering in the middle of average and above average.

" Yeah. I already knew all this before... So why do I still have this uncomfortable feeling in my chest?" He thought.

Looking at the girls laughing and giggling, Lliw felt that they were both very outstanding.

" Right, only those outstanding guys who were handsome, talented and, all around amazing could have a shot at courting the girls.

The 2 girls were having a good time just catching up with each other. They had completely forgotten the existence that is Lliw.

When they finally stopped talking, they turned to Lliw and to their surprise, he wasn't there. They left the dining room and went to old man Mu. The old man was watching TV along with his son and daughter-in-law.

" Grandpa, where is Lliw?" Xiao Hua asked.

"Eh?" The old man looked surprised. " He left quite a long time ago"

" What?" The 2 girls were taken aback. They were were so engrossed in catching up with each other that they failed to notice him leaving.

"Hey it's getting quite late. Is your friend going to stay the night or she going back?" Mu Sakura asked .

"Mm... No. I'll have to go back home. Maybe next time" Jane replied.

"Alright, Xiao Hua's father will drive you there." Said Mu Sakura.

" Thank you" Jane thanked them. Since the couple found out that the 2 girls weren't a lesbian couple, they were much nicer.


Lliw still felt bitter so he decided against going straight back to the university. He decided to go visit his lovely branch manager.

" What brings you here? I'm sure I'm not lucky enough to get a visit from our star employee." The branch manager said teasingly.

"Are you busy?" He asked.

"Yes" she replied seriously causing Lliw's spirits to dampen.

"But, if it's for our star employee I can spare some time." She stifled her laughter at his reaction. She put away some files that she was working on and picked up her coat.

"Come on, let me show you something" she said as she walked out of the office. Lliw almost stared at her sensual hips and upturned rump but he quickly jogged and caught up to her.

She looked very beautiful in her lovely, long red dress. Her hair was tied up in an elegant bun however she only looked vivacious.

He tossed the weird thoughts to the back of his head.

"Where are we going?" He asked as she lead him into her car,. A red Ferrari.

" Geez, can you not be so inquisitive. It'll ruin the surprise if I tell you." She rolled her eyes at him, causing him to shut his mouth in resignation.

She was a very good driver as her car swam gracefully through the road. It was already dark so the rush hour was over. She looked very heroic. Lliw blushed and stopped staring at her, choosing to look out his window instead.

He failed to notice the small snicker on her face.

They drove for close to an hour before she stopped the car. She got off and he followed her as well. They were at at the beach.

The sky was dark and the night wind was quite refreshing, although he figured it would soon get chilly.

"Follow me" she said before walking along the coast soon going into a rocky area. Lliw followed her silently. They walked for a few minutes before stopping atop a flat rock that wasn't too far from the water.

The sight of the waves brushing upon the shore was magic but all he could think of was how much he wanted to return to the car. It was really cold and he didn't have a jacket on. He only had a summer t-shirt and some cool trousers. However, he didn't want to spoil the moment for her so he just repressed his discomfort.

" Quite beautiful isn't it?" She said.

"Mm" he nodded. It really was a beautiful sight. Both the scenery and herself.

"..." They stood still, enjoying the moment.

Lliw had been in a daze when someone pushed him from behind.

"Waaa.." he gave a startled cry as he fell Into the chilly water.

"Hm? What?!" He was surprised to find that the water was not the slightest bit cold. It was very warm and comfortable.

The young woman on top of the rock giggled before jumping in as well.

"Well, how do you like it?" She asked as she swam to him.

"It's very good" he laughed. He forgot all his thoughts as he enjoyed the warm water.

" There you go. You look much better when you're smiling." She said causing him to blush shyly.

" Ugh, silly me. Come up" she said as she took his hand and swam to the shore.

"Take off your clothes" she said before she began undressing. Lliw knew she had a good reason for saying that do he complied without a hassle.

"Oh, you complied so easily... What are you playing at?" She asked suspiciously.

He blushed fiercely at her words.

"Damn you! Didn't you tell me to undress?"

"Haha, what if I was just testing you. Yup, you definitely must have some weird ideas. You really want to see me undress don't you? " She teased.

He just kept quiet. Truth was, he did want to see her undress. He coughed awkwardly and just took off his shirk and his pants.

"My, my. You're not even hiding your feelings a little bit" she joked.

"Ok, you're not get this chance in the near future so watch carefully" she said as she slowly undid her dress. Lliw's breath rushed as his face turned a darker shade of red. She teasingly took off her dress, exposing her flawless skin beneath. She had a sexy black bra along with equally sexy black panties.


Lliw felt something hot on his face. A drop splattered on the ocean surface but he didn't notice that. Her wonderful hourglass figure was presented to him. Lliw gulped furiously as his heart couldn't be any more agitated. The warm water did little to ease his situation .


She gracefully placed her clothes on a rock.

"Well, aren't you gonna dry your clothes or would you rather wall back to the car all wet?" She asked without turning back. She appeared very confident but she was actually very nervous too. Her face was a beautiful rosy pink.


When she saw that he wasn't responding, she turned to face him. She was sure that he would probably be standing stupid, ogling her body.


She was ready to tease him to his ears bled but what greeted her was a sight she would never , ever have expected.

Lliw was lying face down in the shallow water. She could tell that he was unconscious. She quickly got him out and placed him on the sand.

She saw the blood on his nose and immediately understood.

"Che! Virgin" she spat out."well, I am one too but that's besides the point'

"Ugh, what happened?" Lliw woke up feeling a little drowsy. He saw that he was inside the car with a jacket draped over him.

He saw that he was alone in the car.

"Damn, don't tell me I passed out just from seeing her body" he thought pathetically.

He enjoyed the sweet fragrance emanating from the jacket. Reluctantly, he stumbled out of the car in his underwear. He walked to the beach where the young woman was. He found her enjoying herself on the water.

He sat in the rocks and just watched her swim. The cold wind didn't bother him anymore.

" Tsk. Never before have I felt such envy.

I must definitely punch the lucky one who gets her heart." He muttered feeling a bit pained.