
GoT: Edward Stark [Hiatus]

Edward Stark youngest of Eddard Stark. Come and see what changes brought when Jon was in Edward care as his son. Author's note: well excuse it if it taste wishfullment story. To be honest I didn't understand what wishfullment is. Enjoy

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19 Chs

Chapter 8. Eddard Stark leaving the North. 

By the next week, the children spent their time playing and sometimes training with their weapons. Sansa being the one wielding spear while Arya carries her rapier. Bran and Jon uses sword.

"Aye, Bran what happens you almost lost your grip of your sword. Want your sister to be more gentle?" Arya taunted her brother who was sparring with her.

"Don't be so smug, I'm just giving chances" launching forward Bran swing downward which Arya sidestep then tap at Bran shoulder with her blunt rapier.

"Good job lass" walking over the master of arms of Moat Geralt compliment and patted Arya back. "Bran you need to control the impulse don't let it control you. Also that also a good job for you"

"Geralt, the kids needed by their uncle. Heard the King have close by" Ross came and call for the kids.

"Aye" looking back at the kids he said "alright lads time to go and prepare yourselves"


Eddard Stark had made his choice. He had take the king's offer despite his wife words. Looking back at Winterfell and his wife and sons one last time he sigh and ride along the King.

They ride for and hour then have coming to a cross road.

"Brother be safe. You must be safe or there will be war. You know what happens when father and brother goes there and died. Edward almost start a slaughter and almost become mad if I wasn't there" Benjen said to his brother and was struggling to say something

"I will brother, Robert needed my helps" Ned answer then look at him, "What is it brother?"

"Sigh, Brother doesn't want me to let you know as you leaving South but I must warn you" he look around then whisper, "the white walkers have return. Edward have started preparation but I felt like it not enough. There's dragonglass at Dragonstone please ask some to be delivered to Moat Cailin Ed knows what he will do with them"

Eddard eyes widen in surprise and look at his brother in bewilderment. "Why anyone never told me?"

"Ed said you too naive. But I felt like I need to tell you. Also don't tell anyone, brother need to keep the realm in peace and to avoid being invaded from the south"

"No, the realm need to know this. He's so prideful that he didn't want anyone to laugh at him"

"No, brother said the south will conspire against the North and take it as there territory we will not allow that"

"But if we tell the King.."

"BROTHER!" Everyone look at them with confusion why the brothers were arguing.

"YOU ARE A STARK!!" Saying the last piece Benjen rode off.

Watching his brother's back he sigh as he was told the same thing when he first took Aegon from Lyanna now Benjen also remind him again. "Aye, I'm a Stark" turning his horse he join Robert on his horse.


Late at night at Winterfell.

"Mother, there's something you need to know from Uncle owl" Robb handed a letter to her then sat behind desk tally all the coast of the feast and also to see how much they have.

"NO!!!" suddenly Catelyn scream and tore of the letter.

"What is it mother?" Robb was startle by the sudden screaming.

Catelyn didn't said anything as she cried sitting on her chair. Robb tries to calm her then she stood up. "I need to visit my sister, no I visit Edward first"

"But mother what the news?"

"He said that my sister conspire against Arryn death. I want to know if it is the truth"

"Uncle Edward will not give false information. You know that"

"Yes, I know. I also knows he had spies at South from the Twins to Essos" she said crying again scared of this information. If what he write true then her friend Petyr Baelish have hold onto her Sister and will try to kill Eddard. 'No, it wasn't meant to be this way. I never love Baelish he was just my friend'

"Mother is there something you want to tell me?" Robb walks to her and asked?

"There's nothing I'm just worried what will be happens if your father took the girls with him"

"Aye, I'm also worries but I bet uncle will prevent that and will likely threaten the King's entourages if they didn't leave the girls be"


At Moat Cailin.

"Ned, What do you say? Can you persuade your brother the hand of your daughters? Sansa will be Queen when Joffrey became King after me and Arya can marry Tommen" Robert try to persuade Eddard to ask His daughter marriage. He also felt slightly afraid of Edward when they were kids, Edward always bullied him also beat him when he visited a whorehouse when he was engage with Lyanna Stark. He try his luck to fight Edward but found the man to be mad. He fight like a feral beast always hit low up. Edward also a skillful swordman.

"Aye, I'll try my best. But please station your best sword around your son or he will try to kill him. I know my brother" Robert have a grim face when he heard Edward will kill his son. "He's too overprotective, ain't he?" "Aye"

The gate lowered as Edward walks out with all the children donned a training attire with all their weapons in hand. Robert was surprise to see this as he didn't think Sansa will hold a weapon. He looks at Arya and felt impress she stand like elegantly with the weapon at her side she was perfect warrior a beautiful one. He turn to Bran he also found the boy to be an outstanding soldier there's discipline in him same with Jon but all the image were destroy by this wildling Edward.

"Welcome to Moat Cailin, Your Grace" he step forward while looking at his brother death stare. "Have bread and salt"

"Now, have rest before sundown. First light by the morrow you can go on"

"Is that how you treat your King?" Eddard said from the side feeling ashamed of his brother.

"Oh, excuse me manners Hand Of The King" sarcastic saying looking at Eddard. "Please Your Grace the Moat Cailin is Yours" bowing mockingly.

"Edward I'm a King now!" Robert shouted from his horse.

"So what!!! You took my brother. When my elder brother and Father visit Kings Landing they lost their lives" Suddenly he stood up and retort the King.

"I know I'm sorry for that but this was different. Different time different Kings. Ned won't be in harms way"

"Aye, me found out he in harms way. Me declare war!!" Retreating back to the Moat Edward smirk he loves his episode they always helps him calm his messy brains. The next thing he knew he could be happy but then suddenly he was furious ahaha. Bless him with these episodes.

"Sorry, Robert about Edward. You know him he always direct"

"Yes, don't worry about it Ned. I know him thankfully he didn't draw his sword or I will rest here. You know he was scary, how come these people love him?" Robert look at the people who welcome him and felt scared. His first visit the Moat when riding to Winterfell was an eye opener when his guard molest a waitress he lost his hand the next day. The guard tries to retaliate but all the villagers takes arms and surround his fellow gold cloaks that was scary.

"Mm" answering the King Eddard walks to the tallest building where his brother reside. The Moat have change drastically, now it can be called the strongest Fortress. All the way from Saltspear to Blazewater was fortified will wall and also towers manned with ballistas and scorpions.

Walking inside his brother solar he saw that he play with his children of conquest.

"Mind if I joined?" All the mixed eyes look at him from blue, brown and black.

"Aye. Choose your land"

Taking Kings Landing and the Crownland pieces he sat down. Looking at Jon he command the Dorne and Reach, Sansa The North, Arya iron island and Riverland and Westerlands. Bran Vale of Arryn while Edward command Stormland.

"Okay, reset the pieces. Now the Conquest was to rescue an Hostage for the North, Riverland and Westerlands blocks the road. Arryn do what you see fit conquer the Kings Landing or helps the North. I will try and Usurp the throne and take it, Arya man the twin and Riverland and Iron island your call, Sansa as I said rescue, brother you tries to hold to your kingdom. Now all raven allowed to be send. Let start"

They play and move their pieces and found out that Arya have betray Sansa when she sent a small squid to ask help from the Kraken but it seem he betray the North and seem to kill the King from inside now Eddard was hold hostage. Dorne and Reach bade their time moving their pieces helping both side but always retreating. They were to concentrate that they didn't saw Robert walks in and watch from the side drinking from Ed stash.

Robert was awe by the commanding abilities of the kids and was also captivated. When he saw Kings Landing was filled with Westerlands banners he knew it has fall. The lone wolf immediately executed by the young stag. Arya plays the mad and fetish of Joffrey well. Robert shook his head at the stupidity of Westerlands and saw Sansa move her force strongly and successfully ambushes the cripple Lion who he didn't know who that is. Sansa took her small piece meaning it was a hidden plan and when she saw the opportunity she place them around the marching pieces of Westerlands.

After the final battle he saw that Sansa force was betrayed again inside the blue twin tower during marriage breaking guest right. While the Erye have march to intercept the Lannisters while Stormends lay siege to the Kingdom which cause a devastating battle with Jon came up winning.

"Ahahaha" they suddenly woke up from the boisterous laugh of Robert "that a great game. You all have good commanding ability. I wish my children also have those qualities. But Arya tell me why did the twin betray all of North Men all of a sudden?"

"Aye, Arya why did you break guest right?" Eddard also ask.

"Well uncle said that war was an unfair game. There's no honor if you can win. And knowing the mastermind behind Westerlands he will bribe the Frey who have no honor"

"Ahaha that good what about Kings landing?"

"Ah it easy our Red cloak works there why not choose them ahaha" both Robert and Eddard face scrunched at that.

Edward suddenly laugh out loud when he thought about it too and looking at the current state of Kings Landing it was surrounded by Lannisters. "Ahahahah, well done my Niece!" "You too son" patting Jon shoulder he also felt happy he was able to take all the opportunities.


Author's note: the game was played on a map like charter, with all the pieces carrying numbers signifying the nō of troop they can also hold some piece for secret moves, etc.

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