
High School Nerd

          I adjusted my hair again, as I stared at the mirror in the female toilet. I had just clumsily tripped in front of the entire school, spilling my lunch on me and making a laughing stock out of myself again. I hissed at myself, feeling like  bashing my head against the wall. What was wrong with me? Why was I such a stupid, stupid nerd? I mean, I thought every rich girl was a queen bee, but Hello. Here is Samantha. My dad owns a chain of companies, a hotshot business man. My mum? Well, she ran off. I don’t miss her at all. I am an only child, and I and my dad live alone in a penthouse. 

          It gets lonely sometimes, especially when he is really caught up with work and can't come hone to me. So I read. I started reading on my laptop, now they are everywhere. The books, I mean. And now, I am a nerd. Or so they call me. But I don’t see myself as one. Let's do this. What are the nerd checks? Weird buns? I have those. Big books? Yep, of course. Alright, another chance. Glasses? Uhmm.... I adjusted the frames on my face as I sighed into the mirror. I think I am actually a nerd. I heard a knock and turned. 

"Who is there?" 

"Its Morgan. Are you okay?" 

          Morgan. My best friend. The only friend the nerd has, but ironically the hottest guy in school. Morgan doesn't look his age. Eighteen was too childish an age for a god like that. Sometimes, even I, who has no fantasies about him, at all, lose focus. I swallowed and opened the door, my fingers lingering on the door know even as I stood, the door open, and Morgan staring at me. 

"You didn't have to run like that." He said. 

          His face had only one line of worry on his forehead, except for that, he looked pretty. No, pretty calm. That's what I meant. See? I just lost focus.

 "Are you fine, Sammy?" He put his hand on my shoulder and pulled me, so I had to let go of my safety knob. 

"Yes. Its just another one of my mistakes." I answered. I shrugged and started walking, and he followed. He was much taller, and sometimes, in my losing focus mode, I imagine how warm his chest would feel if I hugged him. I shook my head and sighed. Again.

 "Does your head hurt?" He came in front of me and placed a cold palm to my head. I shook my head. 


He nodded. "Let's go." 

I looked at him. "To where?" 

"Lets ditch. Let me take my nerd friend to have fun, at a nerdy place, of course." He smirked at me. 

        During these kind of times, I forget he is so beautiful. I threw a punch at him, but he was fast. Extremely fast, to the extent that he had time to move, catch my hand, turn me away, and sprint off, all before my hand covered half the length of the distance between us. 

"I'm waiting in the garage, Nerd!" He yelled and walked away, the sound of his heavy boots growing distant.