

I lay on the bed, his coat still wrapped around me. The vampire had gotten me to my room and locked the door, ensuring I would not get out. Morgan's blue face stuck in my mind, how weak his voice had sounded, how his eyes had looked almost all white. I held on to the neck of my dress, my heart clenching tightly on all those emotions I felt. I didn't know why I had been so rude. He could have left me behind, moved on with another human, and live his life while I rot there for being human. But he stayed back, saving me and risking himself.

I stoodn up, tears standing in my eyes. I was at leaat, his best friend. They had no right whatsoever to keep me away from checking on him, from seeing him, even though I knew it was my fault. It waa my fault we got stuck there. It was my fault for pushing him away. I balled my hands into fists and attacked the door like a bad woman, my hair flying in all directions.

"Please, let me go! I meed to see him!" I screamed on top of my lungs, my voice resonating through the room. "Please!" I screamed again, yet no answer. 

My knees went weak under me, and I fell to the floor, my heart breaking. I had done this to him. It was all my fault.


"What's his status?" I was talking to the most potent vampire healer in the entire city and possibly the world. From the king's room, I could hear the human's voice screaming. She can't see him now. Our king is better than that.

"He is really lucky. The silver missed his heart. The garlic is just inflicting minor wounds which I have taken care of. However, we can't be too sure of the stab. He has to fight it himself. I will do my best." He gave a small bow and left, closing the door behind him.

I watched the King's figure. He was the strongest I knew, the best of them all. As vampires, we were all blessed but for him, his was sheer grace and skill. I got a seat next to him, and took his hand in mine. 

"Sire..you are our only hope. The only one this city has. You have to fight your way through this and come back to us the same wau you always do. Poise, grace and victory. This time, we are desperate." I gave his hand a small squeeze and stood, before I heard a small sound.

I turned back quickly, leaning in further and placing my ears to his mouth in order to hear him.


I straightened, my eyes cold. "She's the cause everything, Sire. You left for so long just for her and now that we have you back, she keeps pushing you over the edge.." 

I let my voice trail off for impact. The human wasnt any good, and against the logical part of me, I really hoped he would realize it too.