
grand interpretation

what's happens when you give an opportunity to a jobless man? what happened when you give authority to an underdog, what happens when you give power to someone who hates the world? again I'll ask: What is the definition of a Violator? a person, government, etc. that goes against or refuses to obey a law, an agreement, etc. that's who I am.....

OceanStar · Fantasi
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43 Chs

chapter 5(starting of lessons)

three days after the gathering of tutor's and the baron

in the study room of the library emz and Amon where sitting face to face with a study table between them

and a chalkboard at the side and the bookshelf at the back, filled 90% with book

on the table was a packet of chalk,a small bag of gold dust and a small set of teaching material...

"we can start with history,with general information and after that we can proceed with the other's" Emz said

"okay ," Amon said

this continent's name is golddrake continent,

the golddrake continent is divided into regions 11

which are divided by different forces and power's

the main powers are;

the sky dwellers ; their floating mountain and island which house the Edeins as the ruler race which are being which looks like the being we call angel's on earth humanoid and with wings and the other minor races which inherited flying characteristics from birth and other flying lifeforms

darkdwellers: werewolves and vampire are ruler races of the darkdwellers a power which is comprised of beings of the dark like werewolves, vampires, ghouls etc

the occupy the dark lands and the obsidian mountainsides

Earthen alliance: a group comprised of beings of the earth like the dwarves,megget race,smorfs, leprechauns, gnomes, mountain reiners and others, having no sullied central of power but are one of the richest as a result of natural mineral

elderbeings: this is the congregation of a group of few of the firstborn beings in this world;

the giants,titans,and the pan's,

stories say must of the other races originate from them.

little is know about them accept that they live in the lost land's where only the their kind can navigate through,all other races who has tried to explore are either lost forever or lead back by the fogs

mythical origins;

this are a group of mythical creatures and their kins

dragon's, phoenix and the other mythical creatures plus their kins

demibeings; which are a near solid group of demi being or hybrid being if you must say;there occupy the central plains because of their large population and connection to almost if not all the races,with their ruling power being the leonel draco family which are a species of demi human with red dragon blood and Nemean lion bloodlines (note author added:the one killed by Hercules)

seadwellers ; after the 6 grand war of the continent,(the bleeding of golddrake); the sea creatures and oceanic dwellers,the merpeople, siren's,sea born,and the other being of waters came to an agreement when the ruler of the deep decided to unify the oceans and the sea's so the waters to not get enslaved by the surface world

the elementals; who are a free power which inhabit a pocket dimension located at the elemental islands,

the forest;

this are the care takers of the forest and the masters of the woods

the elves, dryads, Trent's, pixes, fairies, and other beings


the human races which occupy the south middle parts of the continent, the whitedragon empire which is the main center for humanity civilization, although humanity is the weakest,there have a thing or two going for them like their higher birthrates than most of the races and the elements having a great interest in them


the largest region going to the wild lands which is located close to the center and the southern parts

it's an area inhabited by monster, abominations,failed beings and mindless things

while emz was giving the lecture amon quickly flickering the pages of the book from page to page as if having no interest in the book or the lecture what so ever

but as if not seeing him, emz continued his lecture

Amon suddenly raised his right hand

"questions ?"emz asked

"yes...may I ask"

'what would you ask child....I find it interesting to find out what you would ask as you seemed not interested in the study's'emz though

'let me guest....is thinking of my race right' emz continued his train of thought

"sir emz if you find it offensive....but what is an half moon elf doing so far from the central plains?"

emz was taken aback as he was told Amon had no formal education except bedtime stories and light conversation with his sister

"did your parents or sister tell you I was an half moon elf or did you speculate it your self...if so how exactly"

"I just found the description similar to your image"amon started

"oh? then why did you not mistake me for a half dark elf but a moon type instead?" emz ask with interest

"because according to the description, your character and behavior you fall more into the category of moon elf than the dark counterpart"amon confidently started

"what are there?" emz ask with interest

"you seem to be of a lighter complexion and have small cooling aura around you,your is occasionally flash with a silver hua and you have a small string of silver hair hidden in your hair's,you speak in form devoid of must unneeded emotions.....if my evaluation is correct"Amon stated forgetting that he is a 3 year old