
GoWT Game of the World Tree

In The Elf Kingdom, the War of Gods 1000 years ago caused the fall of the World Tree. In a world where true gods rule, the fall of the elven civilization came soon after. A 1000 years has passed, the new World Tree is now reborn. Eve Uktrahir, the Mother of Nature, the Goddess of Life, the Great Ruler of Elves. Armed with the ability to connect to the Internet on the blue planet, He (yes, He) now must rely on players from the blue planet to help His goal of reviving the past glory of the elves and the World Tree. Edited from MTL Site Wtr For Self Reading I'll try to continue until there is official translation If you can help, then help :)

ShazeSensei · Komik
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82 Chs

Elemental Meditation


Li Mu and Demacia were stunned at the same time.

Demacia's eyes lit up:

"In other words, martial arts secrets in online games?"

Cuckoo Bird carefully looked at the slate, nodded, and shook her head again:

"It's not quite like it, it's more like how to exercise magic power..."

"Hey! That's the secret!"

Demacia slapped his thigh, looking excited.

The elven warrior also needs to consume mana to release certain skills, and it is still useful for him to exercise mana.

"Exercise magic?"

Li Mu's eyes also brightened.

As a Druid, magic is of course the source of his power.

"However, I can only see a general idea. The specific content is estimated to be identified by Alice."

Cuckoo Bird said.

After speaking, she hesitated for a while, and asked a little embarrassedly:

"That...if Alice promises to help you analyze the contents of the slate and teach you how to exercise, can you teach me?"

She is very curious about the content of this suspected meditation slate, and she is also a mage now. If it is really about mage meditation, it will be quite useful to her.

Li Mu and Demacia smiled at each other, and answered cheerfully:

"no problem!"

Then, they hurried to find Alice with the slate.


Inside the side hall of the Temple of Nature.


Hearing Li Mu's words, the elf girl who was scrubbing the statue stopped.

Alice turned around, took the slate from Li Mu's hand, and began to examine it carefully.

After a while, she looked happy:

"It is indeed a meditation method, and it is an 'elemental meditation method' that has been lost by the elves. It can be directly used in the upper ranks of silver! The 'elemental meditation method' is a very effective meditation method. It is said to increase magic power and Elemental Affinity!"

It's really meditation! And it has been able to use silver all the time!

Li Mu and Demacia looked overjoyed.

You must know that the current version of this game is capped at level 40, and level 40 is the pinnacle of black iron!

Being able to use silver, doesn't that mean that the next-generation version can be used?

It's a powerful meditation method!

"Then... Excuse me, if you turn in these slates, how many rewards will you get? Also, can we learn this meditation method?"

they asked expectantly.

Alice looked at the slate for a while, then shook her head:

"No way, I can't see some key information on this slate, so I can't restore the meditation method. As for how many rewards, this... I'm not sure, everything must be sacrificed to the Mother Goddess. I'll find out later."

After so many days of getting along, Alice already knew that there seems to be some kind of connection between the Mother Goddess and these Chosen Ones, or... a deal.

When the chosen ones complete their tasks, the Mother Goddess will give them power.

This also made her understand why the Chosen One had no faith, but still worked so hard.

Most of them seem to have an intense, pathological quest for power, even more so than humans.

"Ah? Can't restore?"

In an instant, Li Mu and Demacia felt as if they had been splashed with cold water, and their hearts were half cold.

Seeing Li Mu's lost expression, Alice hesitated for a while, and said uncertainly:

"But... Maybe the Mother Goddess has a way to repair it. If you want to restore it, just pray to the Mother God when you sacrifice to Him."

After she finished speaking, she glanced at Li Mu and had some thoughts in her heart:

Perhaps... this is an opportunity for the Chosen One to accept nature and become believers?

Pray to the goddess?

Li Mu and Demacia looked at each other, and their hearts moved.

They didn't think of Alice's idea of ​​teaching, but made up more...

Demacia approached Li Mu's ear and said excitedly:

"Story mission! Brother Mu, I guarantee my experience in starting the main storyline. This is definitely a hidden story! Maybe the reward is the law of meditation!"

After listening to Demacia's words, Li Mu was also looking forward to it.

In fact, his views are similar.

The two looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

"Since that's the case, then ask Sir Alice to set up a sacrificial circle to help us complete our mission."

Li Mu asked Alice respectfully.

Alice nodded:

"Wait a minute, I'll be ready."

True God and believers have the advantage of being in the same plane, that is, the cost of sacrifice is quite low.

Not only did Eve spend less divine power, but the believers also spent less.

So as long as He doesn't find it annoying, he can let believers sacrifice and play every day.

Soon, Alice drew the sacrificial circle.

After praying earnestly in the direction of the World Tree, she began to try to ask the Mother Goddess for a response...


The moment Alice prayed, Eve felt the trembling of Faith Photon.

He stopped repairing the Soul Storage Orb and turned his attention curiously.

"Is it Alice? Is this something to sacrifice?"

Thinking like this, his heart moved:

"Could it be... Did the players really find something in the ruins?"

Thinking of this, Eve opened the sacrifice channel and accepted the sacrifice from the Holy Mother of Nature.

Along with a burst of light, several slates appeared in his divine space.

"Huh? Slate?"

Eve looked curiously.

"It turned out to be the history of elves!"

She was a little surprised.

"Huh? And a meditation!"

Eve was surprised to see the contents of one of the slates.

With the cultivation method, even if it is broken, Eve can easily repair it with her own strength without spending too much divine power.

Not only that, if he wants, he can go a step further and deduce a higher-quality meditation method based on the existing meditation method!

Of course, Eve doesn't plan to do this now. The players' level is not high, and it is enough for them to spend a few tenths of their divine power to repair the existing meditation method.

Thinking of this, He used divine power to repair the meditation method on the spot, and it was restored in a blink of an eye.

Well done these two players!

Looking at the "Element Meditation" in front of her, Eve was very satisfied.

He readily used his divine power...

Soon, the system box for completing the task appeared in the field of vision of Li Mu and Demacia, and everyone was rewarded with 3000 experience points and 500 contribution points.

"This...is it over?"

Looking at the system prompt in the field of vision, the two were a little stunned.

And Alice quickly winked at Li Mu:

"The sacrificial passage is still open. The Mother Goddess can hear your prayers. If you have any wishes, you can say it quickly."

Hearing Alice's reminder, Li Mu's eyes lit up.

He quickly learned the girl to kneel on one knee, and drew a symbol of the mother of nature on his chest, with a pious expression:

"Praise the Mother of Nature, Praise the Goddess of Life, and Praise the Great Elf Lord Eve Uktrahir! Beautiful and noble Goddess, we hope you can help us repair the law of meditation and teach us the method of meditation!"

Somewhere, Eve heard a prayer from Li Mu.

He was slightly taken aback, pondered for a moment, and quickly figured out the cause and effect.

Seeing Li Mu's similar prayer movements, he burst into a smile:

"These fellow villagers are really adapting quickly."

Although he was just pretending, Li Mu's expression really looked like a believer.

But then again, even if Li Mu didn't pray, he still intends to perfect this meditation method and pass it on to the players.

Eve is not worried that after passing on the cultivation methods of the world of Seggs to the players, it will affect the reality on the Blue Star side.

Because Blue Star's energy level is too low, it can't support players' cultivation at all. Players practice in reality, at most, they can strengthen their bodies.

Of course, it is also paid to teach him to players.

Originally, Eve's plan was to put it in the exchange system for players to exchange, but since Li Mu had prayed for the teaching, thinking of his identity as the discoverer, Eve decided to directly pass the meditation method to the two of them.

"Well, as discoverers, you should also enjoy the fruits of discovery."

Thinking of this, Eve translated the perfect meditation method into Chinese, and sent it into the system of Demacia and Li Mu, and officially activated the exercise exchange function and auxiliary cultivation function that had been prepared.