
Greatest Ability Looting System

A glitch? anomaly? a gift? a result of gacha game addiction? or last hope? Jacob Faust had finally received his system, but rather than living life as a normal dweller of the city, he found himself with a unique form of power, becoming a glitch of the system. The ability to steal and use the abilities of others for himself. --- Unbound by the light that shone on his city, instead by something else entire that promised to help accomplish his dreams, from wealth to vengeance for the ones who killed his family and friends in the war. But he isn't the only one born with this power, can he survive against them? SETTING SYNOPSIS Humanity had reached their peak centuries ago, creating the universal system for all to use, but their celebration was cut short as the beams of light broke through the earth and wiped out nearly all of humanity, leaving the survivors cursed and bound to the light, turning their gift of systems into a curse as the light controlled it fully. --- As time went on, wars erupted for power and territory. But a miracle happened, people unbound by the light were born, but bound by something else, one that promises great strength and wealth.

Razemaker · Fantasi
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34 Chs

Well Armored Plan

"We need to either break down a part of the wall, or find a different weakness to exploit," Clara remarked, tapping hastily on the many screens in front of her.

Zeph and the others quietly stared at the wall, waiting for Clara's orders.

The drone began to circle the camp walls, still hiding behind a wall of thick and tall wheat, trying to find any other way in.

Looking around, even Jacob couldn't find a way in. Soldiers patrolled the top of the walls, and the gate was sealed shut.

Clara continued looking at the screens, until she finally came to a conclusion for their plan.

"These structures were hastily made, seemingly from expert engineers, but they do hold a few weaknesses," Clara explained, staring at a screen hovering in front of her.

"This structure was recently built, and with less planning than i expected," She continued. After a while, the drone returned, bringing data to Clara and helping her finish the plan.

"Zeph, the structure was built on uneven ground, the rear wall can be climbed, go there and find a way to open the gate, remember to stay out of sight." Clara explained, Zeph simply nodded his head and followed her order, hastily moving away frim the team.

"As for us, we will wait, and kill any who escape from the gates if they try," She finished talking. Jacob and Ella both prepared for the attack to start, clenching their weapons while Clara stood in front, patiently looking at the camp.

Jacob remembered the task the glitch gave him.

'I need to kill more soldiers and rip an ability. At least it isn't the boring farming tasks from City H,'


Minutes pass, but they were still focused on the camp, looking at the patrolling soldiers and waiting for Zeph to open the gate already. The drone hovered behind them, also ready to document and record their attack.

A guard looked out at the field where Jacob and the others were hiding, and after staring for a few seconds, Zeph took down the guard with a single quiet slash, tossing his body out of the camp and moving on.

"Good thing he's on our side," Ella commented.

The doors finally began open, as Jacob had reached the controls. Shouts and yells immediately erupted as the grinding doors fully opened.

Gunfire erupted from the camp, signalling the start of the attack. From iinside, short burstsof gu fire began and ceased in just a few seconds as Zeph began taking down the guards.

"Alright, let's move," The team jumped out, and rushed to the gate. Jacob and Ella prepared their shields, seeing a large number of soldiers inside, some running towards them.

"More traitors, coming from the gate!" Clara yelled.

At the front Jacob quickly spotted them. A mix of fire and shields stood in front of the gate as traitors from the cities rushed out to fight.

'I need to take down as much as possible. And try getting one of those defenders wounded for the ability rip.' Jacob looked held up his scythe.

As they rushed forward, from the camp, a cloud of black began forming above them, a swarm of drones.

The team was startled by the sight, now unsure of what to do next, but Clara remained confident.

"Take down the soldiers first, we can handle the drones later!" Clara yelled out her order, and the team followed.

They ran faster than before, charging at the line in front of them. Streams of fire burst out, along with a hail of bullets, all targetted at the team.

Jacob and Ella moved closer, raising their shields up.and feeling the impact of flame and bullets slam into their transparent shields while Clara and Rin stayed behind them.

She fired into the line, striking their defenders and managing to pick off a few, weakening the wall.

As they got closer, Jacob prepared to deliver a heavy strike, to break through the wall. Around him bullets and fire kept hitting their shields, causing it to start cracking.

A few rounds managed to hit Jacob and Ella, along with fire burning their skin and clothes, causing them to slow down a bit. But Rin healed them from the back, with a constant green glow coming from his hand as he fixed each wound they got.

The feeling of adrenaline grew in Jacob, just a few more steps away from the crumbling wall of traitors and gunners.

Just a step away from the gate, Jacob swung his scythe with all his strength. The wall of shields broke and a few traitors were quickly cut down.

Ella rushed behind him, running into the breach and attacking the remaining traitors with her mace and shield.

Rin and Clara both stood behind him, firing into the enemies.

Jacob ran in, focused on finishing the task. City F soldiers burned the entire area, catching the two off guard, but they hastily cut them down, heavily burned from their attack.

Above them, a small group of drones joimed in om the fight, some fired into them while others charged straight on with saws at the ready.

Jacob noticed a few of them were the new heavily armored ones Allen spoke of.

'They need more time to destroy, i need to kill the rest first,' Jacob thought.

The struggle intensified with the two becoming surrounded, moving and fighting as fast as possible to not give the traitors a chance to fight back, all the while avoiding the drones above them.

"Damn rats!" In the middle of a fight, a City G soldier struck Jacob in the face with his gun, knocking him down.

"You fools don't know when to quit huh!?" The man spat at Jacob, aiming his gun towards him, ready to fire.

Without thinking, Jacob kicked the man's leg, making him fall on top of him. Just as he fell, drome from above aimed at him to shoot.

'Hope this works!' Jacob pulled the man on top pf him, and in a moment, the drone opened fire, striking the man before he could react.

As it shot at the lifeless body, Clara managed to hit the drone, sending it crashing to the ground.

Jacob pushed the man off of him, realizing the idea he just used.

But he grabbed his scythe, remembering that the battle was not over yet. In front, a few of the traitors remained, along with some more drones.

"Burn to a crisp!" The traitor's handslit up and red flame shot out from his hands, rapidly heading towards Jacob.

Hope you enjoyed! leave a stone or comment if you enioyed! and add to your library if you wish to see more!

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