
The Beginning

Don't read this if you want a continuation of Original Blue Silver Grass.

This is one of the original concepts mine that I wrote today.

Just for fun and since I can't seem write a good chapter of the Original Blue Silver Grass.


I might be sick. Destroy me with your words


Ni Huo Highschool.

Grade 10E.

A certain student went near the corner and sat beside the girl.

"Why is Nan Feng going near Xiao Ni? Did he wants to do something bad to her?"

"Considering him, he might be planning on playing with her and leaving after he got bored."

Two girls silent talked among each other. The person they were talking about was the unruly classmate of theirs, Nan Feng.

They had heard the rumours of him fighting with the other schoolers and the wounds on his face and body seemed to be a proof of it.

But it wasn't just fighting with others that he did. He had been seen extorting students for their money and items, caught smoking by the teachers, one even caught him with the third year senior sister, the contents of the things they were doing was a topic that was not to be discussed by students.

The tales of this infamous student had caused headaches to all the teachers and he did that all in a year.

The boy sat near the girl who was sitting at the last desk and writing something on a notebook.


He nudged her on the shoulders. The girl slowly raised her head and looked at him while shivering.

"You are not intelligent, aren't you? I got half the answers wrong."

The boy, Nan Feng, said to the girl who was doing his homework.

"I should have known that you aren't bright since you ranked in the bottom of the top 10 students in the class. Or did you deliberately do that?"

He came near her as he said that.

"No, no I wasn't, I didn't do it. They were hard and I couldn't study... I also didn't do my homework due to it... sorry."

The girl apologized in a tiny voice. Her eyes nearly filled with tears. It could be easily seen that just a small push and she will start crying.

"Oh, good then. By the way, my parents went to the orphanage to adopt you today, so wait for me after school, okay?"

Nan Feng said while playing with her hair, completely ignoring the fact that each action of his was making her shiver in fear.

It was clear that she didn't like it one bit but she didn't have the courage to ask him to not do that.

She was a timid person with no background. An orphan who was barely scrapping by due to the government funding and her orphanage.

From the moment she had entered the entered the highschool, she had been made aware of her standing in her class.

'The middle school was better than this.'

She bitterly thought while recalling her past. She almost cried.

Nan Feng ignored her change of expressions and continued to play with her hair while looking at her.

"You know, I won't be angry if you did my homework wrong. If you lied to me, I will be angry though."

"Your stationary seems quite worn-out, looks like you have been using it for years. Your books also looks like the hand me downs from others... your uniforms also quite old... it would be bad if they someone destroys them. It really will be a pity."

"Less than a month for exams, it would be a tragedy."

He said while hus face was just an inch away from her.

"So listen to what I have to say. You will right?"

He softly whispered into her ear making her uncomfortable as she felt a chill down her spine.

She hurriedly nodded as he moved away, her back drenched with cold sweat.

"Good girl.

Nan Feng gently patted her head and went towards his seat.

She just sat there on her desk, afraid and in fear of what was to come. She, once again, felt just how feeble she were.

Ding ding ding.

The bell rang signifying the end of the class break.

It also took her out of her stupor. She looked at the notebook below her hand.

She wanted to tear apart the notebook with its owner but she was afraid of the aftermath.

'Is my life never going to change?'


After school.

She waited for Nan Feng after school. An hour later, he came from somewhere.

He looked at her standing by the school gates. Her legs silently shivering.

"Have you been standing for the past hour?"

He said while getting behind her making her scream internally in terror.

And as if on cue, her legs gave away as her body swooped to the ground.

He looked at her, she averted her gaze but didn't reply.

He bent down and picked her up in her arms, in a princess carry and went towards the orphanage.

"Try to resist and I will break your hand."

His voice came as she was going to struggle. She looked at him and chose to hid her face.

That's the most she could do in her situation.

'Please God please, don't let anyone of our school see us like this or we will be reported and rusticated for sure.'

She prayed in her mind to all the gods that she could.

To her, going to High school was a privilege and a chance to change her life, she couldn't afford to miss it.

Nor can she afford a broken hand just a month before exams.

She had seen the extent of bullying that the person carrying her had done to many of the students and it was really possible for him to break her hand.

Nan Feng didn't seem like the person who cared about his future but she couldn't have this mindset.

Having been bullied for being poor and an orphan whenever she went, she wanted a better life for herself.

A life where she would be at least treated a a proper human with respect. A life where she can eat to her fill everyday, where she won't sleep on an empty stomach, where she also gets to choose her own new clothes.

A life where she could also sleep on a soft mattress, had proper winter clothing and could sleep in a warm and proper place.

"This is your orphanage, right?"

Her daydream was shattered by the voice of Nan Feng as he showed her orphanage to her.

"Yeah... umm... could you... let me go... my legs seem fine now."

She weakly said in a tiny voice. Her voice becoming lower as her speak.

Nan Feng looked at her for a while and slowly let her down.

"Where is the head? I need to talk about something with him."

He said to her.

"Ummm... I"

"I am the head. What do you need with me?"

The head cut Xiao Ni and said.

She saw Nan Feng carrying a girl that seemed eerily familiar to a girl in her orphanage that was adopted just today so she came to check out.

Turns out it was indeed the girl that was adopted today aka Xiao Ni that was being princess carried by a strange boy that she had never seen.

The head glanced at Xiao Ni and thought of 'advising' her later, before that, the unknown kid was to be dealt first.

"I am Nan Feng. My parents came to adopt her today."

Nan Feng introduce himself to the head.

"Oh~, So your are their son, I didn't know that Xiao Ni knew you. Why are you here though?"

"My father said that we want to held a celebration for her welcoming. My parents had planned to invite all the relatives of mine to do so but due to clashes in appointments, a week later is the day that they had decided."

"Till that time, we are going to renovate my place so can she stay at the orphanage for six more days, taking her at his time might cause some inconvenience for her and my parents doesn't want to make her uncomfortable. After six days, I will come to pick her up."

Nan Feng said.

"Mr Feng didn't said anything to me though. Let me ask him first and if it's true, then Xiao Ni can stay here for two more days. It's no problem."

The head said with suspicion in her eyes.

In this day and age of technology where telephones and smartphones existed, humans can converse with another even if they are far apart.

So if Mr Feng, Nan Feng's father really wanted this, then making a call to her directly would cost less than a sip of water that he normally drank.

The head wouldn't just believe the words of anyone, she had seen the world and it was far darker than others imagined.

She called Mr Feng, talked for a few minutes and said to Nan Feng with a smile.

"I talked with your father and he told my about it, we will never have any problems with her staying her. This is her home. Second home."

The head bowed a little towards him and took Xiao Ni in the orphanage.

"She seems suspicious of me."


The next day.

Nan Feng sat beside her in school, making her soul escape her body. Xiao Mei's whole day felt like a terror.

"Here eat."

Nan Feng gave her a hamburger during lunch.

It was the tastiest thing that she had eaten her whole life.

Nan Feng did nothing more than that.

The day ended.


Day 2.

"You are cute when you are scared from the closest contact with my body."

He said while caressing her hair like usual.

There were whisperings in class but it all ended when he looked at them.

"Here another cheese steak."

Be said while patting her head. He stared at her face the whole time she ate.

She found it downright repulsive and couldn't remember the taste of the food she ate that day.

He stopped at that and the day ended.


Day 3.

"Your clothes are worn out. Will change them later on when we are alone."

His words caused a terrifying feeling in her heart. That day, she couldn't focus on her classes.


Day 4.

'It couldn't go on like this. I can't also be bullied by him... I will end my life.'

She thought will puffy eyes. The words that he said the previous day along with his actions and the fact that she now has to live with him in his house, made her unable to sleep at night.

Her mind felt ashamed at her self, her existence as she knew what his intentions were.

I feel like dying. Breathing feels difficult. If I am going to be like this my whole life, I don't want to live.

"Here eat some fries and wantons."

Nan Feng casually said while still fiddling with her hair. The class did nothing to stop his antics even though they knew something was wrong.


Day 5.

I am useless. I am useless.

I don't even have the courage to die...

One day left. What do I do?

I don't want to go. I don't want to be violated. I don't want to exist. I just wanted a normal life.

Why is it happening to me?

I will kill him.

I will kill him.

"Here, eat some soba noodles. It's good."

Nan Feng ignored her mental condition that showed perfectly on her face.

So did the whole class.


Day 6

I will kill him today for sure.

I will...

I can't kill him.

Why do I have to be so weak?

Why am I so useless?

I... Please God, save me.

"Let's go to my house first. We will get your stuff from the orphanage after that."

Nan Feng said after they left school. He grabbed her hand and took her towards his house.

Xiao Ni tried to resist. This time she really tried to resist.

Even when he warned her.

Even when he picked her up and carried her to his home.

'Why isn't anyone stopping him?'

She thought as she looked around her and it was empty. The streets were nearly empty. So did the area.

'Where did he took me?'

She didn't know this place. He was currently taking her from a place that was rundown and devoid of humans.

It seemed like the back of some park and building.

She started to flailed harder and harder and finally got a violent reaction from Nan Feng.

He gently out her down and slapped her hard on the face.

She was a weak and frail child with never enough to eat in her whole life and Nan Feng didn't slap her gently.

The result was that she couldn't even feel her face for the few moments after the slap connected to her face. Her body and mind seemed to have up as her struggle ended.

She couldn't feel her body.

Nan Feng didn't say anything and picked her up again and went towards his house.

Twenty minutes later.

He finally made it to his society building. He was late due to the detours that he took or he would have been here twenty minutes ago.

He needed to.

He carried her like a princess and took her to his house on the second floor. He slid his house card and opened the gate while carrying her on a single hand.

'Just how light is she?'

He closed the door behind him and took her to the bedroom.

He placed her on the bed and sat in front of her.

"I know this may sound hypocritical but I will responsibility for my actions. I will take your responsibility, don't worry."

He said with a smile.

"I know you can listen to me and if you don't act, I will strip you."

He said after not getting a response back from her.

Xiao Ni heard him. She had already given up. He came forward and took off her jersey, when he was going to go further, his hands were swatted as Xiao Ni immediately tried to escape.

She had given up but when he actually started to do what he said, she doesn't know where did she get the strength to resist but she wanted to flee.

She wanted to try one more time. To kill him that is. She will be free after it.

She had once heard that killing in self defence didn't implicate the law fully and that she can be saved.

She could be free. If she killed him, she could be free.

Nan Feng had broken her.

She immediately picked the metal hammer that was on the bed and swing at him with the intent to kill.

Her life and death mindset had filled her body with adrenaline. The same adrenaline help her forgot about the fear of Nan Feng and gave her the strength that needed.

That same adrenaline also made her forget that the person in front of her regularly got into fights and had a little bit of combat experience.

And to her demise, what she was facing wasn't the highschool student Nan Feng but something else.

If she had attacked at Nan Feng with that ferocity 10 days ago, she might have killed him.

But she wasn't. The person in front of her was different.

Nan Feng looked at Xiao Ni as she madly swung the hammer to hit him.

'So that's where I left it.'

He thought while dodging two of her strikes and took her in a hug to disarm the hammer.

He looked her dead in the eye, and she did to, she didn't avert her eyes, her eyes full of life and ferocious wrath. She stared at him as if her eyes could kill.

"I love you. I love you more that you can imagine. I want you and most of all, I will be responsible for you."

He said seriously, catching her by surprise. Her adrenaline spirit was calming down and her fear slowly returning.

"Then why did you do all this. This, this adoption, those words, hitting me, treating me like an object and making me feel fear everytime, I was scared. I was really scared. I didn't know what to do. No one was helping me, everyone seemed to avoid me.'

'The orphanage was same. The school was the same. You are the same. They are same. Everyone of you just wants to bully me. You are all bad. You are all monsters. You are the monster."

"I couldn't sleep at night, I remained restless all day, fearing the future. Fearing what was come. I was scared. Scared of all. I had heard stories about the various girls that were violated and bullied. You were a nightmare to me."

"I felt like dying, I tried to suicide. Yet I couldn't. I always gave up at last. I am a coward. I want to live. I really do but you all aren't allowing me to.

"For the past days that I lived, I lived in fear, in dread. Breathing felt difficult, it felt like a waste. I felt like a waste. Maybe that's why my parents abandoned me. Left me. I wasn't needed. I was useless."

"I just wanted a peaceful life. Why can't I have it? What did I do to you? What did I do to you all? Why?

Xiao Ni just started to babble while bawling her eyes out. Nan Feng listened to her patiently why stroking her back which she resisted with all her might but failed.

She was just that physically weak.

After fifteen minutes of incessant crying, Nan Feng took the hammer from her hands and placed in on the table again.

Xiao Ni was placed on the bed and he went to take out some things from the cupboard near the bed.

She didn't attack him this time as her body felt weak after her crying.

"So don't freak out okay. I will take full responsibility."

Nan Feng said while showing her some pictures.

It was pictures of her changing. He even had a few from different angles.

She looked at it blankly. She then looked at him with tears in her eyes. She immediately darted for the hammer.

He stopped her by hugging.

"Listen to me for a second."

"You scum. You bad scum. I will kill you. I will kill you. I will uwwaaah."

She started crying again while screaming at him.

Her life felt like a joke.

"It was a mistake. I didn't mean to see you like that 10 days ago, I was just going and then I saw you."

He said while releasing her from his grasp. She immediately moved away from him and shouted.

"Then why are there pictures??"

"I saw you naked and now you can't marry. I will take responsibility for it. But I didn't know if you would believe me so I took them as proof that I saw you naked."

*Awkward silence*

Xiao Ni looked at Nan Feng in silence. Too stunned from his reply.


She shrieked as she went ahead and grabbed him by his shirt. Her eyes still flowing with tears. Her mental health was deteriorating at a rapid rate.

"Sorry. Here I burnt them."

He said while burning the pictures with his lighter in front of her.

"I will marry you."

He said to her. She looked at him, unable to fathom the situation.

"I am not rich but my parents died and conveniently left some insurance money."


"My relatives have also chose to not involve with us after one of them had his hand broken and other jumped off the building."

"Wait what?"

"You aren't exceptionally beautiful but your bo.obs are D Cup. Even though you are scrawny. You have your cute moments."

"Wha, what are you talking about? What happened to your parents?"

"They died three days ago. Ignore them."

"Just know one thing, I love you and I will make you happy."

"What are you trying to do? What about your actions at school? What about your rude behaviour? You hit me less than an hour ago."

"I couldn't just change my behaviour suddenly. That would seem suspicious."

"What do you mean?"

"Ahh, some people that I was acquainted with died ten days ago. The killer bashed their head with a hammer. I was one of the suspects."

"Don't worry, the clase is closed. I am out."


She listens his words and with each moment passing, she became scared again.

She slowly backed away as he slowly creeped towards her.

'Her sight went towards the hammer that she just picked and her mind churned into action as all the pieces of the puzzle seem to fit in.'

'Yanderes are real!'

"Whatever you are thinking is wrong?"

Nan Feng saw her expressive face showing her inner thoughts and said.

"The person that died ten days ago were just acquaintance that met with me before dying but they died on another city."

"That hammer is the one that the people who were doing renovations left. It even has their companies stickers on it."

"My parents were happy that a new member was coming and drank a lot. So they died when they were kissing in the balcony and lost their footing. The renovation was stopped midway as well due to this."

"My uncle was driving his car when he got the news from the doctor, had an accident and broke his arm. My other relative just couldn't handle the pressure of the Gaokao and chose to commit suicide."

"I didn't know about you, nor did I care. That was before I saw you without clothes. After that, you are the only one in my thoughts, I can't forget your body and figure even if I try my best."

"Whenever I looked at you in class, I always got a hard on. That's why I only talked to you once everyday. I played with your hair as a diversionary tactic."

"Truth to be spoken, I like your body. The amount of times that I have fantasized about you is something that even I feel shy about."

"And I want you. I want you to be mine and mine alone. I want to make you happy. I want to give you a life that you wanted. Just give me a chance."

Nan Feng said to her. His eyes sincere.

"What are you talking about? And doesn't me being adopted into the house makes me your sister?"

She tried to argue while staying as far away from him. She was trying her best to understand the change in situation.

"Ahh nope. My parents are dead. Let it die with them."

"That's immoral."

"I am immoral. I mean..."

Nan Feng got near her and took her in a bear hug, fully showcasing the difference between a well fed male and scantily fed female.

"Leave me."

"You will go for the hammer so no."

"What were you going to say that I would go for the hammer?"

"... I don't mind you being my step sister. It actually excites me a little. A lot actually."

He slowly said to her. She can now understand why he had captured here because her body was firmly trying to be free and brake open his head.

He once again let go of her after sometime.

"See, you are not crying now. Give me a single chance to prove what I said."

He said to her endearingly, his voice seemed to be full of love and care for her.

Her heart seem to melt just little bit but she didn't saw the sharp glint in his eyes at her expression.

"Wanna eat something. I will cook. What about the hamburger that you eat?"

He said and left the room without any answer leaving a confused Xiao Ni in the bedroom who cleaned her snot and tears with the tissue paper from the tissue box near the bed.


11 days ago.

A boy opened his eyes and looked himself in the mirror.

"I transmigrated then."

Yeah, the boy or the soul in Nan Feng's body was a soul from another world.

"Pretty bad conditions for transmigration though."

He muttered as he checked the wounds on his body and face.

"Fortunately I have the memories of the last three days and I can fluently talk in this new language."

Let's check the world.

One day later.

I bashed the heads of two of my previous friends and tossed their bodies.

The reason.

They were regressors and they had targeted a girl changing. Their plan was to blackmail and use the girl due to her special abilities that she will get in the 'End of the world' some time later.

They deserved death. Their crime: Blackmailing, possible violation of human body, peeping and trying to enslave a living being.

They deserve death.

I dumped their bodies in the river, cleaned up the place and left with the pictures of the girl.

They should have written about the future in some book or something. They didn't.

Now what to do. I thought as I looked at her picture and the future.

According to the goldfish memories of the Nan Feng kid I am in, this girl studies in my class.

The reason why those two became friends with Nan Feng kid.

The future is unknown and I heck as wasn't going to live with Nan Feng kid's abusive parents.

I will give them a chance. An idea appeared as I looked at the pictures.


Day 9

Mr Feng saw the pictures of a naked girl on the bed of his boy. He took out his wooden cane and summoned Little Feng.

Little Feng was beaten like crap that day.

"She is an orphan."

Little Feng accidentally yelled during the beatdown. Mr Feng hit him some more and stopped.


Day 8.

Mr Feng convinced Mrs Feng to adopt a girl. Mrs Feng agreed.

Little Feng aka me made first contact with the target. She was cute, poor and fragile. He really wanted to break, I mean protect her.

The words sound the same so I got confused.


Day 7

Mr Feng and Mrs Feng went to orphanage.

They brought the girl with a little bit of price and underhanded dealing.

Little Feng suggested Mrs Feng to hold a grand ceremony to welcome the adopted girl. Mrs Feng will be able to meet with relative Feng.

The suggestion was accepted and Mrs Feng ordered Mr Feng to do so.

Little Feng, on the other hand was summoned by the police to ask about the two former friends of his that went missing a week ago.

I gave my statement and got away. The police has found nothing about them anyways.

I escorted the target to the orphanage and conveyed the message to the head.

I will kill her later.


Day 6

Relative Feng came to visit.

Little Feng left home early. Mr Feng left home early.

Nothing worth mentioning happened.


Day 5

Relative Feng's and Mrs Feng not safe for work clips were shown in the living room as Mr Feng and Mrs Feng fought.

Turned out that Mr Feng hasn't done anything to please her wife for the past seven years making her lonely and miserable which lead to anger that little Feng burnt the impact of.

Their fight caused a sturdy in the apartment. Many people heard them and sympathise with Little Feng.

The next city police found the body of two naked unidentified people in the river. The bodies condition made it unrecognisable. Their palms were burnt sealing the last of their fate.

Quite an eventful day.


Day 4.

The apartment was in a uproar as the bodies of both Mr Feng and Mrs Feng was found on the ground. It seemed they committed double suicide after their fight.

Their drunk status, the attestation of the various people in the apartment, their fight the previous day, the truth of matter on why Relative Feng visited twice every month to teach little Feng all added onto the fact that it was a suicide.

That's what the police thought and closed the case without actually giving some actual thought onto this.

No one thought that there might be a chance that someone purposefully lured them to the balcony and pushed them to the ground.

If they have just paid a little more attention to the fact that they were still wearing their heels and shoes when they committed double suicide, something might have changed.

Little Feng was once again summoned by the police to inform him about the tragedy with his parents who took their lives.

Little Feng cried a lot that day. His eyes were full of green chillies.

Why did I thought it was the only way to cry? I don't know I am a cruel man.


Day 3

Relative Feng came to console Little Feng in the morning and committed suicide in the night. In his home.

The police once again thought that the reason could be related to the death of Mrs Feng and closed the case as guilt suicide.

What can they do, they didn't find anything suspicious on him.

What can they do? Depression and anxiety along with a dose of brainwashing and self indulgence on alcohol made it difficult for them to find anything else on him.

They just closed the case.


Day 2

Uncle Feng came to console Little Feng and offered to live with him. Little Feng broke his hands, strip his clothes, recorded a high quality video of his uncle begging for mercy while naked and gave a full dose of old style unhealthy blackmail.

Little Feng also took a record of all the numbers and chats of his Uncle Feng and further cemented the fear of his existence on him.

Uncle Feng returned by night and decided to never come again. Little Feng was the one to decide that though.

Three people came to snoop around for the target.

They were done in.


Day 1 - Present Day

Contact with the target made. Target safely procured.

I had calmed her down, somewhat made her believe in my story and now I need to make her hooked on me.

I mean gain her trust.

She is a precious part of my future, my life.

She has big bo.obs!

That's all it mattered.


"So how is the hamburger?"

Nan Feng said to Xiao Ni while eating the Hamburger.

She didn't eat a bite of it and warily looked at him.

"We are going to your orphanage to get your stuff, let's eat out then. You can trust the street vendors, right?"

Nan Feng said as he ate her hamburger and picked her up to go.

"Umm... I can go... my own... leave me."

She spoke in her tiny voice again. Her courageous heart and ferocious heart seemed to have vanished as the sense of adrenaline left her body.

'Well she is a person, she can't be shouting and crazy all day. Everyone have mood swings.'

Nan Feng gently dropped her and gestured for the door.

"Your voice is sexy and beautiful. We need to do something about your tiny voice then."

He nonchalantly said while opening the door, his words giving her goosebumps from time to time.

'A monster. A true monster indeed.'

She silently followed beside him and she didn't have any clothes to wear and was currently in her school uniform.

He brought some simple pancakes and sweet and sour pork ribs which she reluctantly ate. It was tasty. It was also the only good thing to happen to her.

The rest of it damaged her somehow, her body seemed fine but she knew something was wrong.

She felt a little different. The world felt different. The orphanage that she considered her home felt different and so did the man who brought her.

She took her things from the orphanage and left after some formalities.

She followed beside him slowly as he carried most of her stuff.

This time she finally saw the path to his house and it was filled with people.

'This is the actual path then.'

They reached his home.

"Let's just sleep today and do the other things tomorrow."

He said while sleeping beside her.



She screamed again. He looked at her and used his hands to close her mouth before speaking.

"It's my bed."

"I phweep phon tha sous."

"You will sleep here, on my bed and beside me. I won't lay my hands on you now."

He said with conviction and hugged her tighter.

She struggled for half an hour before giving up and letting him do whatever he wants.

"One chance."

Not before saying this.

"Yeah one chance."

They both calmly stayed in the bed.

"Why can't I sleep on the floor?"

She asked.

"You might escape when I sleep or might even jump from the window or maybe use the hammer to take me down."

He calmly said, his arms still wrapped around her.

"Ohh... Did you say the truth when you say that you will take care of me?"

she asked again an hour later.

"Too afraid to sleep, hmm. I... am a complicated person, just know that, for you, I can the whole world."

"I am bad at expressing my emotions properly."

He slowly whispered while looking at her. She stayed silent as his gaze made her fearful.

"Okay okay, I take an oath on the name of my God that I will never keep my promise to you. I will never leave you and I will protect you from everything."

"Now sleep."