
Greatest Ability Looting System

A glitch? anomaly? a gift? a result of gacha game addiction? or last hope? Jacob Faust had finally received his system, but rather than living life as a normal dweller of the city, he found himself with a unique form of power, becoming a glitch of the system. The ability to steal and use the abilities of others for himself. --- Unbound by the light that shone on his city, instead by something else entire that promised to help accomplish his dreams, from wealth to vengeance for the ones who killed his family and friends in the war. But he isn't the only one born with this power, can he survive against them? SETTING SYNOPSIS Humanity had reached their peak centuries ago, creating the universal system for all to use, but their celebration was cut short as the beams of light broke through the earth and wiped out nearly all of humanity, leaving the survivors cursed and bound to the light, turning their gift of systems into a curse as the light controlled it fully. --- As time went on, wars erupted for power and territory. But a miracle happened, people unbound by the light were born, but bound by something else, one that promises great strength and wealth.

Razemaker · Fantasi
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34 Chs

Next Target

"It's thirty minutes before twelve, keep moving," Clara's silhouette was almost covered by the night light and large amounts of wheat, only able to know where she was by the sound of the wheat moving.

The team had walked for an hour now, the light from the burning camp could no longer be seen. But City H still remained visible to all of them in the distance.

"How many are we supposed to do again?" Ella sighed quietly.

"About five or so, it may change depending on City I," She replied.

"As long as I get some food and money to gamble with," Ella laughed before Zeph silenced her.

The drone flew ahead, seeing if they were at least near to the next camp.

Clara held up the tablet, eager to know more on what the enemy will do next. Seeing it, Jacob remembered that man…The janitor who dropped the bombs in his home.

"Is there any more info or stuff in there Ms Clara?" Jacob asked, holding his scythe.

"Not as much, this is simply based on the bombing he already did, but they keep repeating this same town," Clara replied, also confused by the location.

"We need to find more information on him now," Jacob spoke with impatience in his voice.

"Calm down, we will in time. For now obey City I and its orders, you will get what you wish for soon," Clara replied.

"Alright then," Jacob sighed and walked back to the others.


More minutes passed, and high winds pushed the wheat around, with the moon giving light for their path. His legs were starting to ache from the nonstop walk to the next target.

The wheat around them was larger than normal, catching Jacob's attention. They were going farther from the city.

"The wheat looks twice my size," Ella snickered, holding the wheat they passed by.

"We could make so much bread with this," She added.

"They were supposed to be for harvest before the city was attacked, could make fifty or more bread loaves from one wheat," Jacob quickly replied.

"Since you're a farmer, you think you could make some bread for us right now?" She chuckled before going back to silence again.

On the walk, Jacob noticed that the wheat around them continued moving, but the wind was weaker than earlier.

As she became quiet again, she let out a loud yelp. Turning around, they realized what happened, she was shot.

"Get down!" Clara shouted in a quiet tone. Everyone lay down on the ground while Ella groaned from the pain, with Rin next to her.

Jacob looked around, the wheat was moving slowly, but one spot seemed to be moving more than the others.

"If you manage to find them, kill them," Clara ordered.

Jacob stared at the group of wheat for the while. Bullets continued flying and hitting the ground, some just inches from the team.

'The wind is weaker, that must be the enemy,' Jacob thought.

He slowly got up, and threw his scythe at the group of wheat.

As the scythe vanished into the dark, cutting down many of the wheat plants, Jacob heard the familiar noise of the weapon striking a target, and multiple loud thuds.

"Well done Jacob, let us just hope that was the right target." Clara got up, rushing towards the site with her bow ready.

Running behind her, they found who was causing the ambush.

Three soldiers were dead, holding smaller and silenced rifles.

"Scouts, they must have heard of what we did, sending out scouts to report," Clara explained.

"Good shot, Jacob," Ella congratulated from behind, seeing the bodies of the scouts on the ground.

"This means they may expect us already," Zeph said. Clara knelt down, analyzing what she could from the dead bodies.

"Since they are here, the camp should also be closed, let us move before they realize their scouts are gone," Following her order, the team started moving faster.


Pushing away the thick and tall wheat, they spotted the new base.

Its size was the same with the last camp, but visibly more defended with some towers outside of it along with lights.

It resembled a storage facility, with dozens of crates and hovertrucks inside, one was already leaving the camp.

"Our best plan is to infiltrate and see what we can find, then destroy this place." Clara explained. The drone went ahead of them, staying out of sight and getting what data it could.

"From the looks of it, it seems to be less than a week old,' Clara explained.

"Less than a week?" Jacob asked her, confused. A camp of that size and defense should not be finished in less than a week, at least two or three weeks worth.

"Another advantage City G has, they are fast, from building to attacking," Zeph coldly replied.

From where they were, they could see soldiers patrolling outside as well, City G and traitors from other cities, more armored and armed than the last soldiers.

'Did they get upgrades now?' Jackb asked himself.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Ella commented, looking intently at the camp with a bit of concern.

"Calm down, we won in the last camp, this will be no different," Clara reassured. She looked at Zeph.

"Any suggestions Zeph?" His eyes widened, surprised by her question. He quickly moved up next to her, looking out at the camp.

He stared at the place for a while, glancing at Clara's screens.

The camp looked more maintained and more important than the last two, death was certain if they tried to fight head on.

"Surprising to ask a subordinate for a suggestion, but our best chance is finding gaps or cracks in the walls, dealing with snipers and the power of this place," He explained, Clara nodded in agreement.

"Indeed, first the towers, then the way in and power of the camp,"

She looked behind her, ready to say her plan to the team.

"Zeph and I will handle the other tasks, the three of you will handle the patrols and towers,"

Hope you enjoyed! leave a stone and comment if you wish to see more!

perhaps if 20 or 30 stones are reached, the next week will have two chapters a day

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