
The Ultimate Sacrifice.

I stopped in my tracks. I knew the voice. It was eerily familiar. And even though I couldn't remember from where, I knew it was a bad memory. It didn't belong to someone I wanted to see again.

"Nick, please help me!" I heard the scream again. It was desperate, and I knew whoever it was was in some grave danger. I just didn't know how.

I turned to descend the stairs. I would find out. 

But then, what could I do if I get involved? I am only human, powerless human at that. I swallowed, contemplating.

The next scream was worse than the rest, and she seemed extremely desoerate now. I decided to run down the stairs. Whatever would happen would happen anyway. There was no stopping it. 


I saw my teeth marks on her leg, but I had stopped myself from getting to take in the blood. I didn't want to stay this beast that I am right now. It wasn't me. How would I ever go back to Samantha?

She turned and kicked my hand away, then ran to the other edge of the cell. 

"Open it." I said, my breath coming out in short gasps. Even as I tried to help her. I still couldn't help going to her. The thirst for blood was scary.

She looked at the keys. It was now far away from me, and she managed to run to it. I followed her, however, and caught her hand. It was like two different people with different choices, taking different actions were in one body. It made me uncomfortable, in a way that the word uncomfortable itself couldn't describe. She yelped and yanmed her hand away from me, leaving the key behind.

"Take it," I said again, my heart thumping in my chest. I was trying very hard to resist it, It wasn't working. Nothing was. 

She looked skeptical now, and opted to sink to the edge of the cell more, as if doing that will save her from me. 

I suddenly felt a pull, and I ran towards her with phenomenal speed, my fangs ready. She managed to run out of the corner in time, and ran to the keys.

She took them, and then scremaed and threw them down again. They were made of silver. Who would make ordinary keys for creatures as fast and agile as we are? Not someone in their right senses. 

She was holding her now burnt and bloodied hand, and the sight and smell of blood didn't do much good to my self control. I ran toward her again, and this time she picked the key and ran to the door.

"Morgan!" I heard Samantha's voice. I turned, wide yes, gaining a bit of rationality. She was standing there, tears in her eyes as she watched me in my worst form. Nicole had just opened the door, and this time, the pull didn't take me to her, it was to Samantha. Samantha looked like a good meal now.

Nicole's blood was everywbere, and I ran to her just before she opened the door. She could be brought back to life with blood, Samantha would have to forfeit her humanity. I saw Samantha's eyes widen as I held Nicole's neck, and sunk my fangs into it.