
First Battle

After alex snapped from his trance a moment, he felt his mind was clear and calm. He could felt his surrounding, he saw scared pirates and villagers that were unconscious. He looked around and saw the pirates scared of him. He knew what this feeling was. His haki was awaken, he send killing intent to the pirates. Some pirates felt their body became weak, their foot felt weak too. For some reason they wanted to sleep and they fell unconscious while foaming from their mouth , their eyes was white. The villagers just felt sleepy and they're forced to sleep.

The captain of mouse pirates felt his body heavy, but he could move. Then he looked around and saw his crew fell unconscious. But unknown to him, some of his crew had been died. The crew that was standing felt heavy too,l and looked scared by the child in front of them. This was his intent of conqueror haki, after training martial arts for years in 2 lifes. His intent and haki became stronger than normal people.

For swordman, it's called sword intent, cut or not to cut. But for martial artists, it's called philosophies. 'What do you want with your power after learning martial art? Protect yourself? Protect your loved ones? Kill your enemies and revenge?' At this moment, alex was enlightenment about the way of martial arts.

"You.. who.. no.. what are you?" Said the pirate captain while pointing his finger to alex.

"..." All the pirate crew that barely awake was very scared. The boy in front of them is very scary, they wanted to run but their body felt really heavy.

"I'm your dad!" Said alex while showing his smile.


Then the pirates captain snapped, "You...you mocked me! Shoot him! Kill him!" He ordered with anger to his crew, alex only stood at the same place.

"Duar", "duar", "duar", a lot of bullets was shooted to alex. With his subtle movement and subtle footwork techniques, he could feel trajectory of the bullets. His eyes shine red, he avoided all the bullets. There was red line in his eyes when he was avoid bullets.

(AN: kuroko no basket while in ZONE)

The pirates was very shocked, 'this child can avoid all that bullets!'. They looked at him disbelief, such a monster at south blue. Their thoughts could get more treasure at this small port. They had been bribesl some marine at nearby marine base. They didn't get info such a devil kid stay at this island.

"You! Reload your bullets shoot him again!" Ordered their captain while feeling more scared.

"You will not get a second chance!" While said this, alex jumped backward 2 feet. Then, he was lifting his right foot forward and slam on the ground. All the stones that's touched by alex foot tremble. Alex lifted his hand. The stones lifted from the ground. He pull his hand beside his chest. He punched forward, his right hand was above his head and his left hand was equal to his chest height. His body and right knee was slightly bent forward."Boom!"

"Wussshh." All the stones which was lifted by alex fly to the pirates crew. If you saw the stones, there was strange symbols on them.

"Arrghhhh!", "help!", "captain! Help!" But too late for the pirate captain, all his subordinate was died.

"You! I will kill you!" The captain said while his body changing, he was like giant mouse. His height was 160cm changed to 180cm.

When alex saw this, he was surprised by pirate captain. He was zoan user devil fruit, model mouse devil fruit. But alex calm himself, and he ran to the pirate captain. The pirate captain slightly showed some creepy smiles.

The pirate captain took his sword with his right hand and straight slash alex. Alex felt the trajectory of the sword, he felt the captain intention, alex moved to left with minimum movement body and footwork. Then he was hugging pirate captain right arm while jumping to the air and kicked the pirate captain right side on the head.

The pirate captain was shocked, at the same time his left hand was trying to block and catch alex left foot. But before he could catch alex. Alex disappeared. The captain looked around left and right, looking for him. But he couldn't found him. Then he heard voice behind him.

"Good bye rat, you choose the wrong enemy!" Alex.

The pirate captain looked at the direction of alex but what he found out was stone flying at him at high speed hit his abdomen and chest, then his neck. The last hit his head, made him die with regret.

'Oldman, uncle, I'm sorry. Iwas late to save you. I have been avenge you. I hope you feel at peace.' When alex thought this, his body felt weak and he fell unconscious.

The villagers just fell a sleep, they didn't know what happen after they fell unconscious. The next morning, there was marine ship that went to otto island. The villagers thought there was bounty hunter that pass, and help them defeated the pirates. The villagers just report that to the marines.

In someone villager's house, alex was laying on the bed while crying alone.


Nettogecreators' thoughts
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