
Soldiers of Light

POV: Baelon

After 4 long months, the wall is done, during the wall process we increased the size from 10 meters high to 30 meters high, and we realized that some monsters can climb and jump, we also inscribed lightning runes on the wall, if an animal tries to climb it will get a shock.

During these months I taught the mana technique to Sophie and Illyana, they both learned fast, and probably in a month, they finished their black core.

I decided that I will not give the bloodline to Illyana, I will give the elven bloodline to her when she reaches the light red stage.

I also explained to her how this world worked, and told her about Westeros, Essos, Valiria, monsters, and other worlds.

I am in the library making the space rings and have also learned about runes of time and space and how difficult they are to manipulate.

I am finishing the ninth space ring and I will give it to everyone in the base, even Sophie who is a child, but I did not make it for Galadriel who is a baby.

Galadriel likes to eat and sleep, she likes to fly in Munin, and walk in Skoll.

The relationship between Sophie and Illyana is already very good, and it seems that Sophie has already realized that Illyana will be her mother.

During these months, the Behemoths contacted me and told me about the strange actions of the demons in the desert, who seem to be fighting against another race and seem to be losing.

The behemoths said that this other race came out of the same black hole that the demons came out of, and started to set up a city in the desert.

They said that this race is large, has a green body, has long teeth, rides on wolves, and likes to fight.

Looking in the Bible, I saw that according to these specifications, they are called Orcs, a race of warriors and magicians, considered a high-level civilization, and like to invade and destroy worlds.

Their race is considered one of the most dangerous in the universe because of their countless numbers. According to the book, the Orc mages draw their magic from a dimension called "The Green".

Because of this energy, orc magicians are powerful and long-lived, normal magicians have tried to use this energy but were killed in seconds because of its volatility.

They have gone to war several times with the '' Wizarding World " They have sometimes won and that is something to be scared of, the "Wizarding World" is the oldest and most powerful world known, they easily dominate worlds when they want to.

I have to make my empire stronger as quickly as possible, I have to find soldiers quickly.

After advancing to the yellow core and becoming a level 3 wizard, I had access to the most powerful and destructive magic.


Lightning Spear: Create a lightning spear that can kill a level 3 monster. 35PM

Fire Trap: Everything within 200 meters will catch fire. 36PM

Creating Ephemeral Items: Create a mundane object from dead plant matter.30PM

Tornado: Create a small tornado that lasts 10 minutes, and use it in the battle to confuse and disorient your enemies. 38PM

Giant Fireball: Create a 30-meter-long fireball to destroy your enemies. 38PM

Reinforced chains: Cast a chain that will pin your enemies to the ground. Used on creatures up to level 3, use it when you want to get information. 32 MP


I didn't have much interest in these spells in the book, so I asked Atlas to make a spell to create an army for the empire.

[ Host will take 12 days and 3 hours to complete this spell ].

I will continue using only my spear of light, it is very strong and cheap to use, and there is no reason for me to stop using it.

Going to the crystal hall, we enter and go towards the meeting room, I and Illyana sit down and wait for everyone to arrive.

After 2 min everyone arrives and we start talking about what we will do now.

''Guys now that we have finished the wall and reinforced it, Arvid you will go to Essos with Alex, Brandon, and Arthur. ''

'' You will take people who are willing to come to the island ."

"You can leave it to me, sir," Arvid said.

"Take these rings, with these rings your journey will be easier."

I give the rings to Mom, Dad, Illyana, Alex, Maria, Brandon, and Arvid, 2 rings are left for me and Sophie.

I look at them and see their eyes sparkle in joy.

The rings are golden and have a white sun inscribed on the ring, and I also put protection runes on them. When they are in moments of near-death, they activate a shield that protects the wearer.

They thank me and leave the room, I trust that they have succeeded, my father has already reached the dark orange core, Arvid is on the light red, Alex is on the light red, and Brandon is on the light red, I thought it would be too risky to give them those red potions.

I ask Illyana to take the ring to Sophie and warn her never to take it off her finger.

I go towards the forge, I will start to make the new armor for my family, I have a piece of metal of 4 meters taken from the behemoth, this metal according to Atlas is 4x harder than Mithril, I go to the huge forge and put the big piece of this metal in it, I turn on the forge and the temperature starts to increase.

I asked the atlas to pass to my brain everything about forging, and how to forge armor.

/12 days and 3 hours /

It's been 10 days since they left for Essos, we all went to the beach to say goodbye, and the wall reaches the coast, so it's safe to go and come back without worrying.

The first wall which is only 1 km from the base was named '' Light Wall", and the second wall which is the longest wall that covers everything 10 km from the base was named "Peace Wall".

The people who will arrive will live between the "Wall of Peace" and the "Wall of Light".

I am finishing the armor and swords, in 1 day I will finish them.


' Atlas finished the spell? '


[ Soldiers of Light: Use the body of a dead monster or soldier and revive it using the power of the light dimension, it will just be a soulless body, but it will have the power it had before it died, this spell will evolve with you .]

[ Level 0 monsters: 2 MP ]

[Monsters level 1: 5 PM]

[Monsters level 2: 10 MP ]

[Monsters level 3: 20 MP] [Monsters level 3: 20 MP]

'' This spell is very strong " I speak with my eyes glowing with emotion.

I head towards the forge to finish inscribing the runes.

The armors are made of the metal I baptized " Behe's Metal ", metal from the behemoths.

The female armors are made according to each person's measurements, I had to take Illyana's, Mother's, and Aunt Maria's measurements.

These armors are silver and cover the entire body except the head, you can wear this armor during the day because it has bearskin underneath, and there are several runes inscribed on them, speed runes, strength runes, endurance runes, and weight runes.

The male armors are also made to measure, so some are larger and some are smaller.

They are silver and have several runes inscribed on them for endurance, strength, speed, and weight runes.

These are the new runes I discovered in a forgotten book in the library, the strength runes give +5 points in strength, speed runes give +5 points in speed, the weight rune decreases the weight of the armor, the armor weighs almost 2 tons, with the weight runes I got the armor to weigh 200kg.

I just did not make swords for me and Illyana, I already have my sword, and she already has her sword.

The swords I made for my family are silver and even a little blue, the swords are 1.15 meters long and weigh 100 kg, they have endurance runes, sharpening, strength, and weight runes.

I take all the armor and swords in my new space ring, the new space rings I made have 10 cubic meters.

Leaving the forge I hear an explosion outside the base and run to it, arriving there I see Sophie and Illyana on the ground and realize that they have awakened.

I jump into the crater and catch them with telekinesis, I create with my new spell two beds and put them.

The mother comes with Galadriel on her lap running to us.

''Son are they ok?

'' Yes, they just awakened the core ."

They wake up and ask where they are and I explain that they have awakened the core and moved on to the black core.

Sophie jumps for joy and starts screaming that she will never train the core technique again, she hated sitting still for hours.

And I explain to her that if she wants to become strong she has to train in the core technique.

I look at Illyana and she's happy, she trained hard to advance in these months, and I ask Illyana to take Sophie to the shower.

I open my wings and fly up to the sky, heading west, a place I haven't explored yet, passing the "Wall of Peace" in a few seconds and heading towards the forest.

Atlas finds animals that will be useful as a soldier of the light.


[Giant wolf level 1: 300 ]

I go towards the giant wolves and see that they are not so nice, I take out my sword and start killing, I don't cut any body parts, I need them intact.

After killing all the giant wolves, I put them together in order and start trying to transform them, with my current mana of 580 MP, I can transform 116 wolves into my soldiers.

I place my hand on his head and say, "Arise.

The giant wolf that used to be gray has now turned into a wolf made of light, 2 meters tall. The wolf looks at me and kneels in respect, he gets up and goes after me.

I do this with all the giant wolves, sometimes they work and other times they go wrong, behind me there is a total of 110 wolves made of light.

Remembering that a level 1 monster can kill up to 8 men of armor.

I take from my ring a mana potion and recover all my mana in a few minutes, go towards the other bodies and say "Arise".

My mana runs out and I quickly take another mana potion, I see 112 wolves going with the other wolves and speak again '' Arise ".

Again comes some more wolves and I sit down to rest, I start counting the total number of wolves and I currently have, 282 wolves of light under my command.

I open my wings and fly to the base, I pass through the west gate of the '' Wall of Peace '' and open it for the wolves to pass, I pass the command for them to go to the base, arriving at the base I quickly enter and call everyone to see the wolves arriving.

'' Baelon why did you call us? '' asked Illyana

"Wait and see"

We wait a few minutes and they see 280 wolves passing by the "Wall of Light".

Wow, what's that? Sophie asked

An empire needs soldiers

Daddy give me one please" Sophie said grabbing my leg

'' No, you already have Fenrir, skoll, and Munin to play with.

''But they don't glow.''

"That's no argument.''

''They will be part of the soldiers who protected the '' Peace Walls '', they will search and exterminate any animals or people who try to enter the walls. ''

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