
Growing Seeds

Is a fan made prequel of The King's Avatar showing the life struggles of our main characters Ye Xiu, Ye Qiu, Su Muqiu and Su Mucheng. What if our main characters met under different circumstances? See how they go through the difficulties of life at an early age and watch them as they achieve their most awaited Glory.

Shikamaru2018 · Derivasi dari game
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs


Su Muqiu's face cannot be easily described as he and Su Mucheng sits on a park bench in the middle of City H. It took all he could to leave the lady's booth earlier after hearing what happened to Boss Ben. His heart is in shatters right as of the moment. Not knowing that Boss Ben's death isn't only the terrible news they're about to receive for the day.

It's already pass midnight when they decide to go back to the orphanage. As they're nearing the orphanage, they notice the busy streets, the people who seem to be in panic go to and from the direction of the orphanage. Su Muqiu could hear firetruck sirens from the distance. A mob of onlookers is making it difficult for them to move through. Su Mucheng grips Su Muqiu's hand tightly as to not be separated from her older brother and Su Muqiu grips hers tightly as well.

The siblings stop in their tracks as they see the ranging fire in front of them, eating the building they've been calling home for years. All Su Mucheng could do is gasp in surprise and fear at the same time, gripping Su Muqiu's hand a little more tightly than earlier. Su Muqiu's gaze studies every corner of the front side of the orphanage and stops to the front door, waiting for at least someone to come out. He doesn't care who it is, just someone.

"We are here today in a local children's home which is currently being ravaged by a strong fire. Our firemen are still on the job in putting it out but it is still uncertain when such tragedy will be put to a stop. According to the head of said children's home, that there are sixteen children trapped inside the establishment. It is uncertain whether these unfortunate children are still alive given the power of the aforementioned fire. It is said that by the time the staff of the orphanage had found out about the fire, it was already too late and that they could only save their selves." A reporter gives a detailed report about the ongoing fire.

The reporter stresses the part about the sixteen children's fate inside. Still unsure of their chances of survival, there are still no declaration of bodies found but at the same time there are no cries for help or crying whatsoever. It is still difficult for the firemen to determine the cause of the fire because it is still ongoing and they cannot risk injuring one of their men.

"Mumu-" Su Muqiu calls his terrified little sister. She's still staring at what is happening in front of her; the fire, the reports, the people. Su Muqiu could feel her hands trembling while she's gripping onto him.

"Mumu-" he calls her again as he kneels in front of her. Letting go of her hand in order for him to put both of his hands on her face to help her calm down. She shifts her gaze away from the fire to her brother's face. Su Muqiu forces a smile of encouragement to show his sister. He won't let her see that he is frightened, confused, and yet he wont cry. He should be here for his sister, now that they have nowhere to go. Let them be declared dead, it'll be easier to move around then.

"Mumu, don't worry. Big bro's here okay? We can do this." He tries to comfort her but his words don't seem to penetrate her while she's deep in her thoughts.

" Hey- hey Mumu! How about live on our own? Big bro will always be with you. I'm sure Boss Ben isn't the only kind soul out there. I'm sure there are others who are willing to help the both of us." He says as he tightens his grip on his sister's cheeks a little bit, just to comfort her.

"Let's go look for senior Kai. He knows what to do. Maybe they'll open up a new orphanage somewhere. He'll help us! He'd be happy to see us here!" Su Mucheng says, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

"No let's not, we'll get in trouble for running away in the middle of the night! Mumu, let's just go to City H. I'll look for work there. I'll look for a place for us to call home. Leave everything to big bro, okay? We've always been independent, right? We can do this. We have each other." he stands up and holds Su Mucheng's hand once again.

For some reason Su Muqiu's quite confident that they'd both survive in the city. Even if Boss Ben's not around, there must be some other people willing to help them. He tries to convince himself just to stop himself from crying. When Su Mucheng finally loosens her grip on her brother and shows that she's finally relaxed they start moving.

They walk away from the fire, from their past life in that foster home, to the unsure future they have in front of them.

Five days have passed since then, Su Muqiu and Su Mucheng have been walking aimlessly in the streets of City H. Sleeping in vacant waiting sheds. Luckily they had the money Boss Ben gave them and a little of Su Muqiu's savings from his 'work' in helping Boss Ben's customers. Su Muqiu has done everything he could just so him and Su Mucheng could survive in the city. The people around them started walking in a fast pace when the early little drops of rain turned into a heavy downpour.

Meanwhile, a train stopped in the station of City H right on its schedule.

"Woah… where am I? Better check my map before heading out." A man wearing a parka, steps out of the train and takes shelter from the ongoing rain.

"Look Mumu, it's raining. Oh, and look at that little frog over there by the flowerbed. He doesn't care if its raining." Su Muqiu laughs a little. Taking shelter from the rain in a waiting shed near the bus stop.

"If only we had its skin then we could enjoy walking around in the rain without any worries, right? We could even dance in the middle of the park." Su Muqiu looks back to the frog waiting in the rain.

"Dancing in the rain? Are you an idiot?" Su Mucheng laughs at that, gripping her stomach. She can't believe that her brother would say something as stupid as that in their current situation.

Su Muqiu looks at his sister. It's good to see that she's laughing at something like that given their current situation. He's worried that she might feel down that they've left the orphanage without any grown up watching over them. He lets out a small sigh of relief.

"Whatever," they continue waiting in the waiting shed. Looking up at the gray sky as the clouds move at their own pace. Some time later, blue skies are peeking behind the light gray clouds and the rain is slowly coming to a stop.

"Let's go. The rain seems to have stopped. Let's go dance in the rain Mumu!" Su Muqiu grabs Mucheng's hand to continue walking around the city.

"Idiot! The rain stopped already!" Su Mucheng laughs again and Su Muqiu laughs at that as well, earning a few glances from the people also walking by.

While walking in one of the busy, business area of City H, a tall building with a large LCD monitor is in the middle of showing an advertisement, an advertisement for a video game to be exact. Su Mucheng and Su Muqiu stop in front of the screen to watch the advertisement

"Special announcement! The Professional Alliance of China Esports Committee (PACEC) is proud to introduce to you the newest game that took years to build up. With enough budget from the sponsors, the game developers are certain that it will give you the gaming experience that you've always been looking for. Are you ready for it? Create your character! Select your class! Build your own weapon! Create guilds! Meet new friends! Rise to the top! Be a champion! Fight for your "GLORY!""

Then a series of computer-generated characters appear on the screen one by one each one wielding a unique weapon. Some are swords, some guns, spears and one is holding up a shield. The longer you look at their weapons, the more you notice their aura of uniqueness, despite being the usual swords, spears and other weapons. Then, monsters suddenly appearing from the bottom of the screen. The background changes into numerous computer-generated sceneries. There's so much happening in that one huge screen. The people who were also walking earlier stopped dead in their tracks, staring at the screen along with Su Muqiu and Su Mucheng.

The advertisement ended after ten minutes. The last part of the advertisement announced when the game will be released which is on Monday, three days from now since it's a Friday.

"Monday? What kind of idiot would release a game on a Monday? The first day of the week? In short, classes. I'm not so sure about this 'Glory's' success. Let's go Muqiu." Su Mucheng grabs Su Muqiu's hand.

"Muqiu?" Su Mucheng calls her brother who seems to be lost in his own thought.

"GLORY!" two loud voices suddenly yell behind them. Su Mucheng looks at the people behind her just as when the two individuals look at each other.

"Glory?" says one of them.

"Glory." Agrees the other.