
Meta Powers(part 2)

-->Absolute Death Inducement

The ability to kill anything, regardless of what the target may be. Absolute version of Death Inducement. Opposite to Absolute Life Inducement. Technique of Absolute Death Manipulation. Not to be confused with Eternal Rest Inducement.

Also Called

Almighty/Meta/Pata/Omni/Omnipotent/Infinite/Ultimate/Godly/Divine/Supreme/Boundless/Transcendent/Illimitable/Limitless/Unlimited/Unrestricted/Total/True/Perfect/Complete Death Inducement/Murdering

Unrestricted Murdering

Unavertable Death


The user can cause absolute death to absolutely anyone or anything without any exceptions, including immortal and even "nigh-truly unkillable" beings and possibly even Death itself without even the slightest effort. Since the death would be unavoidable and permanent, killing literally anything in existence they desire, whether it be a person, an object, a god, the user is not impeded by any defense or obstacle when it comes to killing their enemy. Anything that was killed through the use of this power can not be resurrected via normal means.

This also includes things in the more conceptual and intangible nature such as boundaries, the future, or time. Removing these types of factors can lead to a variety of consequences. Both beneficial and detrimental in nature. In spite of the flaws and many ways this ability can go wrong, the user has what is essentially the best tool for anything they wish to permanently erase.



Unrestricted Death Inducement

Healing Factor Nullification

Immortal Slayer Immortality Negation

Immortality Bypassing

Immortality Removal

Irreversible Destruction


Omnislayer Divine Slayer

Resurrection Negation


Body Destruction

Cellular Disintegration

Dimensional Distortion: "killing" the boundaries between dimensions

Energy Erasure

Space Depletion

Time Destruction Time Distortion Future Manipulation: "killing" all futures besides the desired one.


Absolute Character Erasure

Concept Destruction

Memory Destruction: "killing" all traces of memories in the subject

Meta Immunity Bypassing

Power Erasure: "killing" the power residing in the subject.

Absolute Erasure

Power Negation

Soul Destruction


Absolute Attack

Absolute Combat; for deathly use

Absolute Death Manipulation

Absolute Destruction

Absolute Erasure

Afterlife Border

Afterlife Transport

Death-Force Manipulation

Death Sense

Demonic Slayer

Omnislayer Divine Slayer

Eternal Rest Inducement

Meta Immunity Bypassing



Universal Irreversibility

-->Absolute Death Manipulation

The power to manipulate the death and causes of death for anything/everything. Sub-power of Author Authority. Absolute version of Death Manipulation. Opposite to Absolute Life Manipulation.

Also Called

Absolute/Almighty/Meta/Pata/Omni/Omnipotent/Infinite/Ultimate/Godly/Divine/Supreme/Boundless/Transcendent/Illimitable/Limitless/Unlimited/Unrestricted/Total/True/Perfect/Complete Death Control

Almighty/Meta/Pata/Omni/Omnipotent/Infinite/Ultimate/Godly/Divine/Supreme/Boundless/Transcendent/Illimitable/Limitless/Unlimited/Unrestricted/Total/True/Perfect/Complete Death Manipulation


User can create, shape, and manipulate the death/cause of death of any/all things, including mortals, amortals, undetermined beings, eldritch horrors, inanimate objects, concepts/conceptual beings, phenomena, nonexistent beings, transcendent beings, formless/omnipresent entities, and/or even supreme beings.

They can grant, remove, negate, reverse, prevent, cause/induce, change death and/or even end it.

Anything/Anyone that can be remotely or loosely defined as capable of death/dying can be manipulated and shaped by this power.


All Death Based Powers

All Disease-Based Powers

All Spiritual Powers

All Soul Powers

All War Powers

Absolute Character Erasure

Absolute Death Inducement

Afterlife Border

Afterlife Connecting

Afterlife Marking

Death-Force Manipulation

Death Infusion

Death Manipulation Death Inducement

Eternal Rest Inducement



Death Prevention

Death Recreation

Death Removal

Destiny Manipulation

Immortality Manipulation


Lethality Manipulation

Mortality Manipulation

Nether Manipulation

Non-Life Essence Manipulation

Phenomenon Elimination

Reanimation Negation

Reincarnation Manipulation

Resurrection Manipulation


Afterlife Transport

Absolute Soul Manipulation

Abyss Manipulation

Constant State of Death

Death Empowerment

Meta Fate Manipulation


Nirvana Transport

Threads of Fate Manipulation

Sentience Removal


Apocalypse Manipulation

Extinction Manipulation

Omega Reality


Afterlife Manipulation

Author Authority

Authority Manipulation

Causality Manipulation

Conclusion Embodiment

Death EmbodimentDeath Connection

Death-Force Manipulation

Death Lordship

Lethal Physiology



Primordial Nothingness Manipulation

Transition Manipulation

Status Manipulation

-->Absolute Erasure

The power to completely erase anything/everything on any/all levels. Absolute version of Erasure. Opposite to Absolute Recreation and Omnificence. Not to be confused with Absolute Destruction, though the two are similar.

Also Called


Absolute Annihilation/Wipe

Almighty/Meta/Pata/Omni/Omnipotent/Infinite/Ultimate/Godly/Divine/Supreme/Boundless/Transcendent/Illimitable/Limitless/Unlimited/Unrestricted/Total/True/Perfect/Complete/Totality Erasure/Annihilation/Wipe

Zero-Sum (Elder Scrolls)



The users of this power can wipe out absolutely anything and everything regardless of immunity, be it existence as a whole, all the way down to the very minute details of their targets, such as Powers, Life/Death, Space/Time, Definition, Concepts, Memories, Possibilities, Miracle Manipulation etc.

While the user can erase anything as a whole, they can choose to erase only certain aspects of something instead, for example user could simply erase someone's emotions causing them to become apathetic, or by erasing their presence in a certain plane of existence such as the 3-Dimension, causing them to only exist as a 2-Dimensional entity.

Warning: Anything erased by this power is Absolutely Impossible to bring back, rendering it completely absolute in the truest sense, therefore it should be used with only the utmost caution for this very reason.


Positive uses

Flawless Restoration by erasing specific effects

Grant Absolute Health by completely erasing all biological defects

Grant Absolute Immortality by completely erasing death

Grant Absolute Invulnerability by completely erasing weak spots to any kind of damage

Create Everything by completely erasing nothingness

Absolute Recreation erasing all damage

Absorption/Fusionism erasure of separations

Disaster Negation erasure of disaster

Existence Defiance erasure of aspects of existence

Flawless Restoration erasure of all ill effects

Flawless Indestructibility erasure to any weaknesses

Infinite Supply erasure of consumption

Invulnerability erasure of physical harm

Meta Luck erasure of jinx/bad luck

Negative Divination elimination process


Perfection erasure of flaws

Pain Removal erasure of pain

Peace Inducement erasure of war

Physical Restoration erasure of damage

Power Augmentation erasure of limits

Purification erasure of evil/negativity

Reality Rejection erasure of aspects of reality

Reality Restoration erasure of alterations

Meta Resurrection erasure of death

Self-Sustenance erasure of hunger/exhaustion

Semi-Immortality erasure of aging

Sensory Restoration erasure of sensory loss

Youth Inducement erasure of old age

Negative uses

Absolute Darkness erasure of light

Absolute Death Inducement kill by erasure

Absolute Destruction erasure of creation

Apocalypse Inducement erasure of natural equilibrium

Chaos Inducement by erasing order

Concept Destruction

Death Inducement/Amortality by erasing life

Dehydration erasure of water

Deoxygenation erasure of oxygen

Destruction erasure of intrinsic fields

Disintegration erasure of subatomic bonds

Extinction Inducement

Gravitational Singularity erasure of physics

Meta Jinx erasure of good luck

Molecular Dispersion erasure of molecular bonds

Omnidirectional Waves total annihilation




Reality Rejection

Reincarnation Denial

Resurrection Negation

Total Event Collapse

Variable Collapse

Absolute Burning erasure of cold

Absolute Freeze erasure of heat

Primordial Nothingness Manipulation erasure of all targets



Apathy erasing emotions

Bypass all immunities

Cancel and nullify various powersAnti-Regeneration/Healing Factor Nullification

Causality Negation

Demonic/Divine Power Negation

Downgrading/Energy Negation

Healing Factor Nullification

Immortality Negation/Invulnerability Negation

Magic/Telepathic/Power Negation

Meta Power Immunity erasing supernatural effects

Speed Cancellation/Intangibility Cancellation


Reincarnation Denial

Devolution erasure of evolution steps

Energy Drain erasure of energy

Induced Sedation erasure of sensations

Molecular Immobilization erasure of motion

Power Erasure erasure of abilities


Universal Irreversibility

Sensory Deprivation erasure of all senses


Sleep Inducement erasure of consciousness

Unconsciousness Inducement erasure of cognitive processes



Concept Destruction

Formless Mind




Absolute TranscendenceConceptual Transcendence

Cycle Transcendence

Dimensional Transcendence

Duality Transcendence

Form Transcendence

Gender Transcendence

Hierarchy Transcendence

Life and Death Transcendence

Numerical Transcendence

Origin Transcendence

Reality Border Transcendence

Rule Transcendence

Spatial-Temporal Transcendence

Remove various traits of targetsAbsolute Character Erasure

Boundary Removal

Characteristic Removal

Civilization Erasure

Damage Removal

Data Erasure

Defense Break

Essence Removal

Existence Erasure

Form Removal

Future Removal

Healing Erasure

Identity Erasure

Knowledge Erasure

Life and Death Removal

Limiter Removal

Logic Removal

Luck Erasure

Memory Erasure

Phenomenon Elimination

Purpose Removal

Status Elimination

Weakness Removal

World Ejection


Conceptual Self-Removal

Division by Zero

Nonexistent Physiology

Nonexistent Realm Creation

Selective Elimination

Total Erasure



Apocalypse Manipulation

Conclusion Dominance

Conclusion Embodiment



Omega Reality


Absolute Destruction

Totality Collapse

-->Absolute Fusion

The power to assimilate, fuse or connect anything irreversibly. Sub-power of Omnipotence. Absolute version of Fusionism. Opposite to Absolute Separation.

Also Called

Absolute/Meta/Omni Amalgamation/Fusion/Merging

All Fusion

Almighty Union


User can connect/fusion/merge everything/anything, including objects, powers, entities, boundaries, concepts, etc. Everything/anything unified by the user cannot be separated or divided back ever again by any other force except the user's own power.


All Combinations


Aspect Insertion

Absolute Recreation

Absolute Restoration

Area Fusion

Boundary Manipulation: control all boundaries

Center Manipulation

Concept Manipulation: unify concepts


Eternal Bond: unite beings for all eternity

Fused Existence: unify two or beings perfectly/permanently

Immutability: unification cannot be undone

Molecular Bonding: bound any type of matter

Omni-Absorption: merge everything with the user

Omnipresence: unite with any place

Origin Manipulation: bound everything to the same origin

Realm Connection

Reforming: merge the destroyed back to one

Selective Unity: unite with anything

Space Depletion: unite the distance between two or more points

Transcendent Connection: bound everything to the same almighty source

Omni-Manipulation: unite everything and anything into one singularity

Unity Force Manipulation

Unity Manipulation

Universal Irreversibility: once merged, it cannot be separated

World Merging



Primordial Entity Physiology

Reality Dreaming



Unity Manipulation

-->Absolute Growth Inducement

The power to induce growth on anything. ​Sub-power of Growth Manipulation.

Also Called

Meta Growth Inducement


The user can make anything grow, from physical things, (size of being/object, quantity, quality, etc.), intangible (sound, light, air, etc), to conceptual (probability), etc.


Ability Creation

Ability Transcendence

Accelerated Growth

Endless Growth

Flaw Enhancement

Independent Growing Booster

Infinite Supply

Meta Probability Manipulation


Power Augmentation/Self-Power Augmentation

Emotion Augmentation

Power Randomization

Quality Enhancement

Size Manipulation

Superpower Evolution

Time Acceleration


Growth Manipulation

-->Absolute Insanity Inducement

The ability to cause absolute insanity in others. Absolute version of Insanity Inducement.

Also Called

Absolute Delirium Inducement

Meta Madness Inducement

Omni-Mind Breaking


Users can cause unfathomable madness in absolutely any being regardless of how powerful they are. Driving victims to irreversible and total insanity.


Fear Inducement Death Inducement (in some cases)

Menacing Presence

Mental Breakdown Consciousness Shattering

Sanity Theft/Sanity Transferal

Torment Inducement

Will Breaking


Eldritch Physiology

Meta Fear Inducement

-->Absolute Life Inducement

The ability to give life to anything. Sub-power of Absolute Life Manipulation. Opposite to Absolute Death Inducement.

Also Called

Meta Life Inducement


User can give life to absolutely anyone and anything, even to amortal or undetermined beings, objects, the dead, powers, elemental forces, concepts, metaphysical things, etc.



Embodiment Creation - by giving life to a certain power, concept, emotion or elemental force.

HealingFlawless Restoration

Death Prevention

Immortality Bestowal

Life Addition

Life CreationLife Creation Field

Life Recreation

Soul Creation

Life Extension

Life Mastery

Life Reduction

Life Renewal

Life Inducement

Life Infusion

Meta Resurrection

Mortalization - by giving life to amortals.

Reincarnation Inducement

Sentience Inducement


Absolute Life Manipulation


Life Embodiment

Life Field Projection

Life-Force Manipulation

Life-Force Absorption

Life-Force Generation

Life-Force Constructs

Meta Resurrection

-->Absolute Life Manipulation

The power to manipulate all life. Sub-power of Author Authority and Life Deity Physiology. Absolute version of Life Manipulation. Opposite to Absolute Death Manipulation. Not to be confused with Meta Life-Force Manipulation.

Also Called

Absolute/Almighty/Meta/Pata/Omni/Omnipotent/Infinite/Ultimate/Godly/Divine/Supreme/Boundless/Transcendent/Illimitable/Limitless/Unlimited/Unrestricted/Total/True/Perfect/Complete Life Control

Almighty/Meta/Pata/Omni/Omnipotent/Infinite/Ultimate/Godly/Divine/Supreme/Boundless/Transcendent/Illimitable/Limitless/Unlimited/Unrestricted/Total/True/Perfect/Complete Life Manipulation


User can create, shape and manipulate the lives of any/all things, including mortals, amortals, undetermined beings, eldritch horrors, inanimate objects, concepts/conceptual beings, the dead, phenomena, transcendent beings, formless/omnipresent entities, and/or even Supreme Beings.

User can bestow/grant/induce life, resurrect, change it, etc.

Anything/Anyone that can even remotely or loosely be defined as being alive/living can be manipulated and shaped by this power.


All Age-Based Powers

All Animal-Based Abilities

All Cellular Manipulation

All Fungal-based Powers

All Healing Powers

All Life Based Powers

All Life Creation

All Organic Manipulation

All Plant-based Powers

All Soul Powers

All Spiritual Powers

Absolute Character Creation

Absolute Life Inducement Life Infusion

Biological Essence Manipulation

Biological Manipulation (Unrestricted)

Absolute Life Creation

Absolute Reincarnation Reincarnation Inducement

Absolute Soul Manipulation


Alternate-Self Manipulation

Artificial Life Manipulation

Character Manipulation

Death Prevention

Entity Manipulation

Immortality Manipulation Immortality Bestowal

Immortality Negation

Immortality Removal

Life Mastery

Life Recreation Life Sequence Manipulation

Lifespan Manipulation Life Addition

Life Extension

Life Reduction

Life Renewal

Meta Resurrection

Non-Life Essence Manipulation

Preservation Manipulation

Regeneration Manipulation

Sentience Manipulation Sentience Inducement



Entity Lordship

Life Perception

Life Repulsion

Meta Army Manipulation

Morphogenetic Field Manipulation

Threads of Fate Manipulation


Author Authority

Authority Manipulation

Grand Design Construction

Life Embodiment

Life Lordship

Life Manipulation

Life Story Manipulation

Life-Force Manipulation

Meta Life-Force Manipulation

Multiple Lives



Primordial Reality Manipulation

Status Manipulation

-->Absolute Manipulation

The power to manipulate absolutes of everything. Form/Expression of Nigh-Omnipotence and Omnipotence. Sub-power of Omni-Manipulation and Omniarch. Not to be confused with Completeness Manipulation and Infinity Manipulation

Also Called


Absolutes Control

Total/Unlimited Manipulation


The user can create, shape and manipulate absolutes, the complete, unchanging, eternal/infinite, highest and supreme aspects, qualities or properties of things. Allowing them to manipulate the supreme and unfettered aspects of anything/everything, including space, time, form/shape, dimensions/realities, laws/rules, attributes/traits, systems, life/death, creation/destruction, to absolute levels.


All Absolute Powers

All/Various Manipulations on an Absolute-Scale

Pataphysics Manipulation


Status Manipulation


Absolute Embodiment

Axiom Manipulation

Grand Design Construction

Infinity Bypassing

Infinity Manipulation


Meta Power Manipulation




Perfection Embodiment

Principle Manipulation

Superpower Manipulation


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