
Kiss Me Under The Lights


"To Samantha...

I found humanity in you. I found love and fulfillment in you. I found everything in you. You complete me in ways you'll never seem to understand."

I was watching her face glow in the lights, her smile beautifully illuminated by the lights. My city looked so much more beautiful, as I watched all the houses slowly lit up, one by one. 

She brought the lights to us. I held her hand, running my thumb around the base of her palm.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" 

I nodded, my happiness stiffling the words.

"You look even better," she said.

It took me by surprise, and I turned to her.

"You never really compliment me..this is the first time."

She shrugged. "Yes. And I guess that's a bit lacking, right? I should compliment you more. You deserve it." 

I turned my body to her completely, holding her hand tightly. "Compliment me more, then."

"Uhm..you are cool." 

I tilted my head to the side. "Can I kiss you?"

"For that compliment? Nah, that was pretty lame."

I shook my head. It was a hard struggle to keep myself out of her mind. I wanted to just live in the moment, like a normal man and his woman. 

"Of course not, Samantha. Not because of that compliment. I just.. I just..wanna kiss you. I always wanna kiss you."

"Is that all you wanna do?" She asked, coming closer to me.

"Uhm..lots more, to be honest. I know that after two months, I'll have to let you go back home. I want to live in the moments I have to spend with you. Kiss you every chance I get. This may sound a bit like uhm..you know, baser passions, but I wanna sleep with you every chance I get too. I am not referring to a platonic way either. I wanna hug you and squeeze you tightly. Go shopping and cook for you all the time. Comb your hair, dress you up."

She laughed and shook her head. "To think that the girl I used to be would have been surprised and taken aback by this. Because all the girl I am right now can feel is pure ecstasy."

"if you feel ecstasy, can I, then, kiss you?"

"Right now? I mean..they are all here.." 

The vampires were all around us, still awed by the lights. 

"I bet they would love to see it." I pulled her closer to me by her palm, and she turned red, averting my eyes.

"Are you sure about this?" 

I laughed. "Samantha, I am not devouring you like I really want to. I am not taking you like I would like to. But..it's fine."

I let her go, hoping she wouldn't release me too, but she did. Disappointment stabbed at my heart and I turned away sighing. Maybe she needed more time. Maybe she was just bashful.

Suddenly, I felt her palm on my cheek as she turned me towards her. She didn't give me enough time to react, before I felt her lips lightly touch mine and for a brief moment, I felt euphoric.