
Chapter 1

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to soar in the ocean blue sky? I imagine what my world would be like if I were a simple bird flying among the clouds. The sun hitting my spreaded wings as the light breeze guides me. My thoughts are short lived as I slam into the person coming out of the small coffee shop. I am furious and embarrassed at the same time. Please do not rip me a new one I thought. I get the courage to look up and find myself starring at the most gorgeous human I believe no scratch that I know I have ever laid my eyes on.

Staring at me with an expression I could not possibly read "Wow" he says which is exactly what I am thinking.

"Are you a mind reader?" I ask.

He smirks "No I mean Wow, your not even going to apologize for slamming into me and not only ruining my shirt but also my coffee."

My face drops I am seriously speechless, mortified, and a little aggravated.

"Yes, I am sorry that you came out of the coffee shop the exact same time I took a step which is usually needed to walk down the street."

His smirk widens "You clearly were not paying attention to where you were going" he says.

I hesitate before I respond since I truly was not paying attention to where I was going. I was gazing at the sky mostly at that stupid bird not that he could tell since I was wearing my sunglasses when I bumped into him. I quickly realized my sunglasses were not on my face and my expressions were visible for him to read. I cleared my throat I was not about to give into his accusations.

" Lets just call it even" I say. "Besides you broke my sunglasses" I said as I look down and seen them near his right shoe. "So I think that can compensate for your shirt at least."

He smirks again he really seems to full of himself.

"Fine, I think we can agree to disagree for now. Miss?" he asks.

My mind goes blank again. I do not even know how long it takes me to tell him my last name. Should I even tell him my name I thought? He could be a real creep for all I knew.

"Russo" I whisper.

"Well Miss. Russo" until we meet again he says.

"Right Mister?" I ask

"Eastwood" he states.

"Right, Mr. Eastwood I don't believe we will be meeting again." I quickly walk away feeling his eyes on my back and the sun blinding me still embarrassed as I try to remember where it was I was heading in the first place.

I finally arrive to the little boutique I was heading to before my morning had decided it had other plans for me. I couldn't stop thinking about those deep smokey gray eyes that had been staring so intensely at me. I ran my hand over the silk fabric of the dress hanging on the rack in the back of the store. I wondered if his tie felt the way this dress did. I instantly scolded myself. Get him out of your head Blair!

As I try and shake the thought of him I notice a figure out the window and see a familiar face. Oh my god it's him again! I hide behind the clothes rack praying he doesn't look in here and see me. I hear the door open and the bell ring. Please don't be him. Please don't be him. I chant in my head. I peak behind the rack and sure enough it's him! I have no intentions of seeing him again I try and sneak my way to the back door that says "employees only" on the sign. I almost make it when I hear a deep voice.

"Miss Russo" is that you?

I freeze. I want to keep going but how rude would that be considering this is my boutique and other customers surely heard him directly say my name. I take a deep breath and turn around and casually smile.

"How odd to see you so soon Mr. Eastwood."

He tries not to let my response shock him and I see the shock turn to amusement in his eyes. He really must not be use to women talking to him so abruptly.

"If I did not know any better why I think you were following me Miss Russo." He says so enlightened.

I almost laugh as I think to myself buddy I own this place I am surely not following you. I remind myself that he still could simply be a creep that followed me here so I keep my thoughts to myself as I respond.

"In your dreams Mr. Eastwood. I was simply coming to buy a new pair of sunglasses since my other ones seemed to of had a minor accident this morning." Liar I thought to myself as I wondered if he was in here for himself or someone else.

"Great minds think alike as I myself need a new shirt since my shirt seemed to also have a minor accident this morning as well." he smirked.

It was then I felt the guilt wash over me and I realized I really did not apologize for running into him and obviously ruining the start of his morning as well as my own.

"Well maybe I can repay you and help you find a new one my treat." I say to him.

A intrigued looked came over his beautiful perfect face as those smokey gray eyes scanned me up and down once again.

" That's quite the offer I surely was not expecting from you Miss. Russo."

I frowned at his response. so I guess he does think I am a jerk. Fair enough I thought since I was not exactly nice to him before walking away after ruining his shirt. At any rate I was not about to get all nice about it now.

"Do you want my help or not Mr. Eastwood?" His smiled deepened as he took a second to act as if he were thinking it over.

"I haven't been in this store before so if you are familiar with it I would gladly take your help."

I am more than familiar with it I own it I think to myself but I definitely will not be saying that out loud.

"As it so happens I am quite familiar with it. Lets go to men's section and see what we can find."

He nods his head as I walk towards him to lead the way to the other side of the store where the men's section is. We approach the section that has the more dressier shirts as I look for the button up dress shirts we had just recently gotten in. I find a white one that would suit him even though it's not as nice as the one he is wearing it's close enough.

"How's this?" I ask him as I I hold up the white button up shirt.

"Perfect." he says.

I nod my head and smile as I hand him the white button down shirt. He returns my smile with one of his own.

"Thank you" he says as he starts making his way to the counter.

I walk behind him catching the scent of his cologne. Heaven is what it smells like oh what I would give to wrap my arms around him and bury myself into that scent. He makes it to the counter and gives me one last smile as he waits for the cashier to ring him up.

"Thank you again Miss. Russo it was a pleasure to see you again so soon maybe next time it will be under different circumstances."

I was just about to give him another reassurance that I doubt I would be seeing him again when the cashier says "That will be $28.65." When he pulls his card out to pay my body deceives me once more.

"Actually put that on my tab Sally" I instantly blush at what just came out of my mouth. Mr. Eastwood looks at me with what is that look anger?

"That's quite alright I insist I pay for it" he says.

"Sorry sir" says Sally in her thick southern accent "Blair here is the owner you heard her it's on the house."

The look of shock for what seems like the tenth time today washes over his face as I once again blush instantly regretting that he now knows this boutique is actually mine.