

Dike_Peters · Seram
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10 Chs

Chapter 7: Virtual Reality.

***Jacob arrived at his house few minutes later. He sighed as he collapsed on the soft sofa.

ALEXA:'So, how did your first date go? Though you arrived rather early.'

Jacob:"It wasn't a date."

ALEXA:'Ohh! Okay.'

Jacob:"I would love to relax. Could you play some soothing music?"

ALEXA:'Sure.' At that precise moment, soothing music trailed itself into Jacob's ears. He comfortably relaxed and closed his eyes.

Jacob:"(If I guess right, they want to recruit me. Sheesh! I really don't know what to do. On my major point, I really don't want to be under anybody nor any organization. What if I reject heir offer? Right now...I know she's headed back to one of those organization to give her report on me. Luckily, I'm not hostile, neither am I possessed. I have a chance.)" Jacob smiled a bit. "ALEXA!"

ALEXA :'Yeah!'

Jacob:"Could you please do me a favour? I need to to run an update on my VRS •(Virtual Reality System.)• And also, set up the VR Helmets. I'll be going online few hours from now."

Alexa:'Alright! Anything else?'

Jacob:"Yeah, set a timer for 4 days."

Alexa:'Okay. All done. Inform me when you want to go online.' Jacob nodded.  He immediately got up and headed for the basement. This was where gyming equipments of his were kept. He then began with some basic exercise. Push-ups. Performing two hundred and fifty (250) in few minutes was actually a common thing for him. Jacob's body was very fit, but thanks to his uniform, no one really noticed it. Except when he was playing basketball. Jacob was a pro in that, winning several competitions against several other schools. After performing Push-ups, he went on to perform some pull-ups, situps and other exercising activities.

***Jacob finished gyming in four hours. He was sweating profusely, talk about the fact that he didn't take some time to relax. He was panting like a dog, upon all the exhaustion, he smiled. He was ready. One thing about playing VR games for a long period of time, he was fun, at the same time, it had a great disadvantage. Imagine relaxing in one spot for several days, how'll your body feel? That's exactly what happens when playing for a long period of time. Coupled with the severe hunger one would receive. Jacob gymed so that the back set which would be added on him would atleast be uplifted. He left the basement and headed for the washroom. After which,  he had a good bath and came out. Gathering snacks and water, he left for his bedroom. He lay down on the bed and closed his eyes.

Jacob:"ALEXA, do it now." Jacob spoke in a low voice. Two hands materialised above Jacob's head holding a multi colored advanced gaming helmet. The two materialistic hands slowly placed down the gaming helmet on Jacob's head. Immediately the helmet made contact with Jacob's head, it began flashing. Once the helmet made full contact,  Jacob was sent drifting into the gaming plane.•[To drift means a transferral of the host consciousness into the particular game selected.]• Right now, Jacob's game of choice was COD. The upgraded and most interesting version. Although all characters of 1-4-1(Except from Captain.Price)died, well, the gaming company decided to do a redo. Now, even sergeant garrick (Popularly known as Gaz) could talk. •Typing this really brings back lots of memories of Call of Duty. I really miss Simon Riley (Ghost)•

System:'Drift sequence at 80%. Sync completion of game complete. Drift sequence at 100%. Complete, you're ready and set for gaming.' Jacob relaxed even more, and the last thing he did before his brain went to sleep mode was to fold his hands on his chest. One special thing about the VR was that,  you could to have fun playing while asleep. Making it much more beneficial to the personnel in the game. And since it was an advanced gaming helmet, Jacob's four out of five senses were noticeable in the game. This made players gain the real experience.


***Jacob was welcomed by a bright white light. He appeared in an all white surrounding, nothing was here except him. A holographic screen appeared before his view, and the system's voice rang in his ears.

System:'Welcome to Call Of Duty:Black Ops. Mobile zone 19 awaits you.' It's been months since Jacob last logged in.'Would you like to log in?' Jacob selected yes, and instantly, he was transferred to a camp site.

***Everything here seemed realistic.The vehicles, the soldiers, the aircrafts flying around. It all seemed real. Jacob dressed in military khaki and thick leather boots without any equipment headed for a large tent. The Jacob here is a major in the army.

Jacob:"There seem to be lots of players. Hmmm! Not bad, Death match will be a lot of fun then."

???:"Burke!Hey, Burke!"

P.S: It appears that Jacob's name is known as Burke in the game. So, from now on, until the game ends, let's address Jacob as Burke.

***Burke turned around to look at the person who yelled his name. He noticed a young soldier, dressed in the same uniform as his. The only difference was that, he had a bullet proof vest on him, and was equipped with a HK418, and a Glock-19 strapped by his right thigh. Jacob was still a sergeant in the game.

P.S: If you're a lover of ammunition, then we're on the same page, cause, I'll be uploading a lot of futuristic ammunitions here. Of course you know that this is the future,  so, a lot of things has to change.

Burke:"Yes soldier, how may i help you?"

???:"Sir, the commander wants to have a word with you, Now!" The soldier's words were clear and solid. Burke nodded. He left with the young soldier, heading for a much more larger tent.

***Burke arrived at the commander's office taking a still stance. His face was solid and firm.

Commander Shaw:"Major Burke!"

Burke:"Sir!" Burke placed his both hands behind him.

Commander Shaw:"At ease soldier. I have a mission for you and a few men. At this point, it seems you and a few of your comrades are perfect for this mission." Jacob nodded. The commander made a call and a few soldiers walked in. They were players. The commander seated right before them was an NPC.

Each player looked at each other until they noticed Burke. Burke was the best major in Mobile Zone 19, currently,  he was level 19. I more level and he'll be level 20. It takes 10 levels to upgrade/enter into a new rank. His battle skills were top notch. Although Jacob hasn't logged in for some months now, no other sergeant has surpassed him yet. Mobile Zone 19 was a recent version of COD, and every players had to complete missions to obtain rewards. Rewards can be exchanged for cash. Every personnel who's major aim was to join the army must actually have an experience in the game. This made the game really interesting for players. And it was also fun.

Captain Shaw:"This are your comrades....they shall be accompanying you on the mission. There's no need to select a captain. It doesn't require one. Its up to you guys to select for yourselves" The soldier's nodded. In an instant, a holographic screen opened up in front of them.

System:'Mission Name: BLACK RETRIEVAL.'

'Mission Status: Red.'

'Objective 1: Retrieve launch codes of nukes from the underground Base.'

'Objective 2: Capture  Dafi Huissen.Once part of the American Army,worked as a torturer until we discovered he is a terrorist. So many treads of bombings were connected to this individual. Capture him, and bring back alive. His current location is the underground base.'

'Remeber, this is a death match mission. So many SFO'S have eyes on the package. We need to be the first to retrieve him, and the launch codes. Failure is not accepted.'

Captain Shaw:"You heard well soldiers. Your ride's out at fifteen hundred (15:00). Bring that son of a bitch back." The soldiers saluted and left the commander's presence.  Heading out of the tent, the soldiers paused a bit, looking at each other. Altogether, they were seven (7). Burke, James327, Drift, Dirk, Hades 127,  Jake and The Reaper. and This names was stated above each player's head, indicating their identities. With a slight nod, everyone understood what was going to occur soon. They had to get prepared. Burke left their premises and headed for a waiting military truck. What they needed right now was to map out a plan of their current Misson.  District 18 was a tough zone, one needed to be careful when playing in this region. Its a large forest, filled with traps, enemies and wild animals. And right now, the current Misson had really attracted a lot of attention from other SOF's in other countries, and there was nothing that could stop them; Except their deaths. It was really gonna be a death zone. The strongest survives. This was the code. The other soldiers climbed into a waiting truck. Their current destination was their tent. They had only thirty minutes to get ready. Jacob had a smile on his face. Its really been a while he last surfaced online. This was really gonna be fun. The party sure has an edge when he's in. This was their luck actually.

Chapter End.

SOF's->Special Forces Operators. If any errors surface, please do comment.