
More Than Friends 1

      I closed my eyes, expecting to feel his lips, or at least skin, but felt nothing. Nothing at all. I opened my eyes, and he was standing there, just watching me. I was so sure I had kissed him, so what was this? How was he so far away? Had I been hallucinating? 

"You wanna be kissed so bad?" 

I straightened my posture and stood. "I..I was just..." 

"Pushing your lips to me." He completed for me, and heat rose to my cheeks. His eyes were clouded, slightly shielded by his lashes, and he watched me intently. Like I was some bird who would bound off once he looked away. 

"sorry about that." I said, annoyance rising within me. What did this guy want? 

"You." He answered my thought and I looked up. 

"How do you know...?"

 He shrugged. "You said it out loud.” But I hadn’t. I was sure I hadn’t. "And its kind of easy to guess that's what you would be thinking. Seeing the lips I have craved for a while being offered to me yet refused to take it." He sniffed. "Let's go." 

I nodded, the embarrassment no less that it was when I opened my eyes. I entered his car, with him holding the car door for me, and waited as he walked around the car and got in too. He didn’t say a word as he started driving, and pulled out of the parking space. 

"I won't call him back." 

"Choose me." We both said at the same time. His eyes flickered away from the road to me for a while. "Why wouldn't you?" 

I shrugged. Feeling bold. Somehow, the way my heart had thumped in my chest, loudly as I leaned to him, my hand behind his neck, was something I yearned to experience again. And not just with anyone, with my best friend, Morgan. I glanced at his profile. 

"Because...I chose you, I guess." I could see the ghost of a smile on his lips, and if that didn't satisfy me in a weird way, I wasn’t sure what will.

 "Are you sure?"

 I nodded. "I want my best friend, Morgan, to um..have my first kiss, and not stop at that." I looked down at my nails as I said it, but still couldn't help smiling at myself.


          First kiss? I already took that. But she didn't need to know that, did she? Not at all. She had put her arms on my neck, and pulled me to her, did she really think I wouldn't kiss her? No. I have wanted to for as long as I can remember. I had kissed her, and it was probably the longest I have had ever since I came on this search. By now, I was sure she was the one. She only had to turn eighteen. She was looking down at her nails, she was happy, the smile on her face a solid proof. I laughed at that. I would keep her happy, she only had to choose me.