
Guardian sanctuary

our protagonist is a well-meaning, hardworking but lazy college student who gets dragged into a crazy life filled with danger, laughs, dangerous villains, good friends, deceit and a mystery no one was able to solve....just what is this place?

REDX12_AE · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
60 Chs

The Genius

"amazing work Ms Everton. Truly wonderful. I expect great things from you" Mrs Fuise praised the Class Rep genuinely.

Instantly, everyone released their bated breaths and happy smiles filled their faces.

They all praised their amazing class Rep in their hearts.

"As expected, the class Rep is amazing as always" Lliw thought silently.

"Yes, it's really amazing, however, it's not quite there yet." Mrs Fuise's words instantly threw cold water on the rejoicing students. Their smiles vanished without a trace as a dreadful despair encroached their minds.

The disappointment was apparent as the whole classry became ghastly quiet once more.

"Ms Everton, your solution is very...crude, raw and also very, very impractical. It is very time-consuming and resource exhaustive." Mrs Fuise lectured the Class Rep who listened attentively.

"Alright, since none of you are able to solve it, I will be expecting you here tonight" She said to the crestfallen class.

"...oh, Ms Everton is exempt from attending"


The students complained silently under their breaths.

"Mrs Fuise" one student stood up.

"Yes, Mr Papanov" she responded.

"Mrs Fuise, you said that if none of us could solve the problem then we'd all have to attend the night additional classes. So why is the Class Rep not included in this?"

A short male student with a head of gold hair and grey eyes spoke up.

"That's simple, Mr Papanov. Ms Everton's solution, although not correct, was very innovative and ambitious not to mention quite clever. She applied a new approach to an old problem and although her reach is not quite there yet, it is not too far off either." Mrs Fuise answered with a proud smile.

"Also, she was brave enough to tackle the very same problem that neither of you were brave enough to try and that is very commendable of her." Mrs Fuise pointed out.

"Yes bu-" Mr Papanov was about to make a counter argument but was cut off by Mrs Fuise.

"I know you're not satisfied Mr Papanov so how about this, if you can come up here and try and reach the same answer as Ms Everton, then I'll excuse you too... This is to all of you by the way" Mrs Fuise challenged the class.

Once again, the class fell silent. Even Mr Papanov indignantly sat down.

" Good, now Mr Fancel, please come and do the correct solution" Mrs Fuise said to Lliw much to the shock of the entire class.

Everyone knew that Lliw hardly payed attention in class and no one had seen him in the library either. He was not stupid but they also didn't feel that he was amazingly smart. They wondered what was going through Mrs Fuise's mind but they just thought she was trying to humiliate him for being the last to enter the class.

"Poor guy, Mrs Fuise really has it for him today" some of the girls looked at him with pity.

"Hehe, it's nice to see someone making a fool of themselves now and again" some of the students watched on with great schadenfreude.

Lliw wordlessly got up and took the marker from the board before scribbling some things over parts if the Class Rep's solution.


His actions took everyone by surprise.

"What the hell?" They thought as they threw despising looks at him.

" If you're gonna fake it atleast come up with something half believable. Do you think you can gain attention by writing gibberish? " They a thought.

"...!" The class Rep looked at Lliw astonishedly as she barely stopped herself from jumping up in excitement. No one noticed this small detail.

Lliw silently sat down after writing the solution.

"Kek... what a retard... " Someone commented slyly and the class burst into laughter.

Mrs Fuise just kept quiet and said nothing as she witnessed the situation. Her characteristic smile was on her face the entire time.

The Class Rep was among the few that didn't join in the fun, she had a weird while looking at Lliw.

Finally after a while, Mrs Fuise determined that it was enough as she raised her hand, a signal for them to quieten down.