
Vampire shopping in a human world.

"I've been here plenty of times, you're just clueless, Nick." 

I eyed Nick as I parked the car into the parking lot of my favorite mall. Well, my favorite mall during the time I pretended to be human. I will forever love the way I had made my city and the infrastructure in them, way more than i'll love any other place.

Nick shook his head. "Can I ask for a favor, Sire?"

He never asked for favors, so I decided to hear him out. "Say it."

I balanced myself on the closed driver's door, carelessly dangling my arm over my seat. He mirrored my actions, and with one smug smile said,

"Since we are not in the vampire world anymore, can I treat you as an equal? Just while we are here."

I raised a brow. Treat me like an equal? What does Nick treating me like an equal entail, because I wasn't about to go into a deal I knew nothing about.

"I won't be harsh, don't worry." He smiled at me, and I swear, it made me feel like I was watching a horror film. But he had never asked me for a favor, so why wouldn't I grant him this one? After all, we won't be here for too long.

"Okay, you can now treat me an an equal." I said, turning to the door to open it. "Oh, and you don't have to attach a honorific to my name..."

"I know, Morgan." He jumped out of the car and arranged his shirt.

I sat there, my hand still on the car door, shocked to the bone marrow. Did he just address me as Morgan? Did he just interrupt me while I was still talking? Did he just jump out of the car without me like that?

"Are you gonna spend the whole day in there or what?"

I swallowed, my eyes wide. Slowly, I ushered myself out of the car. My black turtleneck suddenly felt too tight, and I ran my hands over it clumsily. I already regret granting Nick his favor.

He turned to me, running an irritated eye over me. "Pfft," he said and walked ahead of me, not even bothering to look back.

"Wow." I said, my hands going to my waist as I watched Nick's back. He looks like he has been waiting for this opportunity and now that he has gotten it, he will use it to full advantage. But, vampire world or human world, a king is always king, and I am king.

I telported to him amd stuck the knife I always kept in my pockets right through his chest. He shrieked and looked at me, and I stuck out my tongue.

"Got you, bitch," I said amd teleported into the mall, knowing quite well he would follow me. 

The mall attendant who I happened to appear in front of dropped the item she was holding, her eyes going wide. 

"Ana angel? In our mall?"

Just then, Nick appeared beside me too and she let out another gasp, her hands going to her mouth.

"Two angels..." She said, and her eyes rolled back as she fell behind the counter table.