
Great Academy System

A legendary academy has been established, practicing perfect exercises that make the heavens and the earth tremble. The indomitable dean leads a group of teachers and students unafraid of the sky and earth to create a myth together!

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The undercurrent is surging

  In the woods outside the back door of the Sky Academy, Zhang Yu practiced all afternoon, and finally stopped practicing after almost destroying the trees in the entire forest.

As the sun set, Zhang Yu stretched, then lazily walked back to the college, dragging his long shadow.

On the way, Zhang Yu activated the Insight Technique and checked his current information.

  [Zhang Yu]

[Sex: Male]

 [Age: twenty-three years old]

 [Physical talent: ordinary bloodline, three-star inferior]

  [Perception talent: 3-star inferior]

  [Special Talent: Alchemy (Two Stars)]

 [Kung Fu: Extreme Martial Art (high ordinary level, nine levels in total, the highest can be practiced to the ninth level of Qixuan, with an average of 0 errors per level)]

[Martial arts: Dragon Elephant Strength (lower spiritual level, 231 mistakes), Fallen Leaf Sword Art (lower spiritual level, 285 mistakes), Shattering Finger (higher mortal level, 0 mistakes), Glimpse in the Sky (higher mortal level, 0 mistakes) 0 errors), slashing (medium ordinary level, 0 errors)]

  [Cultivation level: Qixuan Nine Layers]

  [Skills: Insight, Two Star Alchemy]

In just over a month, Zhang Yu has undergone earth-shaking changes in all aspects.

His life is also on the road away from the ordinary, going farther and farther.

 After checking his own information, Zhang Yu paid attention to the tasks that have not yet been completed.

  [Main mission six: Cultivate a two-star alchemist]

 [Main mission seven: Recruit Deng Qiuchan as a student of Cangqiong Academy]

 [Side mission: Rise to fame (requires reputation of 300,000, current reputation is 375)]

  Looking at the three unfinished tasks, Zhang Yu pondered and said, "[Main task 6] cannot be completed in a short time, but [Main task 7] and [Sub-task] may be completed within a few days."

Although Deng Qiuchan has a bad impression of Zhang Yu and Cangqiong College, and even looks down upon him, this does not mean that Zhang Yu has no chance to complete the task.

The Abyss Trial is about to begin. Once Deng Qiuchan sees the performance of the students of the Sky Academy in the Abyss Trial, she will immediately overturn her previous impression of Zhang Yu and the Sky Academy. At that time, Zhang Yu will play casually , this girl is not easy to catch?

 As for the [side mission], Zhang Yu doesn't have any detailed plans for the time being, so he can only take it as it comes.

 It is good if the task is completed, but there is no punishment if it is not completed, so Zhang Yu is not anxious at all and has a very relaxed attitude.


 Morning College.

Zhou Xun, who had not been seen for a long time, made a rare appearance in the conference hall of Chenguang College today.

  I saw Lin Haiya suppressing the excitement in his heart, and said to Zhou Xun with a blushing face: "Master Zhou, everything is ready, and I will trouble you when the time comes!"

He has been busy these days, arranging all the links and waiting for Zhang Yu to fall into the trap.

 Hurry, if they endure it for the last two days, they will be able to take revenge!

   Compared with Lin Haiya, Luo Yueshan is undoubtedly more excited. He has waited for this day for too long, and now, it is finally coming!

Looking at the expectant and nervous faces of Lin Haiya and Luo Yueshan, Zhou Xun smiled faintly: "Don't worry, as long as there are no mistakes on your side, Zhang Yu will definitely die."

   "Then let's wish Mr. Zhou every success in advance." Lin Haiya nodded and bowed, respectfully fawning.

Zhou Xun glanced at Lin Haiya and said calmly: "I will kill Zhang Yu, but don't forget that I have other tasks when I come to Huangcheng. Don't mess up other things for Zhang Yu."

   "You mean... the matter of rating the stars of Chenguang College and Yunshan College?" Lin Haiya was excited, and there was a touch of excitement on his face that could not be concealed.

  Luo Yueshan was a little calmer. He shook his head and said, "Old Lin, Mr. Zhou is not talking about star evaluation."

Lin Haiya's words originally made Zhou Xun frown, but after hearing Luo Yueshan's words, he relaxed his brows and said calmly: "In addition to judging stars, this deacon has a more important task, and that is ...Recruit a group of good talents for the academy in Fucheng." Originally, this task was handled by an ordinary member of his staff, but this time he came to Huangcheng in person and took care of it.

Hearing this, Lin Haiya suddenly broke out in a cold sweat and quickly lowered his head to apologize: "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhou, I forgot such an important thing. It's all my fault. I'm old and my brain is no longer used..."

"I think it's not that you're out of your mind, but that you don't take my deacon's affairs to heart at all." Zhou Xun was a little dissatisfied in his words. If it weren't for the fact that Lin Haiya and the deacon Du Ruoyun had a relationship, He might have already taught Lin Haiya a lesson now, and then walked away. "For the sake of the deacon, I won't argue with you this time, but I don't hope there will be a next time." He turned to Lin Haiya. Get a warning look.


 The Deng family.

Deng Qiuchan, who had just delivered a batch of goods in the afternoon, walked back to her solitary courtyard with a tired look on her face, took off her heavy armor and boots, washed them a little, then climbed onto the bed and lay down quietly.

  The strange thing is that she can fall asleep as soon as she closes her eyes, but today she tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep no matter what.

   After a long time, she opened her eyes, her beautiful eyes stared blankly at the beams of the house, and she didn't know what was going on in her mind.

"The trial of the deserted abyss..." Deng Qiuchan was silent for a long time, a rare tenderness of a little daughter flashed through her beautiful eyes. After a moment, she sighed faintly, "Wu Mo, are you really willing to stay in the deserted city?" Is it in the small academy?"

Having been in Fucheng for many years, she has naturally heard of behemoths like the "Hundred Academy Alliance", and she also knows better that the colleges in Huangcheng are nothing compared to those in the "Hundred Academy Alliance".

Not to mention the six-star college with the highest star rating in the "Hundred Colleges Alliance", even the inconspicuous one-star college among them is by no means comparable to any college in Huangcheng.

"Even if you can't get into a college with four stars or above, you shouldn't be stuck in a low-ranking college that can't even meet the star standard, right?" Deng Qiuchan felt very sorry and unworthy for Wu Mo, and quite a bit hated that iron cannot become steel. means.

   After all, with Wu Mo's talent, it is not hopeless to join a one-star academy or even an academy with a higher star!

In Deng Qiuchan's view, if Wu Mo really wants to surpass his father Wu Chen and become a legendary vortex realm powerhouse, the only way to go is to join a star academy!

   After a long time, there was another long sigh in the room.

   "Zhang Yu, Sky Academy, this time, let me, Deng Qiuchan, unveil your mystery, so that Wu Mo will no longer be bewitched by you!"


 Mao family.

In an exquisite private pavilion, a handsome young man dressed in fine clothes sat cross-legged. The spiritual energy around him was like ripples, slowly rippling and gathering towards the young man in circles.

"Only one step left to reach the sixth level peak!" The young man opened his eyes, took a deep breath, then carefully took out a wooden box from his arms, opened the wooden box, and picked up a vermilion pill in the center of the box. medicine, and then swallowed it.

  The next moment, the young man closed his eyes again and frantically performed the exercises.

After a few breaths, the young man's whole body trembled slightly, and a look of ecstasy suddenly appeared on his face. The spiritual energy around him suddenly accelerated and surged towards the young man.

After his cultivation was completely stabilized, the young man slowly opened his eyes. On his handsome face, there was a look of domineering and confidence that looked down on the world: "The seventh level of Qixuan, it's done!"

  Stayed in the sixth stage of Qixuan for several years, the young man finally succeeded in breaking through to the seventh stage of Qixuan before the start of this year's wild abyss trial!

"The three Start-up Pills that Grandpa sent me came just in time!" The young man stood up, the smile on his face getting brighter. "They saved me at least a year!" He knew very well, He still needs to practice for at least another year before he can touch the barrier between the peak of Qixuan Sixth Level and the Seventh Level of Qixuan. However, after taking three Qixuan Pills, he managed to break through to Qixuan in just one week. Seventh level.

"Great!" There was excitement in the young man's eyes. He clenched his fist vigorously and murmured: "This time, I want everyone in Huangcheng to understand that I, Mao Zangtian, am the number one genius in Huangcheng! Wu Wu That guy Mo is not qualified to compare with me! Also, Deng Qiuchan, I want you to know that in the entire deserted city, only I am worthy of you!"

   There is no doubt that this person is one of the three geniuses in the deserted city who are as famous as Wu Mo and Deng Qiuchan, the genius of the Mao family, Mao Zangtian!

However, few people know that both Wu Mo and Mao Zangtian like Deng Qiuchan at the same time, while Deng Qiuchan is closer to Wu Mo and mostly turns a blind eye to Mao Zangtian's various overtures.

   This made Mao Zangtian very jealous, but also extremely unwilling!

  Now, Mao Zangtian's cultivation has broken through to the seventh level of Qixuan, and he has regained his former self-confidence...

He wants to prove himself in the Huangyuan trial, prove that he is the number one genius in Huangcheng, and prove that he should be Deng Qiuchan's best choice. Even if he still cannot change Deng Qiuchan's mind in the end, he can at least prove that it is not him, Mao Zangtian. Poor, but Deng Qiuchan's vision is not good.

  "Master Zangtian." While meditating, the voice of a maid interrupted Mao Zangtian's thoughts, "The patriarch invites you to go to the conference hall."

Mao Zangtian nodded and smiled at the maid: "Okay, thank you for your hard work."

The maid was so fascinated by the smile that she couldn't move her eyes away. She shook her head shyly: "It's not hard work."

"By the way, where is Zang Feng?" Mao Zangtian enjoyed the maid's obsessive look. He kept a charming smile on his face and asked smoothly: "I don't seem to have seen him much recently. Do you know where he went? "

Hearing this, the maid whispered softly: "Master Zangfeng went to Xinglin to practice as soon as he came back."

Although Mao Zangfeng is also a direct young master of the Mao family, most people don't take him seriously. Apart from giving him a certain amount of respect on the surface, no one will take the initiative to care about his situation, unless they happen to meet him at Xinglin. After passing Mao Zangfeng once, this maid might not be able to answer Mao Zangtian's questions.

From this point, it can be seen that the treatment and status of Mao Zangtian and Mao Zangfeng, who are both direct young masters of the Mao family, are completely opposite.

If Mao Zangtian is the star in the sky, held in the palm of everyone's hands, then Mao Zangfeng is the mud in the water, and others feel dirty even if they touch it.

Mao Zangtian thought thoughtfully: "My cousin is as hardworking as ever!"

He didn't really care about Mao Zangfeng, he just wanted to get some words from Mao Zangfeng to understand Wu Mo's situation. As for Mao Zangfeng himself, he never paid attention to him from beginning to end. Although he always called him very affectionately, in his heart, he never cared about his cousin.